满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分) 1.Mr. Smith was kind...

动词填空  (本大题共8分,每小题1)

1.Mr. Smith was kind to the boy and did what he could ______________ (find) books for him.

2.When I was young, my mother told me that the Earth____________(travel) around the Sun.

3.As well as people, animals  _______________(influence) by pollution in the future.

4.Tom suggested _____________ (get) up early in the morning to catch the first school bus.

5.--- You were out when I telephoned you yesterday afternoon.

--- Oh, I with my parents ______________(wait) for a friend from America at the airport.

6.The musical video you look forward to  __________ (sell) out yesterday.

7.My dictionary is missing. Please find out who _____________ (take) it.

8.---Would you please  ______________ (not talk ) in a loud voice in the library?

---Sorry, I won’t do it again.


1.to find 2.travels 3.will be influenced 4.getting 5.was waiting 6.was sold 7.has taken 8.not talk 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:史密斯先生对那个男孩很好,他做了他能够做的就是了能给他找到一些书。此题考查不定式做目的状语,根据句意,故填to find。 2.句意 :当我小时候,妈妈告诉我地球绕着太阳转。此题考查宾语从句,但是所说属于事实,真理,故用一般现在时,故填travels。 3.句意:和人们一样,动物在将来也会受到污染的影响。此替考查一般将来时的被动语态,根据句意,故填will be influenced。 4.句意:汤姆建议在早上早点起床目的是为了赶上学校的第一班校车。此题考查固定短语suggest doing sth建议做某事,根据句意,故填getting。 5.句意:---昨天下午我给你打电话,你在外面。---是的,我正在和父母在机场等待一个来自美国的朋友。此题考查过去进行时,因为主语是我,with是伴随状语,故填was waiting。 6.句意:你期待的那个音乐视频昨天被卖出去了。此题考查一般过去时的被动语态,根据句意,故填was sold。 7.句意:我的字典不见了。请帮我查出来是谁拿走了。此题考查现在完成时,根据句意,故填has taken。 8.句意:---在图书馆不要大声地说话好吗?---抱歉,我不会再那样了。此题考查固定句式would you please do你能做某事吗;would you please not do你能别做某事吗,根据句意,故填not talk。 考点:考查动词填空。

单词拼写  (本大题共8, 每小题1)

1.What an ___________(patient) person he is! He doesn’t like to wait for anyone for long.

2.Will you go to Mille’s birthday   _______ ( celebrate ) with me ?

3.Sometimes, ____________ (care) may lead to a big disaster.

4.I have made a  __________ (decide) to buy a new car next month

5.---Who is _________ (缺席的) today? --- Millie. She is ill in hospital.

6.David __________(允诺) not to be late for class again yesterday.

7.To learn English well, both vocabulary and  ______________(语法) are very important.

8.This teacher is so strict that he sets high ______________(标准) for his students.



The human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information than most computers. However, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers don't forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we don't usually have to. But everyone can improve their memory if they want to. Here are some suggestions.

Try to use new information immediately(立刻). For example, if you meet someone who says "Hi! I'm Carlos," don't just say "Hello." Repeat the person's name. Say"____"

Break a big number into smaller parts. For example, it's hard to memorize (记忆) 109244153. But if you break it into three parts--109/244/153—it becomes easier.

Write out what you need to remember over and over again. This will help you keep it in mind longer, especially for memorizing formulas (公式) or facts.

Always review information. If you bring what you've learned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. For example, before you go to sleep, it’s a good idea to review the new things you learned that day.

Discuss with a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. You can have a discussion about what's right and what's wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.

Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory. And everyone's memory gets better if they use it often enough.

All of the suggestions are helpful. If you follow them, you are certain to improve your memory.

1. How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.      B. Four.        C. Five.           D. Six.

2.Which should be put in the blank (空格) in Paragraph 2

A. Hello, Carlos.  B. How do you do?  C. Hello, I am Sophia.  D. Glad to meet you!

3.What can help memorize a big number more easily according to the passage?

