满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

综合填空 阅读下面短文,从所给的单词中选出适当的单词,并且用其正确的形式填写,使...



played   with   visit  happy  tiring   stayed   evening  beach  shop watched


Last weekend was a busy time for our family.

On Saturday my parents went1.  for clothes at the mall.My brother Gray played basketball  2. his friends.My sister Gina 3.  at home in the morning and played the piano.I stayed at home,too.I studied for a math test.In the afternoon I went to the 4.  .On Saturday  5.   my family and I had dinner at home.Then we went to the movies.

On Sunday morning,my family stayed at home.My sister and I cleaned our room,and my brother 6.    computer games.In the afternoon my grandparents 7.  us.We were  8.  to see them.They stayed at our house for dinner.After dinner, we 9. TV.I was 10.   on Sunday night.I went to bed early.


1.shopping 2.with 3.stayed 4.beach 5.evening 6.played 7.visited 8.happy 9.watched 10.tired 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了在动物园中的动物并不是很幸福,因为它们失去自由,无所事事。 1.shopping句意:星期六,我的父母去了商场购物买衣服。根据动词短语go shopping,故答案是shopping。 2.with 根据句意:我弟弟Gray和他的朋友打篮球。和某人在一起用介词with,故答案是with。 3.stayed句意;我妹妹吉娜呆在家里弹钢琴。动词短语stay at 表示呆在某地,结合语境可知填stayed。 4.beach 根据此题句意:在下午我去了沙滩。根据动词短语go to the beach表示去沙滩。故答案是beach。 5.evening句意:在星期六的晚上,我和我的家人吃晚饭。结合语境故答案是evening。 6.played 句意:我和我的姐姐打扫房间,我的弟弟玩电脑游戏。固定词组play computer games。根据语境故答案是played 7.visited 根据语句句意:在下午我的爷爷奶奶来看我。答案是visited 。 8.happy句意:我们很高兴看到他们。Be happy to do表示做某事是高兴的。故答案是happy。 9.watched 句意:吃过晚饭之后,我们看电视。根据题意可知整篇文章用一般过去式。看电视watch TV根据题意故答案是watched 10.tired句意:星期日晚上我很累。我早早上床睡觉了。故答案是tired。 考点:短文填空。

Hello,my friend.I'm Jack.Today I'd like to tell you a story about the language.People live together and they speak the same language.They are kind to each other .

People want to build a tower.One of them says, “Let's build it high and it can reach the heaven (天堂)!”.And the name is the Tower of Babel.But God doesn't like it.“I will stop (阻止) them!” God says.

People can work together because they can speak the same language.So God makes people speak different language.This is a big problem.Someone asks for water,people give him clothes.They can't understand each other.So people are not friendly.They don't like building the tower.

People begin to speak different languages and live in different places.They never finish building the Tower of Babel.

1. In the story,people in the world speak ______ language(s) at first.

A.one         B.two        C.three       D.many different

2. People want to build the tower high, then ______.

A.they can live in it

B.it can reach the heaven

C.it can take many things

D.they can see the world on it

3.When God knows people want to build a tower,he is ________.

A.happy     B.not happy    C.hungry     D.not hungry

4.People can work together because ________.

A.they know each other

B.they are kind to each other

C.they speak the same language

D.they often play together

5. Now people in the world ________.

A.speak the same language but live in different places

B.speak different languages but live in the same place

C.speak the same language and live in the same place

D.speak different languages and live in different places



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella.Her mother died and Cinderella's father had a new wife, who only loved her two ugly daughters.A handsome prince wanted to find a wife and invited all the girls to a dance.The ugly sisters had beautiful clothes but Cinderella stayed at home in the kitchen.A fairy(仙女)helped Cinderella and used magic to give her pretty clothes and a carriage(四轮马车) to go to the dance, but told her to leave at midnight because the magic would end by then.The prince liked Cinderella a lot and danced with her.Then the clock started ringing 12 p.m.and Cinderella ran out of the hall, leaving one glass shoe behind.

