满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_______ your name Sally? A. Does B.Is C....

_______ your name Sally?

A. Does      B.Is      C.Do      D.Are


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你的名字是叫莎莉吗?此处的谓语表示是,故用系动词be,主语是your name,故谓语用单数形式is,故选B。 考点:考查主谓一致的用法。  

There is ______ art room in my school.

A. an            B. a               C. the        D.  /



--- It’s time to go to bed, Betty!

--- OK. ______ , Mummy.

A. Good morning    B. Good afternoon

C. Good night      D. Good evening




假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统节日“春节”很感兴趣。 请用英语给他写封80词电子邮件,介绍一下春节(Spring Festival)。

1. 内容包括:节日简介(when/why等)、节日准备、节日活动等。

2. 表达完整准确,书写规范,卷面整洁

3. 提示词:decorate装饰;   set off firecrackers放鞭炮;   get together团聚

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to tell you something about









( Meimei and Linlin are talking to each other in the school bus.)

Meimei=M     Linlin=L

M: Hi, Linlin. You are in Grade Nine now. Is your life quite different?

L: Yes, I used to get up at a quarter to seven. But now I have to get up at six.

M: 1.                                   .

L: At about ten. But now I have to go to bed until eleven.

M: Did you use to spend time chatting online?

L: 2.                 , but now my study takes all my time at present.

M: 3.                                  ?

L: My favourite sport is only basketball now. But I used to like many ball games.

M: Do you have a relaxing weekend now?

L: No, I only stay at home to do much homework.

M: 4.                                           ?

L: I used to watch TV and read some books I like on my weekend, but now we aren’t allowed to do so.

M: 5.                                           ?

L: By bus. But I went to school by bike last year. It is good for our health. What about you?

M: Me too.




A:How can I help you?

B:I really get frustrated.

C:It’s easy to say but hard to do.

D:But I often make mistakes in practice.

E:Learning English is like driving a car.

F:That happens to every language learner.

G:Do you ever speak to any native English speakers?

A:I’ve been learning English for a long time, but I still can’t speak English well. 1.       

B:Take your time, Li Ming. Anyway, Rome wasn’t built in a day. In fact, you only need to practice before you can speak it well.


B:That’s natural. 3.         Let me take something for example. You know, when people

first learn to drive a car, they can’t do it well.

A:I know what you mean.

B:4.         All you have to do is to practice and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you can learn English well.


B:Just take your time. I am always glad to help.



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