满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Running Man is________ very popular TV p...

Running Man is________ very popular TV programme in China. One of______ most famous actresses, Angelababy, always appears in it.

A. a; /          B. the; the         C. a; the          D. the; /


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在中国,《奔跑吧兄弟》是一档非常流行的电视节目。其中最著名的女演员之一,Angela baby,总是出现在里面。冠词a表泛指,形容词最高级前用定冠词,据题意,故选C。 考点:考查冠词。  

写作 (20分)

假如你是Millie, 请你根据以下内容,用英语写一封邀请信。词数90词左右。


2.计划一天的旅游:早上七点在学校门口碰头,乘两小时的长途汽车到达世界公园,那里有很多名胜古迹的模型,你们将游览金字塔,金门大桥,埃菲尔铁塔等(the Pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower)




Dear Daniel,

I’m writing to invite you to join in our school trip.




Best wishes.






My friend Bruce isn’t tall enough but he likes doing sports. He’s good at running and p__1.__ basketball, s__2.__ he is stronger than us all. Last summer, Bruce went to see his grandpa. The old man lives on a farm. He likes a__3.__ and has three dogs, two cats and a horse. Bruce wanted to l__4._ to ride a horse. He a__5.__ his grandpa to teach him. The old man agreed. At first he rode carefully and soon he enjoyed h_6.__ there. One afternoon Bruce rode the horse a__7.__. When it walked by a house, a large dog ran out. The horse very afraid and began to run away q__8.___. Bruce fell down and hurt his leg. The horse p__9.__ him to a tree and then ran to call a doctor. “What a c_10.__ horse!” I said after my friend told me about it half a month later. “I don’t think so,” said Bruce. “It came back with a vet(兽医)!”




1.He reached the park at ______ one hour earlier than us.  (little)

2.Many people care about their diets in their ________ life. (day)

3.Mr. Gao can speak not only English but also _________. (France)

4.Chinese basketball team won the match, all Chinese felt excited and ____. (cheer)

5.__________, Simon passed the exam with the help of his English teacher.(lucky)




1.I ________ you to think carefully before you write down your answers.(建议)

2.Peter looked _________ the letter , then he hurried home by car.(从头到尾)

3.Why didn’t you _________ (出席) the important meeting last Sunday?

4.If you are careless, you may make ________ when you do the work.(错误)

5.It is __________ (可能的) for you to finish the paper well if you do it carefully.




Li Haoqin is a 14-year-old girl in Sichuan. She studies English very hard. Every day, she listens carefully in class and does many exercises after class. However, in the last exam, her score(分数) of 68 made her very sad. “Why didn’t I get a good grade though I worked hard?” Li said to herself.

Lots of middle school students are facing this problem—they try their best at something but can’t make it. “They don’t have effective(有效的) learning ways. This is the main reason for their difficulties,” says Bi Qin. Bi Qin is a well-known English teacher in Beijing No.4 High School, a key school in the capital city. She thinks that hard work is far from enough for middle school students. “Students have more subjects now. They should learn in many different ways so that they can get twice the result with half the hard work,” says Bi. “The more you use new words, the better you can remember them. For example, making sentences with new words is an effective way to learn.”

Chen Xiping, a 13-year-old boy from Shandong, has his own way of learning English. “I study hard in school, and I also like watching CCTV-9. On the channel(频道), I always see the English words I have learned from my textbook,” says Chen. “It’s really useful.”

Lin Pingyi, a 13-year-old girl from Shanghai, has a habit of reading. “I like reading English novels like The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. While reading I take notes,” says Lin. “This way, I can remember more words and improve (提高) my reading and writing.”

1.What made Li Haoqin very sad?


2.Why do lots of students try their best at subjects but can’t get good grades?


3.Where does Bi Qin teach?


4.Which TV channel does Chen Xiping like watching?


5.What does Lin Pingyi like to do when she reads English novels?




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