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书面表达 (5分) Max是一个七年级的学生,戴一副圆圆的眼镜,看上去很聪明;他...

书面表达 (5分)

Max是一个七年级的学生,戴一副圆圆的眼镜,看上去很聪明;他身高1.75米,是我们班最高的男孩。他热爱旅游,上个星期天他和他的同学一起去了世界公园(the World Park),在那里他们看到了世界上的主要景点。他还热衷于DIY,下周他将要亲自为他母亲做一张生日贺卡,我们都认为他是一个好孩子。









Max is a student in Grade 7.He wears a pair of round glasses. He looks smart. He is 1.75 meters (tall). He is the tallest boy in our class. He likes traveling. Last Sunday he and his classmates went to the World Park. There they saw the main sights of the world. He is also crazy about DIY. He will make his mother a birthday card by himself next week. We all think he is a good boy. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。 写作亮点:本文按照写作要求,用简洁的语言,准确地表达出汉语意思,语言流畅,上下文意思连贯。写作要点比较全面。在时态的运用上也很准确。He is the tallest boy in our class. He is also crazy about DIY. He will make his mother a birthday card by himself next week. 这些都是比较精炼的句子,表达比较到位,使文章增色不少。 考点: 提纲类作文。  


I was happy in those days before I started going to school. Because I had good neighbors to play with. I played with them from morning to evening. We played games outdoors, dressed up as cowboys and rode around on our tricycles (三轮车) happily.

At the age of five, I had to go to kindergarten (幼儿园) and it was quite hard for me at first. I felt very sad about having to leave my mother each morning. I cried and wanted my mother around. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in my class. I became happy again and looked forward to leaving my house each morning.

I still remember those days when I was learning to ride a bicycle. I fell several times but I never gave up. Finally, I was able to join my friends riding around on my bike.

Another memory I like is the end-of-year concert held at the kindergarten. I was chosen to play the role of Jack in the play, Jack and the Magic Beans. I became the superstar that night and received praise for my performance.

What a wonderful childhood I had! At times I really wish I could go back to those days.

Title: My __1.__childhood

Before going to school

I played with my good neighbors happily every day.

We played lots of games like_2.___ up as cowboys and riding around on tricycles.

At the age of five

I had to begin my kindergarten life.

I felt very sad to leave my mother every morning.

After I made friends in my class, I became happy again and couldn’t__3.__ to leave my house every morning.

The days of learning to ride a bicycle

I fell a few times but I__4.__ give up.

In the end I could ride around with my friends.

The memory about the concert at the kindergarten

The concert was held at the __5.__ of the year.

I played the role of Jack in the play, Jack and the Magic Beans.

I became the superstar and received praise for my performance.




1.—你觉得你叔叔怎么样?       —我认为他很幽默。

—What do you think of your uncle?

—I think he has a _______  ______  of   ________.


Try to be more careful, then you will _______  _________  _________ next time.


His son  _________  ________  ___________  him silly questions.


________  __________  __________ ,I can’t keep it on.


When we got to the World Park, we ________________________________ the bus.


Jimmy _________________________when he saw the real Eiffel Tower.




1.They always have a great time ________( talk ) to each other.

2.__________( not make )an apple pie. I don’t like it.

3.What __________ our school life _______________( be ) like in the future?

4.What bad weather it was! We decided ____________( stay ) at home.

5.The boy often ________( fix )his own things. How great!

6.We__________( decorate )our new house the day before yesterday.

7.-----Why _________the children __________( cheer ) so loudly?

-----Their favorite singer Wang Sulong is coming.

8.Tom often tells funny stories to make his father ____________( laugh )



根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空一词 4分)

1.It is ________( use ) to talk to him like that. He won’t listen to you.

2.Please mix the red ___________(strawberry),green pears, purple grapes and oranges together.

3.Today it's becoming more and more important for students to learn to teach _______.(they)

4.The boy is more than 2 meters in ____________(high) and he is good at playing basketball.




1.Who is the ________ ( 总统 ) of the USA now?

2.-------How do you like Max?

------Very much. He likes telling funny ________ ( 玩笑 ), so I like staying with him.

3.Sally has the ___________(最少)juice among the three of them.

4.All the students will__________(出席)the meeting.



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