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完成句子(共8小题;每小题1分,计8分) 根据汉语和所给英语单词的提示,用相关短...




If you don’t understand the word, you can ____________________ in the dictionary.


We should _________________ ourselves as a student from Huangguang Middle School.


Please __________________ the traffic signs when you drive a car.


I wonder what Lucy is going to do when she _________________.


He ___________________ to solve the problem, but it was too difficult for him.


With the reform of college entrance examination system, don’t you think English ______________

________________ now?


___________________ you may buy, you might think those products were make in those countries.


My English teacher advised me _________________________ practicing writing in English.


1.look up 2.take pride in 3.pay attention to 4.grows up 5.made efforts 6.is worth learning 7.Whatever 8.not to give up 【解析】 试题分析: 1.本题考查固定短语look up(查阅)。 2.本题考查固定短语take pride in(以……自豪)。 3.本题考查固定短语pay attention to(注意)。 4.本题考查固定短语grow up(成长,长大)。 5.本题考查固定短语make efforts(努力)。 6.本题考查固定句型be worth doing(值得做)。 7.本题考查Whatever(无论什么)。 8. 考点:汉译英。

Four types of friends you need in your life

Do you know that people will die early if they have no friends during their lifetime? The survey shows if you want to live longer and more happily, you need to have some friends who can share your sadness and happiness or can be helpful when you are in trouble.

The following four types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor away.

1.A Loyal Best Friend  Everyone needs a friend who will support you in different situations. This kind of friend knows all of your deepest and darkest secrets, but still loves you all the same.

2.A Friendly Neighbor  These days, a lot of people don’t know their own neighbors. It’s a shame, because some neighbors can be the most helpful people. If you forget to lock the front door when you are on holiday, you can call your neighbors to lock it for you. So it’s wonderful to have nice and helpful neighbors.

3.A Workmate You’ll find it much easier to chat with someone than eating lunch alone every day. Your workmate doesn’t have to be your best friend. If you two get along well with each other, you can always start going out with them outside of the office.

4.A Friend From a Different Culture  If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a much better place. Remember that don’t be friends with someone just because they’re from a different culture. Instead, keep your mind open, and if you meet someone from other places, try to learn about their customs, values, and traditions.

If you have such kinds of friends, you will surely live longer and more happily.

Friends you need in your life



If you want to live a longer and happier life, you need to have some friends who 1.______________________ and can help you when you are in trouble.







Four types of friends

A Loyal Best Friend

◆This kind of friend knows all of your darkest and deepest secrets, but still loves you all the same.


A Friendly Neighbor


◆If you don’t2.____________________ when you are on holiday, you can call your neighbors to lock it for you. So it’s wonderful to have nice and helpful neighbors.

A Workmate

◆You can 3.__________________ if you don’t want to eat lunch by yourself.


A Friend From a

Different Culture


◆If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a much better place.

◆If you meet someone from other places, try to learn about their 4.________________________ instead of making friends with them just because they are from other countries.

Conclusion (结论)

You will surely live longer and more happily with such kinds of friends.



Maybe you are an average (普通的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so. Anyone can become a good student if he or she wants to. Here’s how you can be a good student.

Plan your time carefully. When planning your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a plan of your time. First, your time for eating, sleeping, dressing... Then decide a good, regular (有规律的) time for studying. Don’t forget to set enough time for entertainment. A weekly plan may not work out all your problems, but it will push you to realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study place. Keep this space which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No game, radio, or TV! When you sit down to study, concentrate on (专注) your subjects.

Make good use of your time. Listen to everything the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude to tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. It helps you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be worried.

There are other ideas that might help you with your study. You will probably find many others after you have tried these.

1.How many ways of becoming a good student are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4     B. 5     C. 6     D. 3

2.What should you keep on your desk in order to concentrate on your subjects?

A.Everything.          B.A radio.

C.Just study material. D.A book.

3.How should yo make good use of your time in class?

A.Listen carefully.  B.Make a weekly plan.

C.Take notes.       D.Both A and C.

4.Which following statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.We should set enough time for entertainment when we plan our week.

B.We don’t have to find a good place to study.

C.It’s helpful to take notes in class because it makes us remember what the teacher says.

D.We never give up our study although we don’t pass a test.



