满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Are you willing to live in Antarctic (...

Are you willing to live in Antarctic (南极) one day?

_______ It sounds exciting, but its a little cold there.

A. Of course I am.    B. Are you joking?  C. Why not?   D. I’m not sure.


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你愿意某一天住在南极吗?--我不确信,那听起来令人兴奋,但是那里有点冷。A. Of course I am. 当然我愿意;B. Are you joking?你在开玩笑吧;C. Why not?为什么不?表示赞同;D. I’m not sure. 我不确信。根据后文的转折,可知是不确信,故选D。 考点:考查情景交际的用法。  

  I couldn’t complete _______ the house _______ your support.

A. decorating; without B. to decorate; with

C. decorating; with  D. to decorate; without



Could I watch TV tonight, Mum?

Yes, you _______. But you _______ go to bed before 10 oclock.

A. can; must        B. can; need

C. could; must      D. could; may



President Xi Jinping arrived _______ London _______ the evening of October 19th to pay a five-day visit to Britain.

A. in, at            B. in, on         C. at, on           D. at, in




It’s very colourful.

A. What is your school life look like

B. What does your school life like

C. How do you like your school life

D. How do you think of your school life



The boy is crazy _______ computer games. It worries _______ his parents a lot.

A. about; 不填    B. with; about

C. about; with      D. about; about



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