满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

请根据以下内容提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,可适当发挥。 (15分) Da ...

请根据以下内容提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,可适当发挥。 (15分)

Da Vinci Leonardo

Year of birth




Year of death












Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in a small town of Italy. He died in 1519. From an early age, Da Vinci had an interest in painting. When he grew up, he learned to do a lot of different jobs. Most people know that he was a great painter. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Da Vinci was also a talented inventor, musician, engineer and scientist. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and used in war many years later. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们根据所给信息,来介绍人物达芬奇。题目中有关于达芬奇的具体信息,我们应用正确的英语将这些内容表达出来。这些信息包括了达芬奇的年龄、出生地、职业和作品等,写作时,我们可以根据需要将这些信息进行重新整理和安排,使文章的意思衔接更自然。而且这些关于介绍人物时所使用的词汇和句型,是学生们比较熟悉的,所以将平时的积累发挥出来就可以。当然我们要尽量使用一些好的句型和连词,使文章上下文意思连贯,更出彩。 写作亮点:这是一篇非常优秀的作文,短文中作者按照题目的要求,给我们介绍了著名人物达芬奇,结构清晰,要点全面。而且作者在写作时,并不是完全按照题目中给出的顺序,逐句翻译的,而是将这些信息进行了整合,让意思关联紧密的放在一起表达,这一点很好。短文中的语言合乎英语的表达规范,而且作者还使用了一些较好的句式,增强了文章的连贯性。如复合句When he grew up, he learned to do a lot of different jobs.、固定短语was talented in和a lot of、介词短语From an early age、连词However, Da Vinci was also a talented inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.等。 考点:提纲类作文。  

Dianna was born in a rich family on July 1st,1961. On July 29, 1981, Diana married Prince Charles. Later she gave birth to Prince William and Prince Harry.

Dianna enjoyed taking part in  international Charities(国际的慈善机构). One day in July 1991, she went to a hospital to see AIDS patients with Barbara Bush, the wife of the president of the United States at the time. Princess Diana talked to an AIDS patient who was unable to stand up. She even hugged(拥抱) him and encouraged him to fight against the illness(疾病). The patient was very grateful and said, “AIDS patients do need warm hugs.” Of course, she made it. Unfortunately, she died in August 1997. British Prime Minister, Tony Blair said in his speech that Diana was the People’s Princess.

After her death, people set up a fund(基金)to remember Diana and help those who need help.

1.How old was Diana when she got married to Prince Charles?

A. 18          B. 20          C. 22         D.24

2.Diana was the ____________ of Prince Harry.

A.sister         B. aunt        C. mother      D. wife

3.The underlined word “grateful” means       .

A. angry        B. pity         C. satisfied     D. thankful

4.What was the aim of setting up the fund?

A. To help people who need help

B. To collect money for AIDS patients.

C. To provide many houses for patients.

D. To make Diana more beautiful and famous.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Blair was the wife of Prince Charles.

B. Barbara Bush was also an AIDS Patient.

C. Diana thought  the patients had no money.

D. Blair thought Princess Diana was the People’s Princess.



Little Peter is a boy of nine. Now he is in Grade Four. He lives close to the school, but he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can’t get up on time in the morning.

This term, Mrs. Black, Peter’s aunt, teaches in Peter’s school. She is strict(严格的)with Peter and often tells him to obey the school rules and come to school on time. Yesterday morning, Peter got up late. When he hurried(赶紧) to school, it was 8:20 a.m.. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

“You are ten minutes late for the first class, Peter,” Mrs. Black said angrily. “Why are you often late for class?” “Every time, when I get to the street corner(街道拐角), I always see a guidepost(路标). It says SCHOOL—GO SLOWLY!”

1.Peter is in school for ______ years.

A. one       B. two         C. three           D. six

2.Peter is often late for school because ______.

A. he likes watching TV

B. he doesn’t like to go to school

C. he sleeps well at night

D. he can get up early in the morning

3.Mrs. Black is a ______.

A. worker       B. teacher

C. mother        D. policewoman

4.The first class begins at ______.

A. ten past eight                        B. eight

C. five past eight                       D. a quarter past eight

5.The guide post (路标) is for ______.

A. teachers         B. Peter         C. students         D. drivers



In America, there are chores(杂活) for children of different ages. American people think that it’s important to tell children their duty in the family.

Ages 4-6

Ages 6-12

Ages 13 and Up

-Make their bed;

-Clear dishes from the table;

-Set the table;

-Get the mail from the mailbox;


-Take care of pets;

-Cook simple food;

-Help wash the car;

-Vacuum(吸尘) and sweep;

-Take out the rubbish.


-Wash windows;

-Clean out fridge;

-Prepare a meal;

-Make shopping lists;

-Mow the lawn(剪草坪)


1.This passage discusses something about _______ .

A. American children              B. children all over the world

C. people all over the world      D. Chinese children

2.Why do American people think children should do chores in the family?

A. Because children play all day.

B. Because they think children should have good habits.

C. Because they think it’s important to tell children their duty in the family.

D. Because parents want their children to be good.

3.If Tom is 5 years old, he can ____________ .

A. Prepare a meal             B. set the table

C. wash window                D. Take out the rubbish

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Children should help parents do housework.

B. A 8-year-old child can help cook simple food.

C. A 11-year-old child can take out rubbish.

D. 17-year-old Mary may not be able to wash windows.

5.What does this passage mainly about?

A. Why children should do chores.

B. What chores should children of different ages do.

C. Children have duty in their family.

D. American children like doing chores.



Everyone knows that exercise is important. We need to exercise. Doctors say it is good fo r us. It keep our bodies strong.

When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you excise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough---but not too much. It is good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or three sports that feel right for you.

Exercise can be fun. Friends can exercise together at fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?

1.In the passage the writer tells us that we all need to_______________.

A. drink         B. relax          C. exercise         D. work

2.Which of the following sports can’t we find in the passage?

A. Fishing       B. Running       C. Swimming     D. Walking

3.What does  exercise mean according to the passage?

A. It means doing things with the body

B. It means studying

C. It means doing lessons.

D. It means playing

4.What can exercise do to the body?

A. It can make the body weak

B. It can make us sleep more

C. It can make the body sick

D. It can make the body healthy

5.The words “fitness center” in the passage mean_________

A.减肥中心     B.健身中心      C.购物中心      D.医疗中心




Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would _____ soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days _____ the doctor came and looked over the sick man. ______ asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen ______ paper in the village, because no one could write.

The doctor _____ up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the ______ of the house. “ Get this medicine for him, and he will get ______ soon. ” he said.  Mark’s family and friends did not know_______ to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man _______an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage(马车) and drove to the nearest ______. He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again.

1.A. wake          B.cry         C.die

2.A. late            B.later         C.ago

3.A. The sick man    B.Mark          C.The doctor

4.A.and              B.or          C.then

5.A.picked         B.held         C.made

6.A. ground         B.window       C.door

7.A.well          B.worse         C.bad

8.A.when            B.what          C.where

9.A.thought         B.hit         C.caught

10.A.shop          B.farm         C.hospital



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