满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 1.Jane isn’t ver...


1.Jane isn’t very o__________. She often stays at home and reads some books.

2.We took q_______ a few photos in the park yesterday.

3.Can you find any d___________ between the twins?

4.An elephant is much heavier t__________ a pig.

5.Can you tell me the r__________ why you are late for school today?

6.- Do you like sports news?

- Yes, I do. But my sister can’t s__________ it.

7.Tony and Tommy are twins. That’s why they have many things in c___________.

8.There will be a chess c__________ next week. Are you interested in it?

9. It’s n__________ for me to learn how to swim. It’s a skill for life.

10.She showed her t__________ for singing and won the first prize.


1.outgoing 2.quite 3.differences 4.than 5.reason 6.stand 7.common 8.competition 9.necessary 10.talent 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:简不是很外向。她经常呆在家里看书。outgoing,外向的,在句中作表语。 2.句意:昨天我们在公园拍了很多照片。quite,很,与a few一起构成固定短语。 3.句意:你能找到这对双胞胎之间的不同吗?differences,不同,在句注作宾语。 4.句意:大象比猪重得多。than,比。 5.句意:你能告诉我你今天为什么迟到的原因吗?reason,原因,理由,在句中作直接宾语。 6.句意:-你喜欢体育新闻?-是的,我喜欢。但我姐姐不能忍受它。stand,忍受,在句中作谓语动词。 7.句意:托尼和汤米是双胞胎。这就是为什么他们有很多相同点的原因。common,普通的。 8.句意:下周将有一场国际象棋赛。你对它感兴趣吗?competition,比赛,在句中作主语。 9.句意:我有必要学会游泳。这是一种生活技能。necessary,必需的,必要的,在句中作表语。 10.句意:她展示了她的唱歌技能,获得一等奖。talent,才艺,在句中作直接宾语。 考点:单词拼写。



“Today is my birthday”, Sarah said. “I hope there will be a big party   1.   all my friends!” She looked around the house, 2.   nobody was there. She was sad that her parents and friends forgot 3.    (she) birthday.

She decided to have a party on her own. “I’ll invite my dolls and my favorite Teddy Bear to my party.” Sarah gave all her dolls a ride to the party in her wagon(马车). She also   4.   (make) a cake by   5.   (she).

“Now I need a special gift for my birthday! It will be the most beautiful gift I have had!” Sarah said proudly, but she began to feel sad again 6.    her friends were not at her party. Then she ran upstairs to prepare the gift. When she   7.   (come) back, nothing was there! “Where is my cake? Where are my dolls?” She was 8.  (surprise). Just then, her parents and friends came out. “Surprise, Sarah! Here is your birthday party,” they said 9.   (happy). Of course they didn’t 10.  (forget) her birthday!



完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)

Everyone needs friends. But do you know        to find real friends and keep it? An American writer        Sally tells young students some good ways to find      .

Sally says findings friendship is just like      a tree. You plant the seed and      it to make it grow.

She says you should first choose someone who can be a      friend. It doesn’t matter whether he has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and      . If you have a bad day, a good friend should _____ your complaints and do his      to help you. If you want to make friends with someone, you should make each other      . But things cannot always be happy.     the best friends may have quarrels. What should you do when you           with your friend? You may try to have an honest talk with him or her when there is no one around. If your friend     want to talk, you can write a letter to tell him or her how you are feeling.

Sally also tells us some small but important things,    example, celebrating your friend’s success. Remember that friendship is important in your      .Life is great if you have friends.

1.A. how       B. what           C. when        D. which

2.A. call         B. calls          C. name        D. named

3.A. girls      B. teachers       C.friends       D.classmates

4.A. watering     B. planting      C.cutting       D.decorating

5.A. take off    B. take away      C. take care    D. take care of

6.A. bad         B. well           C.shy          D.good

7.A. beautiful   B. helpful       C. thankful     D. wonderful

8.A. look at     B. look         C. listen to   D. listen

9.A. good        B. well           C. better       D. best

10.A. happy       B. happily        C. unhappy     D. unhappily

11.A. Even        B. Though        C. If          D. Ever

12.A. talk        B. talks          C. quarrel      D. quarrels

13.A. doesn’t   B. don’t        C. didn’t     D. isn’t

14.A. to        B. for            C. in         D. at

15.A. school     B. home          C. country      D. life





It`s very important to keep your hair healthy. Here are five ways for you.


