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Language is a way to communicate with each other.We started to l  1.  language when we were born.However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants (移民) are having many problems between the first generation (第一代) and the second generation because they don’t have the s  2.  native language.Also, the second generation is losing their identity (身份).Especially in America, there are many immigrants that came from different c  3. to succeed in the States.Because they suffer in lots of areas such as getting a j  4.  and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more s  5. .Because of this situation, their children are losing their identity, and even more, they are ignoring (忽视) their p  6.  who don’t speak good English.

I think most immigrants are trying to keep their native language in their new country, but this doesn’t help very much in getting a good job.My aunt t  7.  Korean to her children not to help them succeed in the US; she did so, h  8.  , to help them get a Korean identity.Though the second generation is born in the new country, they often get confused about their identity because they look different from o  9.  .My cousins told me that when they visited Korea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans.

We must realize that language is important and v  10. for many reasons.Immigrants should make an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their background by teaching them the parents’ language.


1.learn 2.same 3.countries 4.job 5.successful 6.parents 7.taught 8.however 9.others 10.valuable 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是移民中的语言问题。人们习惯于使用自己的母语,但是移民的第一代和第二代的母语不一样。大多数移民在新的国度努力在保留自己的母语,但对找好的工作不利。语言很重要而且有价值。移民应该尽力教孩子们父母的母语,使他们的孩子们理解自己的背景。 1.learn 句意:我们生下来就开始学习语言。生下来时不会语言,开始学习语言。故填:learn。 2.2】same句意:因为没有相同的母语,所以移民的第一代和第二代之间有许多问题。两代移民出生及生活的国家不一样,因此,没有相同的母语。故填:same。 3.3】countries句意:特别是在美国,有许多来自不同的国家的移民,在这个国家取得了成功。因为是移民,因此可以推测出他们来自不同的“国家”,不同的国家,用复数,故填:countries。 4.4】job句意:因为他们在许多像找工作、努力讲英语等方面受了许多苦,因此他们想他们的孩子们讲英语。由第二段的第一句:I think most immigrants are trying to keep their native language in their new country, but this doesn’t help very much in getting a good job.可知讲母语对于移民找工作不利。可以推测出本空填:job。 5.5】successful句意:因为他们在许多像找工作、努力讲英语等方面受了许多苦,因此为了更加成功,他们想让他们的孩子们讲英语,不仅是在学校,而且在家里。根据句意为了在陌生环境里取得成功,学讲当地的语言。故填:successful。 6.6】parents句意:他们忽视了不讲英语的他们的父母。根据后面定语从句的内容:不讲英语的,所填内容是their的宾语,可以推测出是他们的“父母”,故填:parents 7.7】taught句意:我的姨教给孩子们韩语.由后面的:to help them get a Korean identity(帮他们获得韩国的身份)可以分析出:为了帮他们获得韩国的身份,所以教他们韩语.故填:taught. 8.8】however句意:然而,她那样做,是为了帮他们取得韩国的身份。不是前面的原因,而是后面的原因,表示语义转折,而且前后都有逗号,可以推测出填副词however。 9.9】others句意:因为他们看起来和别人不一样,所以他们对自己的身份含混不清。根据句意,虽然生长在这个国家,但是肤色等等看起来和别人不一样,故填:others。 10.0】valuable句意:由于许多原因,我们必须认识到语言是重要而且有价值的。众观全文,作为一种交流的工具,语言是重要的,而且是很有价值的。故填:valuable。 考点:考查社会生活类短文阅读。

任务型阅读。(共10小题, 每小题1分,计10分)

Summer is coming soon.When is the best time for swimming in the day in summer?

If you would like to swim indoors, a good time in the day is the early hours the body has the most energy to use because the body has woken up and will be ready for all kinds of different activities of the day.The body is going to work with enough energy and therefore a person will feel more comfortable if he swims during the early hours of the day.

Swimming early in the day can also be good for anyone who plans to swim outdoors.The conditions outside will be excellent: the water will not be too cold or too hot, and the air will be just clean and fine.Everything is suitable.

Usually, it is not a good idea to swim later in the day because one’s body is tired after work for a whole day and also the weather conditions can be the worst in the later parts of the day.

However, there are still some exceptions.Different people feel different and one’s body acts differently at different times of the day.When a person is feeling active and is not tired at all after work, it may be a better time to swim for him than for others.If he is alert (警觉的) that time, he is safe in the water.

In a word, the best time can change for every person.The person’s body condition decides when the best time for swimming is.

The best time to 1.  in summer

In the early hours of the day

A good time (indoors)

The body has the most energy then

●After   2.  up, people are ready for different activities

●The person will feel more comfortable with  3.  energy

A good time 4.

The conditions outside will be 5.  .

●The water is neither too cold nor too hot.

●The 6. is clean and fine.

Later in the day

Usually not a good time

●The body feels   7. after a day’s work.

●The weather conditions are the   8.  during the day.


Later in the day can be a

good time for some


●People’s   9.  conditions are different.

●The body acts differently at different times of the day.


The best time to swim in the day in summer should be 10.  according to the body conditions of the swimmer.





1.Edison was one of the most famous __________(科学家) in the world.

2.Expo 2010 Shanghai is the ________(骄傲) of the whole world.

3.Yesterday Uncle Wang fell off his motorbike, but _________ (幸运地) he wasn’t badly hurt.

4.It’s twenty ________(分钟) ride from my school to my home.

5.We can see _________ (千) of stars in the sky on a summer night.

6.I don’t think he is the murderer.It’s __________(possible).

7.Do you have any difficulty in __________(solve) the problem?

