满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达(本题有1 小题,共10分) 进入书生中学,你的英语知识有了突飞猛进的增...

书面表达(本题有1 小题,共10分)













A:Hello,what’s your name? B: Hi, my name is Alice. What’s your name? A: My name is Grace. Good morning, Alice. B: Good morning, Grace. What’s this? A: It’s a pen. It’s black. B: Is this a jacket? A: No, it isn’t. It’s a map. B: What’s that in English? A: It’s an orange. B: What color is it? A: It’s orange. 【解析】 试题分析:在升入中学的这段时间里,我们的英语知识更加丰富了,我们学会了如何跟同学或朋友打招呼,互相问候;我们也学会了很多新单词;我们还学习了如何询问对方的姓名、电话号码以及回答;我们学习了颜色、家庭成员等。因此在写这篇对话的时候,我们可以把我们学过的这些知识都用上,让它的内容很丰富,意思也连贯。 写作亮点:这篇对话写得还是很不错的,首先它的内容很完整,意思表达也很准确,符合英语的表达规范。作者设计的是两个刚认识的新同学,他们互相询问了对方的姓名,并且相互表示了问候。对话中还提到了一些物品,用到了特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,如What’s that in English?、Is this a jacket?、What color is it等,并且做出了正确的回答,语法也都很准确。 考点:话题类作文。  


             I                                          II

1.What’s this?                            A.Nice to meet you,too!

2.Nice to meet you.                       B.Bye!

3.Hello!                                   C.My name is Jim Green.

4.What’s your name?                        D.Smith.

5.Good morning,Mike.                        E.It’s 5551-3833.

6.Goodbye.                                 F. I’m fine, thank you.

7.How are you?                             G.Red.

8.What’s his telephone number?            H.Good morning,Tom.

9.What color is it?                        I.Hi!

10.What’s his family name?                J.It’s a cat.



词汇运用,请根据中文提示和首字母写出适当的英语单词,请务必把首字母抄在答题卷上!   (共10小题,计10分).

1.-- Good                (晚上)!

--Hi,Nice to see you.

2.--               (什么) is that ?

--It’s a book.

3.The quilt is                (蓝色).

4.Look at             (那些) photos.

5.--How are you?

--Fine,               (谢谢).

6.Five and two is s            .

7.--What’s your QQ  n           ?

--It’s 34910385.

8.--Is this y           brother?

-- Yes, he is.

9.That boy is my friend. H      name is Tom.

10.I’m in Sunson Middle S           .



My name is Bob.Today let me tell you something about my family.My grandfather’s name is Dave Brown. And my grandmother’s name is Anna Hand.They are very kind.My father is a tall man. His name is Frank. He looks cool. My mother is a beautiful woman.Her name is Alice. She has a yellow ring.I have an uncle. He is my father’s brother. His name is Paul. My aunt is a nice woman. Her family name is Smith.And their daughter is my cousin.Her name is Mona Brown.

1. Anna Hand is Frank’s           .

A.mother         B.grandmother         C.aunt              D.daughter

2.Bob’s father is             .

A. Frank Brown     B.Paul Brown

C. Dave Brown       D.Alice Brown

3.Bob’s mother has a yellow          .

A.map             B.ring               C. key             D.pen

4.Mona Brown is Bob’s             .

A.aunt            B.girl               C.mother            D.cousin

5.There are            people(人) in Bob’s family.

A.nine           B.eight              C.seven             D.six



Alice is a white dog. She is two.Bob is a brown dog. Bob and Alice are good friends. Look at the two dogs.

Bob:Good morning!

Alice: Good morning!

Bob:What’s this?

Alice: It’s a jacket. It’s my sister’s. Oh, my sister is Grace.

Bob:What’s that?

Alice:It’s a book. It’s Miss Miller’s book. She is an English teacher.

Bob:Well,dogs don’t like books.

1.Alice and Bob meet in the            .

A.morning        B.afternoon         C.evening             D. night

2.Grace is Alice’s             .

A.brother        B. teacher         C.sister              D.friend

3.Miss Miller is an          teacher.

A. Chinese       B.English           C.math              D.science

4.Alice and Grace are            .

A.jackets       B.teachers         C.books              D.dogs



Hello! Here is a UFO. And I am an alien(外星人).My name is Eric. Look!my jacket is nice. It’s white. This is my pen. What color is it? It’s red. And what’s this in English? It’s a ruler. It’s a green ruler. What’s that? It’s an English CD. I like(喜欢)it. Do you like me?

1.Eric is             .

A. a CD           B.a pen           C.an alien          D.a jacket

2. The ruler is           .

A. white          B.red

C.green           D. I don’t know.

3.Eric likes(喜欢)              .

A.the pen         B.the ruler         C.me             D.the CD



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