满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Complete the dialogue with proper words ...

Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

A: Good moming, Granny. 1._______?

B: Oh, boy.  It’ s difficult for me to breathe.


B: I have been like this since last week.


B : No.   I haven t seen the doctor. The chemical factory produces terrible  gas. It makes my chest hurt.

A: 4._____.Pollution causes too many problems.I think I should write to the newspaper about these problems.


A:  You re welcome.


1.What ‘ s wrong with you? 2.How long have you been like this? 3.Have you seen a doctor? 4.That ‘ s too bad. /I’ m sorry to hear that. 5.Thanks. /Thank you /Thanks a lot. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据应答语It’ s difficult for me to breathe.可知这里是在问怎么啦,所以填写What ‘ s wrong with you? 2.根据应答语I have been like this since last week. 可知这里是在问像这样多久啦,所以填写How long have you been like this? 3.根据应答语No. I haven ’ t seen the doctor. 可知这里是在问看医生了吗,所以填写Have you seen a doctor? 4.联系上句The chemical factory produces terrible gas. It makes my chest hurt 结合下句Pollution causes too many problems.可知这里是在说那太糟了,所以填写That ‘ s too bad. /I’ m sorry to hear that. 5.根据应答语You ‘ re welcome. 可知这里是在表示感谢,所以填写Thanks. /Thank you /Thanks a lot. 考点:补全对话。

Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once.

A: Hi, Kathy! Do you have a plan for tomorrow?

B: Not yet. 1.

A: I plan to go to the book store.  Would you like to go with me?

B: Fine.  2.

A: Well,I want to buy some story books.

B: Great.  What kind of books do you like?

A:   3.    What about you?

B: I’d like to read stories like Gone with the Wind.

A: I know that book.   4.

B: You are right. Have you read any books by young writers born in the 1980s?

A: Oh, I like reading their writings on the Internet.

B:Haha!  5.

A: That’ s right.

A.I plan to watch TV

B.lt’s a good way to save money.

C.What kind of books are you going to buy?

D.What are you going to do?

E.I like short stories best

F.It’ s really a great book in America.



Every day we have a math class. We always show        interest in it. Some sleep, some daydream, others read something else.       listens to our math teacher. To       this problem, our clever math teacher found a       out at last.

Mr. Black thought since everyone liked candy, the only way to        0ur attention was to give us candy.  A clever       came upon him’.He put a lot of candy inside a big ball that any-one could        . In class he asked us some questions. When anybody answered one question        .  Mr.  Black would throw the ball to the student and the student could        some of the candy out of the ball. Then, the student would have to throw the ball to the       with the right answer, and as that.

The idea        us all sit up and pay attention for a while but soon almost all of us went back to        . We all ate too much candy. The only person in our  math class who       liked the idea was a fat boy named Ward.  He just       eating and eating until finally even Mr.  Black had to say, “I’m        . Ward, but I just don’t have enough money to buy you candy. “

1.A. great     B. much     C. little

2.A.Everyone B.Someone   C.Nobody

3.A. do       B. solve     C. make

4.A. ball      B. question C.way

5.A.get       B.pay       C.give

6.A. advice    B.idea      C. head

7.A. keep     B. eat       C. open

8. A. quickly   B. calmly   C. correctly

9.A. take       B. send     C. receive

10.A. student   B. teacher  C. next one

11.A.made      B.called    C.forced

12.A.listen     B.sleep     C.eat

13.A. never     B. also      C. still

14.A. stopped  B. helped    C. kept

15.A.sorry      B.glad      C.excited



.-----1’11 never forget the school ______I used to study .

--So will I.

A. which     B. what        C. where



The Greens _____using WeChat _____ QQ, because it’ s more convenient.

A. prefer; to using

B. prefers; to use

C. prefers; to using



Tom doesn t like English,  Mike doesn’ t like it, __        _

A. either   B. too    C. also



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