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Jean Driscoll can go faster in her wheel...

Jean Driscoll can go faster in her wheelchair than the world’s best marathoners can run!

In April, Jean finished the Boston Marathon in 1 hour 34 minutes 22 seconds. That’s about 33 minutes faster than the winning male runner! She competed on the track, too. She was second in the 800 meter wheelchair race at the 1992 Olympics.

Jean doesn’t like to be told she’s brave. “I’m in sports because I’m a competitive person!” Jean was born with spina bifida(脊柱裂), a birth illness that damages the spine(脊椎). She began to use a wheelchair to get around in high school. Then she tried wheelchair race and was amazed.” Players banged each other and fell out of their chair,” she  says, “It was fun.”

Jean tried other wheelchair sports. At the University of Illinois, her wheelchair basketball team won two national titles.

Now Jean coaches and teaches. She tries to get people to set goals. “When I sign my autograph(亲笔签名),says Jean, “I write, dream big and work hard.”

1.What made Jean take part in sports?

A.She was brave.  B.She was competitive.

C.She was strong. D.She was disabled

2.What kind of education did she receive?

A. High school.  B.Junior middle school.

C.High education.  D.Primary school.

3.What is Jean’s advice on how to succeed?

A.Work hard.        B.Hope for the best.

C.Dream a lot.      D.Have great wishes and work hard.


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇励志性文章,讲述的是一个残疾人在体育方面获得成功为国争光的故事。 1.B细节理解题。据第第三段第一句话:Jean doesn’t like to be told she’s brave. “I’m in sports because I’m a competitive person!”因为我是一个有竞争力的人,可以判断出B正确 2.C细节理解题,根据第三段第二句话She began to use a wheelchair to get around in high school.可以判断出他上完高中,故选C 3. 考点:人物介绍类短文阅读。


Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes     dark to you? Are your lessons sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and     all the time. If you see the world  with your warm heart, you'll find the whole world smiling to you.

On a sunny morning, you plan to have a walk to relax yourself. Just before you go out, it    starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why        sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops (庄稼) in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest (收成).

      everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, life isn't a bed of roses. It's very common to meet difficulties on the way to success.      , difficulty isn't terrible. The real terrible thing is that we are afraid of it. Difficulty is      a spring (弹簧). If you are    , it will be strong. So when you meet difficulties, don't give up. Instead you should face them with a smile.

Attitude (态度)     everything. With an optimistic (乐观的) attitude, life is easy and     . If you want to be happy, try to remember these five rules: Free your heart from hate; Free your mind from worries; Live an easy life; Give more; Expect less. The quickest way to receive happiness is to smile, the fastest way to lose it is to complain.

1.A. is         B. seems           C. seemed     D. seem

2.A. cry        B. smile           C. complain   D. laugh

3.A. suddenly   B. finally         C. hardly     D. certainly

4.A. don't      B. not            C. didn't    D. doesn't

5.A. But        B. For            C. So        D. Although

6.A. In fact    B. From early on   C. For example D. Such as

7.A. unlike    B. likes           C. likely     D. like

8.A. powerful   B. weak          C. confident  D. strong

9.A. decides    B. deciding        C. to decide  D. decide

10.A. please    B. pleased         C. pleasant    D. pleasure



—Forgotten something ? I can look after your kids if you want to go and get it.

—_________. Thank you all the same.

A. It's very kind of you.        

B. Oh, how careless of me.

C. I might as well go and get it.

D. Well, I can do without it.



It _____that this method didn't work well.

A. run out B. find out C. turned out D. worked out



There is a hole _____ the wall. The wind is blowing in ______the hole.

A. on; through    B. in; through  C. on; in   D. in; from



His grandfather joined the Party in _______and passed away in ______.

A.1960s; his eighty  B.1960; his eighties

C. the 1960s; eighty  D. the 1960s; his eighties



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