满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

After he leaves college, he wants to go ...

After he leaves college, he wants to go to Britain for ______ study to improve his English.

A.far                    B.father                  C.further


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他大学毕业后,想去英国进一步学习以提高英语。A.far远的;B.father父亲,更远:farther;C.further更远,更进一步。想去英国作较大学更进一步的学习,用比较级,故选C。 考点:考查形容词的比较等级。  

Many journalists went to Doha to work for the Asian Sports______ December 1st.

A.in                       B.at                       C.on



There are four seasons in China.March, April and May make the spring.June, July and August make the summer season.September, October and November make the autumn season.The rest(剩下)of months make the winter season.

The Australia seasons are the opposite(相反的)of ours.When it’s spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.

Australia is in the south(南方)of the earth.June, July and August are the winter months.The summer is in December, January and February.It’s very hot there, too.

Near the North Pole(北极)there are two seasons.The winter nights are long.For more than two months you can’t see the sun, even at noon.The summer days are long.For more that two months, the sun never sets(落下), and there’s no night.

1.___make the winter season in China.

A. October, November and December

B. November, December and January

C. December, January and February

D. January, February and March

2.When it’s summer in China, it is___in Australia.

A. winter           B. autumn          C. spring         D. summer

3. Near the North Pole there are two seasons: ___.

A. spring and summer       B. summer and winter

C. summer and autumn       D. spring and winter

4. Near the North Pole, there’s no night in summer for more than___months.

A. one             B. two            C. three           D. four

5. ___in winter near the North Pole.

A. The days are longer than the nights

B. The days are as long as the nights

C. The days are shorter than the nights

D. The nights are shorter than the days




I am Danny.There are four people in my family.My father, my mother, my sister and me.Last Sunday was a fine day.My family went to the Zhongshan park by subway.We went hiking in the park.At first, all of four were happy and excited.Father is stronger than all of us, so he took many things in his bag.We played games , sang songs and danced in the park.But suddenly, my sister fell down.Her leg hurt.At last, she had to go to see the doctor.We were sad in the end.

1.Danny’s family went to the park this Sunday.

2.Danny’s father is stronger than his mother.

3.Danny’s sister took many things in her bag.

4.They went to the park by subway.

5.Danny’s leg hurt.



补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共10分,每小题2分)

满分5 manfen5.com

Chen jie: Hi, Amy! 1._____________?

Amy: Its Wednesday.

Chen jie: Oh, lets go to the zoo this weekend.

Amy: Good idea! 2.________________?

Chen jie: Lets see monkeys.They are very smart.

Amy: OK! __3.___________________?

Chen jie: We can go by bike.

Amy: But I have no bike.Lets go by bus, OK?

Chen jie: OK. 4._______________?

Amy: What about eight thirty?

Chen jie: _5.____________.




A                                                 B

1. Thank you!                      A.Its a circle

2.How did you come here?         B.Nice to meet you, too!

3.Good afternoon!                 C.I came by bus.

4.What shape is this?            D.Yes, I do.

5.Whats the weather like?       E.Hes a driver.

6.Nice to meet you!              F.Good afternoon!

7.Do you have a pen?             G.Id like some cakes.

8.Which one do you want?          H.Youre welcome.

9.Whats he ?                    I.A short one, please!

10.Can I help you?                 J.It’s warm.



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