满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。阅该短文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案(每小题1分.共15分) ...


I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.

One day, while I was        on the street, I heard the piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to            where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

She was singing songs about love, believing yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me           comfortable. I stood there          ,watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be          enough to perform in front of so many people.

She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her              sounded.

“Thank you.” she said.

“I have been going through a hard time recently,         you’ve made me hopeful again.” I said to her.

“I’m glad that I could help,” she replied, “Why are you so           ?”

“Well, my mom has lost her job, and I’m not sure what to do …”

“Did you noticed the          you were walking? Your head was down.” she said. “Don’t be upset, because opportunity (机会) comes           different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should            more… lift your head up.”

I looked          her, amazed at how she was encouraging me.         are you playing the piano here?” I asked her with a smile.

She         that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer _      ___  up by playing music.

I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.

1.A. driving      B. riding         C. running    D. walking

2.A. find out     B. send out       C. take out     D. get out

3.A. little       B. a little       C. bit        D. a bit of

4.A. nervously    B. rudely         C. angrily    D. quietly

5.A. brave      B. shy            C. bored      D. honest

6.A. advice      B. idea           C. music       D. interest

7.A. or          B. but             C. so         D. and

8.A. dirty       B. busy          C. sad         D. lazy

9.A. way        B. time            C. reason       D. station

10.A. in        B. on              C. by          D. at

11.A. complain  B. rest          C. smile        D. pay

12.A. like      B. after          C. for          D. at

13.A. How        B. Why             C. When      D. Where

14.A. dreamed    B. hoped          C. guessed    D. explained

15.A. us        B. them           C. me         D. her


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要记述了当母亲失业,自己在心情低落时,遇到的一位街头歌手。通过这位歌手的歌声及这位歌手所说的话,又重新让他燃起了生活的希望。 1.D考查语境理解及动词。Driving驾驶;riding骑车; running跑步; walking步行。结合语境可知此处指的是,我正在大街上走。故选D. 2.A考查语境理解及短语. find out找出,查明;send out送出,发送;take out拿出;get out出去;结合语境可知此处指的是,我想查明这些歌声是来自哪里。故选A。 3.B考查语境理解及短语。句意:她唱歌的方式使我有点舒服。“有点”应是a little,little是几乎没有的意思,a bit of后跟不可数名词,根据句意及题干分析故选B。 4.D考查语境理解及副词。Nervously紧张地;rudely无礼地,粗暴地;angrily愤怒地;quietly安静地。结合语境可知此处指的是,我静静地站在那儿。故选D。 5.A考查语境理解及形容词。Brave勇敢的;shy害羞的,畏缩的;bored无聊的,烦人的;honest 诚实的。联系前一句描述,可知我认为这个女孩是勇敢的。故选A。 6.C考查语境理解及名词。Advice建议,忠告;idea注意,思想;music音乐;interest 兴趣,趣味。联系上一段描述,可知此处指的是,她的音乐听起来是多么的美好。故选C。 7.B考查语境理解及连词。Or或者,否则;but但是,可是;so因此;and和,并且。联系上下文,可知前后是转折关系。故选B,我最近度过了一段艰难时刻,但是你让我又重新燃起来希望。 8.C考查语境理解及形容词。Dirty脏的;busy 忙碌的;sad伤心的;lazy 懒惰的。联系前文我说的话,可知此处指的是,你为什么如此伤心?故选C。 9.A考查语境理解及名词。Way道路,方法;time时间,时刻;reason理由,原因;station车站。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,你注意到你说话的方式了吗?故选A。 10.A考查语境理解及介词。结合语境可知此处指的是,机会来自不同的渠道,“来自不同的渠道”应是in different ways,故选A。 11.C考查语境理解及动词。Complain抱怨,控诉;rest休息,静止;smile微笑;pay支付,偿还。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,你应该多笑笑。故选C。 12.D考查语境理解及like 像……一样;after在……之后;for 为了,对于;at在一点。结合语境可知此处指的是,我看着她,惊奇于她是如何的鼓励我。故选D。 13.B.考查语境理解及疑问词。How如何,怎样;Why 为什么;When当……时;Where在哪儿。根据后一句描述,可知此处问的是,你为什么在这儿弹钢琴,故选B。 14.D考查语境理解及dreamed梦想,想到;hoped希望;guessed猜测;explained解释,说明。联系本句从句内容,可知此处指的是,她解释说她看到许多许多不幸福的人,故选D。 15. 考点:考查故事阅读类短文。

Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. I’m not sure that he will give back the money.

B. Tom wonders how should he improve his English quickly.

C. He asked me why I like to play computer games..

D. I’m not sure if I pronounce his name correctly.



The film showed us ______ life was like in Beijing in the past.

A. what every day   B. what everyday

C. how everyday    D. how every day



----It’s very kind of you to carry the box for me.  ---- __________.

A. I’d love to       B. Thank you for saying so

C. It is my pleasure  D. It’s my work.



Good hobbies can help us _________and make our Iives _________

A.relaxing,colourful   B.relaxing,colour

C.relax,colour         D.relax,colourful



----Do you know_____ second-hand smoke?  ----To prevent our health and memory.

A. how we should prevent          B. how we should prevent

C. why we should prevent          D. whether we should prevent



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