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口语交际(每小题1分,共5分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句...



A:China is famous for tea, right?

B: Yes, both in the past and now.


B: Well, in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.

A: 2.__________________________

B: Oh, as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the side of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.

A: 3.______________________________________________?

B:The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.

A: It seemed that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.

B: Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business.

A: I hear Zhushan is known for Shenshui Tea.

B: Yes, you are right.

A: 4.________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I do. I drink a glass of tea a day. And my parents like to drink tea, too.


B: You’d better drink it after meals.

A: That sounds like a fun to drink tea, maybe I like it. Thank you.


1.Where is tea produced in China 2.How is tea produced 3. What happened next 4. Do you like to drink tea 5.When do I / we drink tea 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据下文可知此句是问茶叶在中国什么地方生产,所以填Where is tea produced in China。 2.根据下文回答可知此句是问茶是怎样生产出来的,所以填How is tea produced。 3.根据下文是问下一步是什么,故填What happened next。 4.根据下文可知此空是问你喜欢喝茶吗?所以填 Do you like to drink tea。 5. 考点:口语交际

补全句子  (每小题1分,共5分)



I ______________________________________________delicious, what about you?


Mo Yan and Tu Youyou won the Nobel prize, many Chinese young people _____________ _____________ their success and learn from them.


I learn English ____________________________________. It can help me develop a sense of language


Could you tell me ____________________________________? I ‘d like to ask a question.


Your success___________________________________ how hard you work at your lessons and your good learning habits.



选词填空 (每小题1分,共5分)


look like,  admire,  change,  be afraid of,say,    come true,    lay out

1.It __________________ that Shenzhou-11 spacecraft will be sent up into space in 2016.

2.My English teacher                                 a movie star.

3.I do believe that a better environment is created in Zhushan and we should all work together to make it                                  .

4.All young Chinese people                           ___ Mo Yan.

5.“Don’t                                making mistakes and we can learn from them!” said the teachers.




When you start a new school, go to a party or try to know a person, you often need to break the ice in order to start a friendly conversation. Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don’t know well. Almost everyone feels uncomfortable or shy when people meet for the first time. If you feel like this, the following tips can help you out.

Smile When you smile, people think you’re friendly and easy to talk to. They are also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.

By positive  Everybody likes being around happy people. Always look on the bright side of life and see everything positively(积极地).

Be a good listener   Don’t control the conversation and don’t just talk about yourself. 仔细听别人讲,并且问一些关于他们自己的问题。They’ll think you’re worth talking to.

Be easy-going  ④ Some people may be so shy that they can’t break the ice. Don’t avoid being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable. If you face a situation again and again, you’ll get used to it.


questions        sentences       suggestions      conversations


_______ _____________________________________________________________________





5.How many tips are mentioned( 提到) in the passage?





Anderson (安徒生), a Danish (丹麦) writer, is famous for his fairy tales(童话). Both children and adults love his stories. For example, The Ugly Duckling is well-known to people around the world. In fact, Andersen used to be an ugly duckling when he was young.

In 1805, Andersen was born into a poor family in Denmark. As a young boy, he was tall and ugly and had a very big nose. His friends always made jokes about his big nose. Later, because of his father's death, little Andersen had to make a living by himself. He once worked as a dressmaker and made money in a theater.

The difficulties in life helped him create his fairy tales. In The Little Mermaid, he talked about love and sacrifice(牺牲. In Emperor's(皇帝的) New Clothes, He made fun of the authority(权威).

Besides creating stories, Andersen also loved travelling. His famous saying was, "To travel is to live."

Today, Andersen's fairy tales have been printed into over 100 languages. The Hans Christian Andersen Award is named after him. It's the highest award to give a writer of children's books.

King of Fair Tales and His Fantasy Lands

Personal Experiences

He was born into 1.   _____________________________  in Denmark, in 1805.

He was laughed at by his friends because of his looks.

He lived a hard life after his father’s death, 2.  _______________    and making money in a theater.

He wrote about his trips while travelling to many countries.

Master works

The Ugly Duckling is based on his own experiences.

3. _____________________________   shows love and sacrifice.

In Emperor's New Clothes, 4.    ________________ the authority.


Andersen made great contributions to5.________________________




Have you ever tried to understand something new on your own but found it a bit too difficult in books or on the Internet?  Don't be worried一you can get help at Khan Academy(可汗学院).

Khan Academy is an online learning website created in 2007 by Salman Khan, an American teacher. In order to provide "a free world-class education to anyone anywhere",Khan offers more than 4,200 free micro lectures(讲座)atkhanacademy.org.

The classes cover fields like mathematics, biology, chemistry and finance. They usually last for just 10 to 15 minutes. Unlike traditional classes, Khan mainly offers courses for students below college level. The classes can also help those who are planning to take the SAT, an exam often required for students who wish to enter a college or university in the US.

So how can you start your learning journey at Khan Academy?

First of all,enter the website with a personal e-mail account.Your personal home page at Khan Academy is designed to help you learn math. You can take a pre-test first to see your level. The academy then suggests exercises at the right level for you. It also allows you to watch videos and improve yourself until you reach level 5一the highest level.

If you are interested in other subjects, click "LEARN" to see all topics on offer. Try "Art History",for example. This will take you to all the things in that area like text articles, videos and questions. You can also put key words into the search box to see related topics.

Don't worry if you find it difficult to follow the courses in English. The courses have been translated into other languages, such as Chinese. Hundreds of Khan's courses in Chinese can be found on Netease (www. 163. com),which offers translations of courses from Harvard, Yafe, Oxford,Cambridge and other top universities.

1.The underlined word “ account” in the fourth paragraph probably means“________”.

A.账户        B.存款         C.报告             D.理由

2. Khan Academy is a learning website that________

A. was started by an American teacher

B. has a history of over 10 years

C. doesn't provide free lectures

D. is fit only for college students

3.The fifth paragraph is mainly about how to________.

A. pass the math test   B. learn math at Khan Academy

C. design your website  D, write an e-mail to Khan

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The classes at Khan Academy usually last 40 minutes.

B. Nothing but videos can be found at Khan Academy.

C. You can get courses from top universities on Netease.

D. Khan Academy only offers courses in English.

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Online Learning                B. Salman Khan

C. College Education              D. Language Courses



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