满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I had something difficult to do, I ...

When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mum for help. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the laziest mother in the world!

For example, one day, some of my friends would come to my home. My bedroom was really untidy. Books were all over the floor, and I didn’t make the bed. So I asked my mum to help me clean it, but she still said, “Do it yourself, my daughter.”

Because of my “lazy mum”, I have to wash my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents do housework. I even have to go to hospital by myself. It is very hard to do everything well on my own, but I have learnt a lot.

As time goes by, I come to understand my mum. She makes me clever and hard-working. How great she is! A good mother is worth(值得) 100 teachers! Don’t you think so?

1.When you have something difficult to do, you should           .

A. do nothing

B. ask your mother to do it for you

C. try to do it yourself

D. ask your friends to do it for you

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. She tidies up her books and makes the bed.

B. She washes her clothes and cleans her room.

C. She often helps her parents do housework.

D. Her mother always takes her to hospital when she feels uncomfortable.

3.We can know a good mother           from the sentence “A good mother is worth 100 teachers!”

A. makes her child clever and hard-working

B. does everything for her child

C. gives her child a lot of money

D. teaches her child by herself


1.C 2.D 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了过去我常常叫妈妈帮我做难的事,但是妈妈总是让我自己做。我过去以为她是最懒的妈妈。但是后来我明白正是妈妈让我聪明勤奋。一个好妈妈比得上一百个老师。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文开头When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mum for help. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.”可知有困难时应该努力克服,所以该选C。 2.D推理判断题。根据第三段中I even have to go to hospital by myself.可知作者不舒服时甚至不得不自己去医院。所以该选D。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中She makes me clever and hard-working. How great she is! A good mother is worth(值得) 100 teachers!可知作者的母亲使他聪明和勤奋。她是多么伟大!一个好母亲胜过100个教师,所以该选A。 考点:日常生活类阅读。

From:    annel@freemai14all.com    Sent: Wed., Nov. 11

To:      tss_sam@kidstarmail.net

Subject: Hello!




Hi, Sam!

So you're my new pen friend. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm 14 years old and I live in

Calgary, Canada. I have two older brothers, Brian and Sam. I'm the only girl.

I love sports and I'm always looking for exciting new hobbies to try. I like playing baseball in winter.It's fun beating the boys! But summer is my favourite time of the year. I love skateboarding and rock climbing in summer. Skateboarding's great because it's so fun and easy to learn! I often skateboard after school. There are many places in the park where I can do stunts. I'm good at stunts like jumping and turning the skateboard! Rock climbing is also really fun. I usually climb with my dad on weekends. We can't do it on real mountains very often because we live in the city. We do indoor rock climbing instead but it's not as challenging.

So that's me! How about you? Please write back soon!

Bye for now!


1.What is the writer like?

A.Active.    B.Shy.    C.Lazy.   D.Kind.

2.The writer sent this email in order to _____________ .

A. describe some exciting sports

B. look for a suitable pen friend

C. make a self-introduction

D. show others his/her hobbies



All over the world, people have all kinds of friends. Dogs are people’s honest friends. Cats, elephants, camels, horses, cows are people’s helpful and useful friends. But do you think that computers are people’s friends, too?Now let me tell you________about it.

We live in the “computer age”. People, like scientists, teachers, writers and even students, use computers to do________work. But more than 30 years ago, ________ couldn’t do much work. They were very big and expensive. Very________ people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and ________ . And they can do a lot of work. Many people like to use them. ________ people have them at home.

Computers become very important because they can work________than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can________people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them ________and children use them to play games. Computers can also remember what you put into them. Computers are very________ and helpful. It is true that they are our good friends. Do you think so?

1.A. anything       B. nothing          C. something         D. little

2.A. many of      B. all kinds of    C. a lot             D. very much

3.A. scientists     B. teachers         C. students          D. computers

4.A. few            B. little          C. a few             D. a little

5.A. cheap         B. cheaper         C. expensive        D.more expensive

6.A. More and more  B. Fewer and fewer C. Less and less     D. More or less

7.A. slow           B. slower           C. fast              D. faster

8.A. help           B. make             C. use             D. stop

9.A. study          B. to study         C. studying          D. to eat

10. A. beautiful    B. careful          C. useful            D. Wonderful



-----Why not go camping if it is sunny tomorrow? ------_____________

A. You’re right.       B.  How good!

C. That’s right       D. What a good idea!



Tom is stronger than ____________ in his class.

A. any other boy       B. any boys

C. any boy             D. other boy



You’d better read the __________ first before you start to use the machine.

A. websites           B. expressions

C. instructions       D. advertisements



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