A man was driving when he found a chicken running along the road, beside his car.

He was surprised to see that the chicken was keeping up with him. Looking at his speedometer (速度计), he found that he was doing 50 miles per hour (MPH).

Then he drove at 60 MPH, and the chicken stayed right next to him. He sped up to 75 MPH and it still kept up.

The man then found that the chicken had three legs. Growing even more curious (好奇), he followed the chicken down a road and into a farm. He got out of his car and saw that all the chickens around him had three legs.

He asked the farmer, “What’s up with the three-legged chickens?”

The farmer said, “Well, whenever we have chicken for diner, everyone in the family fights over the legs, but there are only two. I have raised a kind of three-legged chicken. It’s going to make me richer.”

“How do they taste?” the man asked.

The farmer said, “Don’t know yet, I haven’t been able to catch one.”

1.How did the man feel when he saw the chicken keeping up with him?

A.Happy.    B.Scared.    C.Angry.    D.Surprised.

2.What does the underlined “it” refer to (指的是)?

A.The car.        B.The chicken.

C.The speedometer.  D.The road.

3.Why did the farmer raise the three-legged chicken?

A.Because he wanted to be rich so that he can buy many chicken legs.

B.Because his wife wants to have chicken legs every day.

C.Because everyone in his family fights over the legs while having chicken for dinner.

D.Because everyone in his family hasn’t had chicken legs for a long time.

4.Which following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The farmer knew the three-legged chickens tasted good.

B.The farmer had become richer because of the three-legged chickens.

C.The chickens ran too fast for the farmer to catch.

D.There was only one three-legged chicken on the farm.




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1.What can Toby do if he is free on Saturday night?

A.Go to watch a ball game.           B.Go to the City Theater.

C.Go to the International Picnic.    D.Go to the Museum Theater.

2.When can people enjoy the food from all over the world?

A.At 9:30 on Saturday morning.    B.At 2:50 on Saturday afternoon.

C.At 3:40 on Sunday afternoon.    D.At 8:30 on Saturday evening.

3.How much do children have to pay if they go to the City Theater?

A.Fifteen yuan.  B.Twenty yuan.

C.Forty yuan.    D.Nothing.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.If you want to see a movie, you can call 4805898.

B.Captain Good Fellow will be on on Saturday evening.

C.“The Zoo” is a popular rock group from Australia..

D.All the activities will be held indoor.




Once there was a girl who could do everything she wanted in the world. All she had to do was to choose     and focus on it. So one day she sat down and began to paint. When she finally finished painting, she looked proudly at her     and smiled.

It was clear that she was     . And she knew it, too. But a few moments after she finished painting, she got anxious and quickly stood up.     she thought that there was so much more in the world to see and do, and she would face so many     . If she finally decided to do something else with her life, then all the time she     painting would be a waste. So she looked at her work for the last time, and walked out of the door.

She had to choose     thing to reach a higher goal. Should she practice medicine? Or     buildings? Or teach children? She was quite     .

Twenty-five years later, the girl began to cry. Because she   she had been walking for so long, and that over the years she hadn’t done anything     at all. She learned that life isn’t about possibility. Anything is possible. The truth of     is to get down on one thing, but does not aim too high and changes the goal freely.

The girl was no longer a girl. She knew     she wanted exactly. So she bought some painting materials and began to paint. She smiled and   painting through day and night, because she had finally made a decision. And there was     some time left to enjoy the magic that life is all about.

1.A.something    B.anything     C.everything   D.nothing

2.A.action       B.course      C.lesson      D.work

3.A.powerful      B.talented     C.athletic   D.peaceful

4.A.Although     B.If           C.Unless       D.Because

5.A.hobbies      B.tips        C.choices      D.ideas

6.A.spent         B.took         C.paid         D.cost

7.A.other         B.the other  C.another     D.any other

8.A.climb        B.clean       C.find         D.design

9.A.disappointed  B.confused    C.excited     D.surprised

10.A.remembered B.realized    C.suggested   D.expected

11.A.meaningful B.humorous    C.frightened   D.pleasant

12.A.problem      B.life        C.time        D.path

13.A.who         B.what        C.which       D.that

14.A.came out     B.kept out    C.put on       D.kept on

15.A.yet          B.already     C.still        D.ever



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