满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Life is _____journey and ___ love can ma...

Life is _____journey and ___ love can make it valuable.

A./; /              B.a; /            C.a; a             D.the ; the


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:生命是一个旅程,爱使它更有价值。定冠词the表示特指;不定冠词a/an表示泛指。生命是一个旅程,表示“一……”是不定冠词的用法,journey第一个音[dʒ] 是辅音,辅音开始的单词前用a;后句“爱”表示事物的种类,不可数名词表示种类时用原形,前不加冠词。故选B。 【考点定位】 考查冠词辨析。  





Dear editor,

Nowadays, many junior high school students are completely getting relaxed from busy study after graduation,  so what they would like to do most is to throw books away, hang out with friends at daytime and stay up late at night playing computer games or watching TV.What s your opinion about this? I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Xiaoming





Wang Lin




A: Hey, Alice! My parents 1.b       me a dog in the pet shop.

B: 2.S          great!

A: Its so 3.c       and clever that I cant help kissing it and allowing it to sleep in my bed.

B: Oh, youd better not do like that.

A: Why?

B: Because pets can carry many viruses(病毒)which lead 4.t      dangerous diseases.

A: Oh, my God! What should I do then?

B: Dont worry.If you always give it a 5.a     and keep it clean.Itll be OK.





A: Could you tell me how you can speak English so well?

B: Well, I think listening more is very important. 1.

A: Some people say watching English movies is good for English learners.

B. 2.               I have watched about 30 English movies since 2012, and that really helps a lot.

A: 3._____________

B: Um, I think vocabulary is the most important.You can express yourself freely when you have a larger vocabulary.

A: 4.________________

B: Reading.I have read many English books.That really helps with my English vocabulary.

A: 5.____________

B: Never be afraid of making mistakes.The more you speak the language, the more freely you can express yourself.Enjoy losing face, then you can learn English well.


B.Whats the most important part of speaking English?

C.I always write down the new words on the notebook.

D.I listen to some English news, songs and other materials while I am on the way home.

E.What else do you think can help improve spoken English?

F.Crazy English might be helpful.

G.But how can I enlarge my vocabulary?



Its important to teach children to create strong passwords(密码),and to remind them that passwords mustnt be shared with anyone, not even best friends.

A strong password is a word that is as difficult as possible to guess because it looks like a set of random characters (随机的字符).

Its wise to use the whole keyboard to mix a password with letters, numbers and symbols.A password of 14 characters or more may be much safer.

The following tips will tell you how to create a strong and safe password:

Tip 1: Think of a sentence that is easy to remember, but difficult to guess.For example: My son Peter is five years old and my daughter Tina is one year old. The whole sentence is so long that it cant be a password, so what you can do is to use the first letter of each word to make a new password that seems to be meaningless.That is mspifyoamdtioyo.

Tip 2: Make the password more difficult to guess by mixing big and small letters.One way to do this is to use big and small letters one after another.In this way this new password will be MsPiFyOaMdTiOyO.

Tip 3: Still using the sentence above, you can also add numers that are meaningful to you.As a result, the new password will be Mspi5yOaMdTi1yO.

Tip 4: Add punctuation(标点符号)and symbols to make the password much stronger.You may use symbols, numbers and punctuation to replace some letters which look similar.For example: MsPi3y0@MdTi!y0.(o=0, a=@, 1=!)


1.A strong password is ______ difficult ______ guess because all the characters are at random.改写短文中划线句子)

2.Your sentence: ______________________________________________________________________


3.Your password:____________________________________________________________________

(按照Tip 1的说明,用你上面所写的句子创建一个密码)

4.Your new password:_________________________________________________________________

(按照Tip 2的说明,改编上面你已创建的密码)

5."mysjwboafi1990 ___________________________________________________________________




If you are not happy with China’s high Internet fees and slow speed, you are not alone.So is Premier Li Keqiang.On April 14, he said in a meeting that the government should speed up the Internet and lower the fees.

“The first question people ask at a new place is ‘Is there WI-FI because Internet service fees are so high,” said Premier Li.According to a recent survey by CCTV, the average cost of 1GB mobile Internet data per month in China is 100 Yuan, while it is only 60 Yuan in the US and 40 in Japan.

However, high prices don’t necessarily mean good service.The average Internet speed in China was 4.25Mbps(兆比特每秒)in late 2014.South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed-25.3 Mbps.People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Koreas, but in China it would take half an hour.

To improve Internet services, the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networks.Through them we can send text, pictures and videos globally in less than a second, which offer high speed Internet.Besides, the lack of market competition is another problems.Having more operators(运营商)besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices.


1.Why do people always ask for WI-FI at a new place in China?

A.Because they cant use Internet without WI-FI.

B.Because they can communicate with their families.

C.Because they want to download movies.

D.Because Internet service fees are too high.

2.In late 2014, ____ had the fastest average Internet speed.

A.China        B.USA          C.Japan             D.South Korea

3.What is the key to improve Internet services?

A.To increase Internet service fees.

B.To build more fiber networks.

C.To learn from South Korea.

D.To make the government know the situation.

4.The underlined sentence in the passage infers that ______.

A.Chinas high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competition.

B.China has too many tele-communication companies.

C.China Unicom should lower the price.

D.China Telecom should lower the price.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Chinas Internet Economy.

B.Shopping Online.

C.China Wants Cheaper, Quicker Internet.

D.China Unicom and China Telecom



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