满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 How can we students...


How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some tips.

On your way home or to school: Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and r  1.  before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, don’t cross until it is really safe. Dress in bright colors, so the d  2.  can see you clearly.

At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you fall d  3.  in a crowded place, cover your head with b  4. hands.

When there’s a fire: Stay c 5.  and leave quickly. Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and n  6.  so that you don’t take in smoke . If your clothes catch fire, please drop to the ground and roll from side to side to put out the fire.

For eating: Wash f  7.  like apples or grapes carefully before you eat them. Check the expiration dates(保质期)and if your food looks or smells t 8.  , don’t eat it.

For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手). It is d  9.  to run up and down on them. You may fall down b 10.  escalator steps(台阶)are not fit for running.

Remember these tips as they may help you when you have difficulties.


1.right 2.driver(s) 3.down 4.both 5.calm 6.nose 7.fruit 8.terrible 9.dangerous 10.because 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了学生应该保持安全的建议。回家或上学的路上,要等绿灯,过马路要左右看。着火时,要保持冷静,快速离开。吃水果之前要洗洗,对于变质的食物,不要吃。在自动扶梯的台阶上,不要来回跑。 1.与left“左边”相并列的,故用表示“右边”的名词right。句意:等绿灯,在过马路之前要左右看。 2.此处是在马路上行走,因此是让司机看见你。故此处为driver(s)。句意:穿鲜艳的颜色,因此司机能够清楚的看见你。 3.根据When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. 可知周围学生拥挤,我们应抓住一些东西,防止摔倒,故此处指的摔倒,fall down“摔倒,倒下”,故为down。句意:如果你在拥挤的地方摔倒了。 4.此处人有两只手,故用both。句意:用双手护住头。 5.stay calm“保持冷静”,故此处为形容词calm。句意:当着火时,保持冷静、快速离开。 6.根据so that you don’t take in smoke不吸入烟,应捂住嘴和鼻子,故此处为 nose。句意:用一块湿布捂住嘴和鼻子,以便于你不吸入烟。 7.根据like apples or grapes可知这指的是水果,故此处为fruit。句意:像苹果或葡萄的水果,在吃之前洗洗。 8.根据don’t eat it可知不能吃了,应是食物变质了或坏了,故用形容词terrible。句意:如果你的食物看起来或闻起来坏了,不要吃了。 9.根据You may fall down b escalator steps(台阶)are not fit for running.可知台阶上不适合跑,因此来回地在上面跑是危险的。故此处用形容词dangerous。句意:在它们上面来回跑是危险的。 10. 考点:阅读填空。


Some people dislike hiking because they think it is too difficult. However, sometimes it can really be as easy as going out to the park and walking by the river. The places for hiking should be far away from the cars and the noise. Here’s some useful advice for people to go hiking.

First of all, when you choose your first hike, you should be careful. If you choose a too easy one, you’ll still have a nice day outside to enjoy. However, if you choose a too hard one, you may be very tired and can’t have a good time.

Secondly, it’s good for a beginner to join a group. The people in a group can help each other. If you decide to take a hike by yourself, you should prepare as much as possible. You should wear right shoes to make your feet comfortable. Also, take a map with you. If not , you’ll fail to find your way home.

At last, don’t forget to take a mobile phone or a whistle(口哨). When you are in trouble, you can use it to get help. A pleasant hike will give you a sense of freedom(自由) and you will also have a clear mind(头脑) and then return to your studies after it.

Something about hiking

It’s difficult for some people to take a hike, but sometimes it’s 1.  to take it. You should take a hike in a far and  2.  place.

First of all

You must be careful to choose your first hike. If it’s too hard, you may feel tired instead of  3.  your hike.






It’s good for a beginner to go hiking with a  4. .

When you decide to take a hike  5.  , you should prepare6.  .

7.  a map, you may lose your way.

If you don’t wear  8.  shoes, your feet may feel uncomfortable.



When you are in trouble, a mobile phone or a whistle may  10.   others to know where you are. A pleasant hike will be good for your studies.





We should _________ _________ to stop people from killing wildlife.


Zhalong Nature Reserve is one of the world’s _________ _________ wetlands .


In autumn, leaves _________ _________ piles in the yard.


If you don’t want to _________ _________ in the forest, please don’t go far away.


I threw a stone into the river and the fish swam away in _________ _________ quickly.




1.Many people       (sleep) when the earthquake started.

2.      (find) his way out, he tried to move through the dark.

3.We should take       (act) to protect wild animals right away.

4.If we do nothing, soon there won’t be any pandas       (leave).

5.My home is next to the cinema and you can find it       (easy).




1.As a student, you should learn to       (面对) all kinds of problems.

2.I will listen to a       (报告) on English learning tomorrow afternoon.

3.All of us know bad weather sometimes causes       (自然的)disasters.

4.The Chinese       (政府) has made many laws to protect the wild animals.

5.He went to bed very late last night, so he feels       (困倦的) in class this morning.



The English Fashion recently asked people about their wonderful ideas and plans about things they could do.The magazine asked people the following question, “If you had all the money you wanted, what would you like to do?” About 500 people answered the survey question.

Almost half (49%) of the people in the survey said they would buy material things such as a bigger house or a better car.One fifth (20%) of the people said they would travel to the interesting or famous places.17% answered that they would give money to someone else.They would donate money to a charity or to help poor people.More than half of the rest of the people (about 10%) said they would give money to help medical research(医学研究).All the other people in the English Fashion survey said they would save money in the bank.They said they didn’t know what they would like to do right now, but perhaps in a few years they would find a good use for the money.

“Lots of people think that if they buy bigger and better things, they will feel happier,” said Dr Mary Wilson. “ However,” she said, “this feeling will not last(持续) long.After a while, they won’t be happy with them any longer.” Dr Wilson thinks the happiest people are those who make a change in people’s lives.She thinks those people who give money to someone else or to medical research are thinking more of others at the moment.If they had all the money theywanted, they would change the world.

1.What is the English Fashion?

A.A book.        B.A magazine.

C.A newspaper. D.A TV programme.

2.Which of the following is a material thing?

A.A better car.        B.A trip to Europe.

C.Medical research.     D.Happy feelings.

3.How many ways would people like to do with the money in Paragraph(段落) 2?

A.4    B.5   C.6   D.3

4.What does the underlined phrase “this feeling” refer to?

A.The feeling of travelling.

B.The feeling of donating.

C.The feeling of shopping.

D.The feeling of saving money.

5.Who did Dr Wilson think were the unhappiest people?

A.The people who would give the money to a charity.

B.The people who would save the money for the future.

C.The people who would give the money to medical research.

D.The people who would spend the money on material things.



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