8.She devoted all her lifetime to _______ (care) for the poor.

9.Tomorrow is Lucy’s _________ (twenty) birthday.Let’s buy some presents for her.

10.There is less air _______(pollute) in this village than in the other areas of Beijing.



You are probably familiar with the saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A recent research carried out by the Chinese University of Hong Kong may change the saying:

An apple a day may keep aging away.

The research chose fruit flies(果蝇), as they share many genes(基因)with humans.The fruit flies were either fed normally or had an apple extract(浓缩物) added to their diet.

It turned out that those fruit flies that were given apple extract lived about 55 days—five days longer than the flies that were normally fed.The research group also found it easier for the flies to walk,climb and move about as they aged.

According to the result, the researchers believed that the antioxidants(抗氧化剂) in the apple extract helped clean up dangerous chemicals(化学物质) that cause illnesses,as well as aging.

In another study,researchers examined diets of thousands of women.They discovered that those who regularly ate apples were 20 percent less likely to suffer heart illnesses and stroke.

The apples’ genetic code(遗传密码) was discovered recently.It allows scientists to develop nicer and healthier fruits.Researchers are already using the information to grow a kind of apples full of antioxidants that can keep eyes and joints healthy and protect humans against heart illnesses and cancer.

Apples that kill the desire(欲望) to eat could also be produced, with the first “extra-healthy’’ apples on supermarket shelves within just four or five years.

The team that keeps studying apple DNA includes 100 scientists from five countries.Their research also suggests that around 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs began to die off the plant,which would finally become today’s apple tree, experienced a great genetic change.The number of many of its genes doubled.The extra genes allowed the apple to get used to worse conditions and go through a different development from peaches,strawberries and other related fruits.

1.Why were fruit flies used for the research?

A.Because they have a similar diet to humans.

B.Because they have a history as long as apples.

C.Because they share a lot of genes with humans.

D.Because they feed on nothing but apple extract.

2.What result did the researchers find out?

A.Apples produce chemicals that can change human genes.

B.Apples have antioxidants that kill chemicals that cause aging.

C.Apples are rich in vitamins that are needed in humans’ bodies.

D.Apples produce chemicals that make apples taste more delicious.

3.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A.Eating apples may bring us more advantages than we might believe before.

B.People who have the habit of eating apples don’t need to see a doctor.

C.Apples that kill the desire to eat are already available in supermarkets now.

D.People will eat apples instead of peaches and strawberries from now on.



We don’t know how different our future will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it.

At first we think about human relationship.In the year 2050, we will use computers almost every day.We will be making new friends through the Internet—even our husbands or wives will be met in this way.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand, our relationships with people won’t be as important as they are today—we will feel a little lonely.

Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050.For example, they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier.In addition, there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as computers, like robots which will do the homework for us.

Spending holidays will also be completely different.Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.Means(方式) of transport will, of course, change, too.We will be using solar-powered cars, which will be much cleaner.

We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment.But it isn’t true.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment.And, scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases, like cancer or AIDS.Therefore, our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.

Although we can’t predict(预测) the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them.We worry about our and our children’s future; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather sanguine(乐观的) about our future.We should be happy and believe good things will happen.

1.Why will people probably feel a little lonely in 2050?

A.Because the number of people will become much smaller.

B.Because there will be less face-to-face communication

C.Because people won’t like making friends with each other

D.Because people won’t communicate with each other much often.

2.According to the passage, which of the following will happen in 2050?

A.The relationship between people will be more important than today.

B.The way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today.

C.It won’t be difficult for people to travel to other planets.

D.Our environment will be much more polluted with a growing number of cars.

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How people will communicate in the year 2050.

B.What our life will be like in the year 2050.

C.How people will travel and spend their holidays in the year 2050.

D.What high technology will appear in the year 2050.



Time flies.Your time in junior high school will come to an end in a few months.Let’s look back over the last three years.What were the highs and lows?

For Zhang Xiaomeng, a senior high school girl from Jiangsu, meeting her best friend Hua Xuan was the best part of her time at junior high school.They went to class together, had lunch together, and even went to the washroom together.Having one or two best friends is important, said Xu Zheng, a teacher from Jiangsu.“Students have secrets.They don’t want to tell their parents,”Xu added.However, being too rebellious (叛逆的) in junior high is the biggest regret for Liu Anqing, a senior high school student from Fujian.“I didn’t listen to my parents.I quarreled with my mother every week,” said Liu.“I wish I could go back to that time and get on well with them.” Time also needs to be taken care of.Zhang Zihua, 15, from Shanxi, thought he had plenty of time to prepare for the big exam at the end of Junior 3.Then one day, he was told: “The exam is in 100 days.” “We need a strong knowledge base to pass the exam.But I didn’t care about it,” said Zhang.Gu Xiaoli, a teacher from Jiangsu, said that it’s never too late to catch up.“No matter your regrets about wasted time, you can always pick things up from now,” said Gu.

1.How many students shared their ideas in the passage?

A.Three.      B.Four.     C.Five.     D.Six.

2.The underlined word “regret” in Paragraph 2 most probably means a feeling of ______.

A.happiness     B.surprise     C.anger     D.sadness

3.Which of the following is true about Liu Anqing?

A.She quarreled with her parents every day when she was a little girl.

B.Her parents didn’t like her at all.

C.She didn’t do well in her study at junior high school.

D.She didn’t get on well with her parents when she was in junior high school.

4.What’s wrong with Zhang Zihua?

A.He didn’t pass the exam.

B.He had no good friends.

C.He didn’t get ready for the exam.

D.He didn’t get on well with his parents and teachers.



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