满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- That blue T-shirt with Beckham’s pic...

--- That blue T-shirt with Beckham’s picture on it ________ be David’s. He admires him a lot.

--- No, it ________ be his. He hates blue.

A. must; can’t   B. may; can’t

C. can; mustn’t  D. must; mustn’t


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:那件上面有贝克汉姆的T恤一定属于戴维德。他很崇拜他。——不,不可能是他的。他讨厌蓝色。can能,可能;can’t不能;may可以;needn’t不必;must必须,一定;mustn’t禁止。结合语境可知选A。 考点:情态动词辨析  

Nobody becomes ________ than you ________ ready for the coming match.

A. busy; to get           B. busier; getting

C. busier; to getting     D. busy; getting



--- I’ll buy you a new watch if you learn to swim this summer.

--- Is there a ________? I’m sure I’ll get it.

A. chance         B. trick           C. treat              D. Promise



We just need one of you for the match. ________ you ________ your brother can join us.

A. Both; and        B. Neither; nor

C. Either; or       D. Not only; but also



---I find ________ hard ________ me to understand his painting.

---It’s polite ________ you to say so. His painting is nothing.

A. it; for; of     B. that; of; for

C. that; for; for  D. it; of; of



They had ________exciting train ride to Chengdu before they went on to ________

Mount Emei by bus.

A. a ; the            B. an ; /

C. the ; the           D. an ; the



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