满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- I live far away from the school and ...

--- I live far away from the school and I often _____ a bus to school. What about you?

--- I go to school ________. It usually takes me about ten minutes.

A. by; on bike          B. take; by bike

C. by; ride a bike     D. take; ride a bike


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——我住的地方远离学校,我经常坐公交车去学校。你呢?——我骑自行车去上学。这经常花费我大约10分钟。take a bus“坐公交车”作谓语,by bus“坐公交车”,作状语。ride a bike“骑自行车”。作谓语,by bike“骑自行车”,作状语。故选B。 考点:考查介词短语和动词短语的用法。  

--- What’s on the table?

--- There _______ some milk and cakes. You can have them _______ breakfast.

A. are; for        B. are; in         C. is; for          D. is; in



---      do you often play with at weekends?

--- My best friend, Mary.

A. What             B. Whose            C. Who        D. How



He has a lot of money, _______ he isn't happy.

A. and      B. but     C. so      D. or



Sandy goes to the Reading Club _____ every Wednesday afternoon and goes to the                        Computer Club _____ Fridays.

A. In; on       B. On; in     C. /;in     D. /; on



Miss Fang is ______ English teacher.  ________ is a good teacher.

A. the; Her        B. my; He         C. a; She       D. an; She



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