The prince wanted the lovely girl to be his wife.He walked around town with the shoe trying to find her.The ugly sisters wanted to marry the prince and tried to put the shoe on, but their feet were like elephants'.Then the prince asked Cinderella to try.The mother and ugly sisters laughed, but they stopped when the shoe went on Cinderella's foot.The prince made Cinderella his wife, and they lived happily ever after.

1. Cinderella's mother cannot help her because she ____.

A.was poor           B. was dead

C.hates Cinderella   D.was rich

2.Cinderella stayed at home because ____.

A.she hated dances

B.her sisters were ugly

C.she had no nice clothes

D.She didn’t like the prince

3. Her clothes were ____.


B.very old

C.a present from her sisters

D.a present from her stepmother(继母)

4.At midnight Cinderella ____.

A.turned into an ugly girl       B.hurried home

C.noticed the prince             D.She stayed in the hall

5.The ugly sisters had ____.

A.animal feet      B.smelly feet

C.big feet        D.small feet



People like to read stories about dog very much.They thought dogs were very clever.

One of my good friend , Bob , had a very big dog .Its name was Bill.Every Sunday afternoon,Bob and Bill had a walk in the park , Bill liked walking with Bob very much.

I visited Bob last Sunday.I stayed in his house for a long time.Bob and I talked with each other happily.Soon it was time for them to go for a walk in the park .We forgot that.Bill began to worry about it.He walked around the room and sat down in front of me and looked at me.But I didn’t know this.I went on talking with my friend.At last, Bill couldn’t wait.He went out of the room and came back soon.He carried my hat in his mouth.Oh, I knew what Bill meant.

1.How many people were there in this story?

A.One       B.Two       C.Three      D.Four

2.Which one is TRUE about Bill?

A.Bill was a good friend of the writer.

B.Bill liked talking with his friend.

C.Bill had many good friends , he liked playing with them.

D.Bill liked walking in the park every Sunday afternoon.

3.Where was the writer last Sunday?

A.He was at home.               B.He was in the park

C.He was in his friend’s home.  D.He was in his office.

4.Bill began to worry because he __________ .

A.wanted to eat something

B.wanted to play with his friends

C.couldn’t find his food

D.wanted Bob to take him for a walk

5.Bill took the writer’s hat in his mouth because he _________.

A.wanted the writer to leave

B.liked the hat very much



Wang Xiaojun is twelve years old.He lives in the country in Hubei.Today is his birthday.His parents prepare a nice dinner for him, but the boy says,“I won’t have the dinner , today is over, and my parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrow.I don’t want to let them go.

Wang Xiaojun has the birthday with his parents for the first time in the past three years.Three years ago, his parents went to Shenzhen to work in 2011.They stayed and worked there for three years.Tomorrow they have to go back to Shenahen.

Wang is not the only stay-at-home child .In the country of China ,there are many children staying at home without their parents.Stay-at-home children have a lot of problems.Most of them stay with their grandparents.Some of them don’t study well because their parents can’t help them with their study.

The Chinese government (政府)now is trying to solve their problems.

1.When was Wang xiaojun born?

A.In 2000  B.In 2001  C.In 2002  D.In 2003

2.Wang Xiaojun won’t have the birthday dinner because ___________ .

A.there isn’t a birthday cake

B.the food isn’t delicious

C.his parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrow

D.he doesn’t like the dinner

3.The “stay-at-home child” means ________ .

A.爱家儿童 B.顽皮儿童

C.留守儿童   D.离家儿童

4.The stay-at-home children can’t get help for study from their parents , so some of them _________ .

A.don’t study well

B.don’t like to stay with parents

C.don’t love their parents

D.don’t have dinner with their parents

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.There are a lot of children like Wang Xiaojun in China.

B.The Chinese government is trying to solve these problems.

C.Wang Xiaojun ’s parents go to Shenzhen to make money.

D.Stay-at-home children don’t have any problems.



—When and where were you born?

I was born___ October 1st, 1998______ Suzhou.

A.on; on      B.in; in         C.on; in       D.in; on



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