A. To store it in a computer.

B. To break it into smaller parts.

C. To discuss it with a friend.

D. To review it before you sleep.

4.What does the sentence "Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory” mean?

A. You should tell others about your bad memory.

B. You should believe in other people all the time.

C. You should ask others to improve their memory.

D. You should be confident in your memory ability.



Have successful people ever felt sad? Do they have any “secrets” to success? The answers to these questions can be found in US president Barack Obama’s “back to school” speech. Here is an excerpt(摘录) from his speech.

I know that sometimes, you get the sense that you can be rich and successful without any hard work—that your ticket to success is through pop music or basketball or being a TV star, when chances are, you’re not going to be any of those things.

But the truth is, being successful is hard. You won’t love every subject you study. Not all the homework will seem rather important to your life right this minute. And you may not succeed at everything the first time you try.

That’s OK. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures (the opposite of success). JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was turned down 12 times before it finally came out. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots (投篮) during his career. But he once said, “I have failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

These people succeeded because they understand that you can’t let your failures beat(打败) you—you have to let them teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently next time.

No one’s born being good at things. You become good at things through hard work.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to tell when you don’t know something, and to learn something new.

And even when you’re struggling(奋斗), even when you’re discouraged (泄气), and you feel other people have given up on you—don’t ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.

1.Why does Barack Obama mention (提到) JK Rowling and Michael Jordan in the third paragraph?

A. To compare these two famous persons.

B. To explain that the more failures he has, the more successful he is.

C. If you want to be successful, you should fail first.

D. To show that failure is the mother of success.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. No one can be successful without working hard.

B. Failure can be good if you treat it in a right way.

C. Those who believe in themselves shouldn’t ask others for help.

D. One should try his best to make his dream come true.

3.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined sentence?

A. One shouldn’t ask questions because it is a sign of strength.

B. One should believe in himself though he will face much difficulty.

C. One doesn’t have to work hard when he has failed several times.

D. One doesn’t have to ask for help because it is a sign of weakness.



What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.

If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetically(按字母表的顺序) and use numbers to represent each of them, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c…, you can change an English word into a number. So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98, meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23 +12+5+4+7+5=96, while love: 12+15+22+5=54, and luck: 12+21+3+11=47, a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What about money or prayer(祈祷)? They can’t, either.

Then what else? Don’t be worried. You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude(态度).Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself: attitude:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100a full mark.

Different attitudes lead to different courses of life. Most times people hope for a better life. It is possible that one will have a change for the better after one has changed one’s attitude.

When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you. In the same way, if you take a positive (积极地) attitude towards failure(失败), you’ll find it’s also rewarding though it has caused you losses.

1.In the writer’s opinion, what is the most important thing in a person’s life?

A. Hard-work.      B. Knowledge.

C. Money.          D. Attitude.

2.According to the passage, if you meet with problems, the best way out is to _______.

A. ask for help from others

B. say your prayers to God

C. change your attitude

D. try maths-solving methods (方法)

3.From the passage we can learn that ______.

A. different attitudes come from different courses of life

B. mathematics can solve every problem easily in our daily life

C. failure sometimes can bring you good if you take a positive attitude

D. none of the English words except “attitude” equals to 100 or more




Canbury Youth Hotel


120 beds

Open 24 hours, all year

Car park

No family rooms

Games room

Washing machines

No smoking

Meal Times

Breakfast: 7:00 a.m.

Dinner: 6:p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Travel Information

Citycentre three kilometers

Bus service to city centre No.14

(take ten minutes), last bus 8:00 p.m.

Next Hotels

Charlestown   8 kilometres

Kinscombe    15 kilometres

Oxton        20 kilometre

Charges   Under 18 $6.15     Adult $ 9.10

1.If you stay in Canbury Youth Hotel, you can’t __________.

A. smoke          B. play games

C. park your car  D. camp

2.What is the farthest hotel?

A. Canbury.  B. Kinscombe.

C. Oxton.    D. Charlestown

3.How much is it for two 15-year-olds to stay one night?

A. $6.15.   B. $9.10.   C. $12.30.    D. $18.20.



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