满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr White is talking to a psychiatrist.Mr...

Mr White is talking to a psychiatrist.Mr White: "Every night when I get into bed, I think that someone is under my bed.I then get up and look.There is never anyone there.When I go under the bed and lie down, I get the idea that there is someone on top of the bed.I then get up and look and I never find anyone on top of the bed.This goes on all night, up and down, up and down.I nearly get mad.Do you think you can help?"

Psychiatrist: "I think I can.All you have to do is to visit me twice a week for the next two years and I think I can cure(治愈)you.The visits will costs $75 an hour."

Mr.White: "That is an awful lot of money for a working man like me.I'll have to talk it over with my wife and let you know."

The next week Mr.White phoned the Psychiatrist.

Mr.White: "I won't be back, sir.My wife solved the problem.She cut the legs off the bed."

1.Mr.white is _____

A.ill in mind(精神)   B.crazy about sports

C.interested in his bed  D.afraid of someone in his house

2.The psychiatrist works as a _____ .

A.teacher   B.volunteer   C.doctor    D.listener

3.The psychiatrist told Mr.White to ________ .

A.ask his wife for help     B.visit him a lot more

C.cut the legs off the bed  D.believe his abilities

49.4.Mr.White became all right with the help of ______ .

A.the psychiatrist   B.his wife

C.his bed            D.a working man

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Mr.White is in a good health because he exercises every day.

B.The psychiatrist made a lot of money by helping Mr.White.

C.Mr.White has a smart wife who is very helpful.

D.Mr.White went mad before  he went to see the psychiatrist.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:怀特先生来看一位精神病专家,说他每天晚上总感觉有人在床下或是床上,反反复复地,因此睡不着觉。医生叫他今后两年每周去看两次病,每小时75美元。第二周,怀特先生给医生打电话告诉他,说他的妻子把问题解决了,她把床脚砍掉了。 1.A 细节理解题。题意:怀特先生怎样? A.ill in mind(精神)精神上有疾病;B.crazy about sports 热爱运动;C.interested in his bed对他的床感兴趣;D.afraid of someone in his house害怕有人在他家里。由短文第一句:Mr White is talking to a psychiatrist可知怀特先生在看精神病专家,可以推测出他在精神上有问题。故选A。 2.2】C 细节理解题。题意:这位精神病专家在做什么工作?A.teacher教师;B.volunteer志愿者;C.doctor医生;D.listener听众。由第二段他的话: I think I can cure(治愈)you.The visits will costs $75 an hour.可知他是一位收费的医生。故选C。 3.3】B 细节理解题。题意:这位为精神病专家叫怀特先生做什么?A.ask his wife for help 向他的妻子求助;B.visit him a lot more多去看他;C.cut the legs off the bed把床脚砍了;D.believe his abilities相信他的能力。根据医生的话:All you have to do is to visit me twice a week for the next two years可知他要求怀特先生今后两年一周去看他两次。故选B。 4.4】B 细节理解题。题意:怀特先生在谁的帮助下好了?A.the psychiatrist精神病专家;B.his wife他的妻子;C.his bed他的床;D.a working man一位工人。由最后一段的:My wife solved the problem.可知是怀特先生的妻子帮他解决了问题。故选B。 5.5】C 推理判断题。题意:下面的陈述哪一个是对的? A.Mr.White is in a good health because he exercises every day.怀特先生每天锻炼,身体健康; B.The psychiatrist made a lot of money by helping Mr.White.精神病专家因为帮助怀特,而挣到了许多钱;C.Mr.White has a smart wife who is very helpful.怀特先生有一位乐于助人的聪明的妻子;D.Mr.White went mad before he went to see the psychiatrist.在去看精神病医生前,怀特先生生气了。根据短文,为了帮助解决怀特先生的问题,其妻子帮助把床脚砍了。因此他的妻子是一位善于想办法解决问题的聪明的人。故选C。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

   downtown Beijing, will prepare a special trip for foreigners in Beijing next Sunday, January 14.

The garden is an amazing place to view the green world during Beijings bleak and desolate winter.

The tour of the garden lasts about two hours.

Lunch is prepared for foreign tourists in the gardens restaurant, hidden in a green hothouse.

Gifts of fresh potted flowers and plants are also prepared for each foreign visitor.

Time: 9 am to1:30 pm, January 14.

Departure: Our bus will leave China Daily at 8:30 am, January 14.

Return: 1 pm.

There is no fee charged for the trip.Everything is free.So enjoy a day in the garden!

Garden location: Between South Third Ring Road and South Fourth Ring Road.After getting to the Garden, call Li Jin at the following cell phone number.

Contact: Call Li Jin at 64924488 ext 2305 or 13611160678

1.Garden of the Worlds Flowers and Plants will open for foreigners in Beijing next Sunday, January 14.

2.The winter in Beijing seems a little bleak and desolate.

3.The special trip to the garden will take about two hours and everything is free.

4.There is a restaurant in a hothouse in the garden.

5.After getting to the Garden, the tourists can call Li Jin at 64924488 ext 2305 for service.



Mr Black was once a policeman.He was a kind person.He liked to have a walk in a park after breakfast.

It was very cold     a winter morning.Mr Black was walking along the street when he heard a    _     for help.He turned around but could ____ nobody.He stopped and looked here and there.At the moment, a boy ran to him.The boy was in such a hurry he couldn't say a word except _   _ towards the river in the park.Mr.Black ran to the direction as fast as possible._   of them ran along the river and saw a girl in the water.She was    a piece of wood.It was carrying her away.It was too    .

Without a word, Mr Black took off his clothes as quick as he could, jumped into the river and saved the girl onto the bank.

1.A.in       B.on          C.at         D.to

2.A.cry      B.noise         C.laugh       D.sound

3.A.look      B.watch         C.see         D.notice

4.A.so        B.and          C.that        D.then

5.A.running B.pointing    C.driving     D.looking

6.A.All      B.Both          C.Neither     D.either

7.A.holding  B.lifting       C.taking      D.handing

8.A.heavy    B.exciting      C.dangerous   D.serious



Sandy: Do you know what type the film is tonight?

Kitty: I hear its     action film.What do you _____ of the fights in action films?

Sandy: I dont like them because they seem to make us feel ____ easily.They have a bad ____ on people, __  _ teenagers.

Kitty: I see._____ what is your favourite kind of film?

Sandy: Id rather watch romantic films ____ action ones because they usually have happy endings.

1.A.the           B.a          C.an        D. /

2.A.like          B.think     C.hear       D. care

3.A.angry        B.exciting    C.frightened   D.calm

4.A.effort        B.affect      C.effect       D.attraction

5.A.especial      B.regularly   C.regular      D.especially

6.A.So            B.But       C.Now         D.Or

7.A.to           B.than      C.from       D.for



The lady has devoted much of her time ________ South China tigers.

A.to protect

B.to protecting.




Id like to visit the town ________ we lived while working in that clothes factory.

A.which                      B.when                 C.where



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