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If you are not happy with China’s high I...

If you are not happy with China’s high Internet fees and slow speed, you are not alone.So is Premier Li Keqiang.On April 14, he said in a meeting that the government should speed up the Internet and lower the fees.

“The first question people ask at a new place is ‘Is there WI-FI because Internet service fees are so high,” said Premier Li.According to a recent survey by CCTV, the average cost of 1GB mobile Internet data per month in China is 100 Yuan, while it is only 60 Yuan in the US and 40 in Japan.

However, high prices don’t necessarily mean good service.The average Internet speed in China was 4.25Mbps(兆比特每秒)in late 2014.South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed-25.3 Mbps.People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Koreas, but in China it would take half an hour.

To improve Internet services, the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networks.Through them we can send text, pictures and videos globally in less than a second, which offer high speed Internet.Besides, the lack of market competition is another problems.Having more operators(运营商)besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices.


1.Why do people always ask for WI-FI at a new place in China?

A.Because they cant use Internet without WI-FI.

B.Because they can communicate with their families.

C.Because they want to download movies.

D.Because Internet service fees are too high.

2.In late 2014, ____ had the fastest average Internet speed.

A.China        B.USA          C.Japan             D.South Korea

3.What is the key to improve Internet services?

A.To increase Internet service fees.

B.To build more fiber networks.

C.To learn from South Korea.

D.To make the government know the situation.

4.The underlined sentence in the passage infers that ______.

A.Chinas high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competition.

B.China has too many tele-communication companies.

C.China Unicom should lower the price.

D.China Telecom should lower the price.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Chinas Internet Economy.

B.Shopping Online.

C.China Wants Cheaper, Quicker Internet.

D.China Unicom and China Telecom


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文分析了我国现在互联网的现状:费用高,网速慢。指出了解决该问题的措施:建设更多的光纤网络及允许更多的运营商进入该市场。 1.D 细节理解题。题意:为什么在中国,人们在一个新地点时总是要WI-FI?A.Because they can’t use Internet without WI-FI.因为没有WI-FI他们无法上网;B.Because they can communicate with their families.因为他们能和家人交流;C.Because they want to download movies.因为他们想要下载电影;D.Because Internet service fees are too high.因为网费太高。由第二段第一句:“The first question people ask at a new place is ‘Is there WI-FI’ because Internet service fees are so high,”可知因为网费贵,所以人们在新地点时总要问有没有WI-FI。故选D。 2.2】D 细节理解题。题意:在2014年底,哪个国家有最快的平均网速?A.China中国;B.USA美国;C.Japan日本;D.South Korea韩国。由第三段的:South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed-25.3 Mbps.可知韩国网速最快。故选D。 3.B 细节理解题。题意:改善网络服务的关键是什么?A.To increase Internet service fees.提高网费;B.To build more fiber networks.多建光纤网;C.To learn from South Korea.向韩国学习;D.To make the government know the situation.让政府知道这个情况。由第四段第一句:To improve Internet services, the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networks可知其关键是多建光纤网络。故选B。 4.4】A 推理判断题。题意:文中有下划线的句子指的是什么?A.China’s high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competition.中国很高的网费可能是因为没有更多的市场竞争;B.China has too many tele-communication companies.中国有太多的通讯公司;C.China Unicom should lower the price.中国联通应该降低价格;D.China Telecom should lower the price.中国移动应该降价。句意:Having more operators(运营商)besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices.除中国联通和移动外,欢颜更多的营运商可能会降低网费。由此可以推测出是运营商少,市场竞争不激烈,故选A。 5..China’s Internet Economy.中国的网络经济;B.Shopping Online.在线购物;C.China Wants Cheaper, Quicker Internet中国需要更便宜、更快的网速;D.China Unicom and China Telecom 中国移动和中国联通。本文指出了中国的网络现状及解决措施,谈论的是网费及网速的问题。故选C。 【考点定位】 考查社会生活类短文阅读。

A recent survey showed that only 9 percent of teens in the United States smoke cigarettes.Thats down from 23 percent in 2000.While this is good news for the US's overall health, tobacco(烟草)use is still a problem.

