满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Put it down, Kitty. You mustn’t read ___...

Put it down, Kitty. You mustn’t read ________letter.

A. someone else’s   B. anyone’s else

C. anyone else        D. anyone else’s


D 【解析】 句意:Kitty,放下它。你禁止阅读其他人的信件。考查:形容词位于不定代词的后面anyone else,表示其他人的,因此用名词所有格形式anyone else’s。故选 C 考点:考查形容词的用法  

She has very________ close friends so that she really doesn’t know________.

A. a few; who to talk to                  B. few; who to talk to

C. little; what to do                     D. a few; how to do it



Look at the baby __________in pink. How lovely!

A. dressed      B. wears             C. is wearing      D. Dresses



--- Did the speaker tell us any ways to develop our integrated skills during his speech?

--- ________ at all. He said ________ about it.

A. Not; nothing B. None; nothing

C. Not; none  D. Nothing; none



You can’t imagine________ when they finished climbing the high mountain.

A. how they were tired              B. how tired they were

C. how tiring they were            D. how tiring were they



Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. We doubt that David told us the truth.

B. Many students don’t know how to do with the stress in their daily life and study.

C. Lily isn’t sure if blue looks good on her or not.

D. Could you tell me which is the way to the school library?



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