满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- I’ll buy you a new watch if you lear...

--- I’ll buy you a new watch if you learn to swim this summer.

--- Is there a ________? I’m sure I’ll get it.

A. chance         B. trick           C. treat              D. Promise


D 【解析】 试题分析: Chance是机会;trick是把戏窍门;treat是治疗,款待;promise是承诺。句意:今年夏天,如果你学会了如何游泳,我就给你买一辆新的手表。——那是一个承诺吗?我敢肯定我能得到手表。结合语境可知选D。 考点:考查名词的用法  

We just need one of you for the match. ________ you ________ your brother can join us.

A. Both; and        B. Neither; nor

C. Either; or       D. Not only; but also



---I find ________ hard ________ me to understand his painting.

---It’s polite ________ you to say so. His painting is nothing.

A. it; for; of     B. that; of; for

C. that; for; for  D. it; of; of



They had ________exciting train ride to Chengdu before they went on to ________

Mount Emei by bus.

A. a ; the            B. an ; /

C. the ; the           D. an ; the




请根据下列表格的提示, 写一篇题为Changes in My Hometown的短文。(80词左右)


过去 现在

1.旧房 1.高楼

2.河水肮脏 2.河水清澈

3.步行、骑自行车上班 3.乘公交车、小汽车上班

4.道路狭窄 4.环形路宽阔

5.居住条件差 5.居住环境舒适

Changes in My Hometown








A:China is famous for tea, right?

B: Yes, both in the past and now.


B: Well, in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.

A: 2.__________________________

B: Oh, as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the side of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.

A: 3.______________________________________________?

B:The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.

A: It seemed that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.

B: Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business.

A: I hear Zhushan is known for Shenshui Tea.

B: Yes, you are right.

A: 4.________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I do. I drink a glass of tea a day. And my parents like to drink tea, too.


B: You’d better drink it after meals.

A: That sounds like a fun to drink tea, maybe I like it. Thank you.



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