Cigarettes can cause many diseases, such as cancer(癌症),lung cliscases and heart problems.Although they know about the health problems, teenagers still smoke.So the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization is working to end teenage smoking.Their latest activity uses social media(社交媒体) to remind teenagers of the dangers of smoking.And the activity also encourages teens to learn the facts and become the generation that ends smoking.

However, anti-smoking campaigns may have a new problem to worry about.According to a 2013 report, the use of electronic cigarettes is on the rise.American high school students who reported having used an electronic cigarette rose from 4.7 percent in 2011 to 10 percent in 2012.The increased use of e-cigarettes by teens is deeply troubling.It may become lifelong addictied(上瘾).Besides, we still don’t yet understand the long-term effects(作用)of e-cigarettes.


1.According to the survey, how many American teenagers smoked in 2000?

A.9 percent           B.23 percent

C.4.7 percent        D.10 percent

2.Which of the following disease may not be caused by cigarettes?

A.skin disease          B.cancer

C.lung disease          D.heart disease

3.What is the aim of the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization?

A.To end the production of cigarettes.

B.To criticize those children who smoke.

C.To protect the rights of non-smokers.

D.To make an effort to end teenage smoking

4.The underlined word “campaign” means _____.

A.activity      B.newspaper

C.movie          D.officer

5.What do we know about e-cigarettes?

A.E-cigarettes are becoming popular among teenagers.

B.School students like e-cigarettes more than adults do.

C.People won’t let addicted to e-cigarettes.

D.E-cigarettes have bad effects on people’s health.





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1.If you have a headache, take ________ tablets of Aspirin.

A.2             B.4                  C.8         D.24

2.If you are burned, you can use ______.



3.You can apply first aid cream every ______ hours.

A.3           B.4          C.3 to 4            D.24

4.Antihistamine Cream is used for ______.

A.insect bites         B.fast pain relief

C.burns                D.cuts

5.Don’t apply Antihistamine Cream______.

A.in a 24 hour period    B.in the eyes

C.near the eyes          D.on broken skin




Find        turn down          care         phone         safe

Do you often listen to music through earphones? Then you should be 1.  .More than 1,000,000,000 young people are at risk of losing their hearing from loud music, a new World Health Organization (WHO) report says.The study   2. that among people aged 12 to 35, nearly half were at risk because of   3.   levels of sound on MP3 players and smart  4.   .Volumes (量) over 85 decibels (分贝) for eight hours or 100  decibels for 15 minutes can damage your ears.Traffic noise at rush hour can reach 85 decibels.Perhaps its time 5. the volume.



Chris's parents were proud of him when he graduated from college.But after six months, he still didn't find a job.In fact, he had no idea     he wanted to do.He was living at home with his parents and things were becoming not good.His father thought of     as a lazy man who was afraid      the real world.

Chris thought his dad was unreasonable(不讲道理的).After all, he was young and he needed some space.During a recent argument, Chris said, "I'm not you, Dad.I have my own way      doing things.I want a job I enjoy." His dad said, "That's a nice idea,      anyway we call.it 'job'  because it's about making a living, not      fun."

There are many young people like Chris.They are having trouble getting started with a serious job and becoming     They just dont want to grow up.They think when the time is right, everything will be all right.

      , it doesn’t work that way.Things happen and opportunities appear most often when we are moving, not standing still(静止).The     step is the hardest, but the key to     in anything is getting started.

1.A.how             B.what          C.where         D.why

2.A.he              B.his           C.it            D.him

3.A.to enter        B.entering      C.entered      D.enter

4.A.to              B.with          C.at            D.of

5.A.however         B.and           C.but           D.so

6.A.have            B.to have       C.having       D.had

7.A.funny           B.independent    C.strange      D.famous

8.A.Unluckily      B.Luck         C.Lucky       D.Luckily

9.A.last            B.first         C.one           D.only

10.A.success        B.successful     C.succeed       D.successfully



--Guess what? I won the dancing competition last week.

--Wow, _________!

A.Never mind

B.No problem




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