Good fats are also called necessary fatty acids which the body can’t produce naturally. Eating these types of fats will help improve healthy skins, nails, teeth, and hair. They can be found in the form of oil, or in food such as seeds, nuts.


Hair is nothing more than dead protein(蛋白质).But that doesn’t mean that it is not important. A lack of it can cause slow growth and thinning, where on the contrary, getting enough amounts can help growth. Good choices to include in the diet would be eggs, meats, tofu, fish and beans.


There are a handful of vitamins that have been known to be effective for healthy hair. Some of them include vitamins A, B, C and E, and iron. Other than in extra form, these nutrients can also be found naturally in fruits, peppers, low-fat dairy products, green vegetables and whole grains. A large salad can be made with the inclusion of a lot of these foods.


Getting enough exercises can help improve hair growth. Aim to get at least 20-30 minutes of exercise ever day. It can be walking, jogging, weight training, and biking.


Right after you brush your teeth, brush your hair as well. Brushing hair fifty hundred strokes before bed can help remove pollutants and dirt while also stimulating circulation. Also, natural oils are released which will add more sheen(光泽) and oxygen to your hair.

A. Take your vitamins.

B. Remember to brush before bed

C. Wash your hair now and then.

D. Get your protein.

E. Exercises are very important.

F. Eat good fats.



Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be mainly used to protect themselves.

Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change into the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests whose colors are different form plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.

If you study the animals’ life, you’ll find the main use of colors is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters because their colors are much like the trees.

Colors are useful not only on the land, but also in the sea. A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid (液体) when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they live safely though they are not strong at all.

1.From the passage, we can know that ________.

A. locusts are big animals

B. Locusts are easily found by birds

C. Locusts are dangerous to their enemies

D. Locusts can change their colors to protect themselves

2.Those pests with different colors from plants have to ________ to keep out of danger.

A. change their colors

B. hide in the day time and appear at night

C. move quietly

D. hide at night and appear in the day time

3.Bears and lions can keep safe because _______.

A. their colors are much like the trees

B. they move quickly

C. they are very strong

D. they live in forests

4.According to the passage, the fish can keep safe because ________.

A. they can change their colors

B. they can give out a kind of liquid

C. they are strong enough

D. they swim faster than any other fish

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. The colors of the seasons

B. Animals on the land and in the sea

C. The main use of colors for animals and pests

D. How to keep safe in the sea



Jeff Corwin is a scientist and author. He does these jobs with one life goal: to help save animals and their habitats. His latest book,100 Heartbeats: The Race to Save Earth’s Most Endangered Species, is a collection of stories about animals on the edge(边缘) of extinction. Corwin recently talked to TFK kid reporter Sarah Horbacewicz.

Reporter: How would you describe your job?

Corwin: My job is to travel around, look at animals and tell their stories.

Reporter: When did you know this is what you wanted to do?

Corwin: I knew that when I was 6 years old. My dad was a police officer, and we lived in the city. I really enjoyed the time when I could go to the quiet countryside. The day that I saw my very first wild snake, I knew that’s what I would do for the rest of my life. I didn’t know if I would be a teacher or a zookeeper, but I know I would have a life connected with (与……有关) nature.

Reporter: Why did you write the book?

Corwin: We’re losing species (物种) very fast. I wanted to show people that while we are in a very serious situation, we are not at the point of no return. If we make big changes, we may have the chance to save what remains.

Reporter: Is it true that humans are the reason that many of these animals are in danger?

Corwin: Human beings have a powerful effect on every other living thing. The challenge is to make that effect a positive one.

1.Jeff Corwin is a(n) __________.

A. teacher   B. author   C. police officer   D. zookeeper

2.Jeff Corwin’s life goal is to __________.

A. protect the environment

B. do some scientific researchers

C. save animals and their habitats

D. let more people know about nature

3.The underlined word “extinction” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 灭绝    B. 生存    C. 冬眠    D. 饥饿

4.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Human beings are now in danger.

B. We can’t save the endangered species.

C. Humans can’t deal with serious situations.

D. We can make some changes to save the endangered animals.

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the reading?

A. Corwin lived in the city when he was young.

B. Corwin has been trying his best to help save animals and their habitats.

C. It isn’t true that humans can have a positive effect on other living things.

D. The first time Corwin saw the wild snake, he knew what to do for the rest of his life.



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