满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- How did you find your visit to Dalia...

--- How did you find your visit to Dalian, Joan?

--- ________.

A. Oh, wonderful indeed

B. I went there alone

C. First by train and then by ship

D. A guide showed me the way


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你觉得去大连的参观怎么样呢?——的确棒极了。A.的确棒极了;B.我自己去的那里;C.先乘坐火车然后坐船;D.一名向导给我带路了。根据问句可知A选项内容符合语境,答案选A。 考点:考查情景交际。  

Mike would rather ________emails to friends while John prefers________ phone calls.

A. write; to making                 B. write; to make

C. writing; to make                 D. to write; making



Put it down, Kitty. You mustn’t read ________letter.

A. someone else’s   B. anyone’s else

C. anyone else        D. anyone else’s



She has very________ close friends so that she really doesn’t know________.

A. a few; who to talk to                  B. few; who to talk to

C. little; what to do                     D. a few; how to do it



Look at the baby __________in pink. How lovely!

A. dressed      B. wears             C. is wearing      D. Dresses



--- Did the speaker tell us any ways to develop our integrated skills during his speech?

--- ________ at all. He said ________ about it.

A. Not; nothing B. None; nothing

C. Not; none  D. Nothing; none



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