满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jack likes watching .He can find out wha...

Jack likes watching      .He can find out what's going on around the world.

A. news           B.comedies

C.talent shows    D. soap operas


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:杰克喜欢看新闻。他可以知道全世界发生的事情。A. news新闻;B.comedies喜剧;C.talent shows才艺秀;D. soap operas连续剧。后句:He can find out what's going on around the world.他可以知道全世界发生的事情。这是看新闻消息可以知道的。故选A。 【考点定位】 考查名词辨析。  

It's      good habit to exercise for everyone.

A./    B.a    C.an    D. the




现在有许多新的购物方式,上购物其中的一种越来越多的人熟悉和喜欢网购但是网购请根据下面提供的信息用英语以Online shopping为题写篇短文描述网购的优点和缺点,并谈谈己的看法














Online shopping

There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them.







Now many people like fast food. We all know that fast food is not good for our health. So more and more fast food restaurants are serving healthier food and you can make healthier food and you can make healthier choices. Here are some tips(议)for ordering healthy food at fast food restaurants.

Don't order the biggest size. The biggest size seems cheaper, but it is not good for your health. The biggest size has the most fat, sugar and so on. A smaller size is probably enough for you.

Some drinks are full of sugar. So when           , you should choose milk or water.

Usually fried food is not the best choice. You should choose baked(烘烤的)food. It is healthier.

Go for the kids menu, because the sizes of kids food are usually smaller. You can eat less. You can also choose to eat half of what you order and take the other half home to eat later.

Today, more and more fast food restaurants are starting to serve healthier food. You can order the food with words like "healthy or light(淡的) on the menu.

Eating at fast food restaurants may not be bad for you. By making smart choices, eating at fast food restaurants can be not that bad.


How many tips does the writer give us to order healthy food at fast food restaurants?



It is known to us that fast food is bad for our health.




What does the underlined word “It”in Paragraph 4 refer to(指的是?








A: The summer holiday is coming. Will you go to Beijing with me?

B: Sorry, I won't. I went there last year.

A: Have you planned to travel?

B: Sure.

A:      1.    ?

B: I'm going to Hangzhou

A:     2.    ?

B: Because my uncle works there, We haven't seen each other for several years. I want to visit him.

A:   3.   ?

B: He is a hotel manager. But he likes travelling, so he always changes his workplace. He worked in Shanghai two years ago.

A: Has he ever been to many places?

B:            4.        . Such as Hong Kong, Yunnan, Hainan Island and so on.

A: Does he like Liaocheng?

B: Yes. He likes our city very much. He will come to work here.

A:     5.   ?

B: Next year.

A: That's great! I hope that he will have a good time here.

B. Thank you.





moving     direction    fall      hands      where    protect     yourself        against    as        up     possible     easily     them  thing   ground

What should you do if you are in a crowd(人群)? The first and most important   1.   is to make yourself clear where you are and where the exits are. No matter   2.   you are, make sure you always know how to get out and to be safe.

Make yourself know the type of   3.   you are standing on. Wet or uneven(不平坦的)ground can cause you to    4.  down in a crowd of moving people.

If you find   5.   in the middle of a moving crowd, you must be careful. Do not walk   6.   the moving direction and do not stop or sit down, because you could get trampled (踩踏)    7.   Instead, move in the same   8.  of the crowd. Keep your   9. up by your chest(胸部)to protect your chest. If you fall down, get up quickly, If you can't get    10.   , ask someone to pull you back up. If you have kids, lift    11.   up.

If you fall and cannot get up, keep on    12.   in the same direction of the crowd. If that is not   13. , then cover your head with your arms.

Try to get away from hard things in a crowd. If you're pushed against them, 14.   a result, you may be hurt badly.

We should learn to   15.  ourselves. Stay away from the crowd.

Remember: Whatever you do, safety is first!



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