满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My class will put on a short play in Eng...

My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday our English teacher gave us copies of the play.

"Choose a character in the play whom you'd like to be," she told us. "This afternoon learn a few lines of this part for homework. Then tomorrow you can say those lines in front of the class. I'll decide who play each part."

I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play, so I choose the part of the king . He has a lot of lines to say. I learned them by heart.

This morning in our English lesson we had to say our lines. I acted the part of the king. When I said my lines, I put a lot of expression into my acting. I thought I acted really well.

Everyone in the class read a part and then the teacher would decide who would play each part .

Many of the students in my class couldn't act at all. They couldn't even read without making lots of mistakes. I was sure that I would get a big part in the play.

However, the teacher gave me the part of a soldier. He has only one line. It is ,"Yes, sir!"

I was very disappointed. At the end of the lesson I went up to her and asked her why I had such a small part.

"You put too much expression in your acting," she said. "Good acting is not big acting . It is acting the audience can believe in.”

I think I know what she means.

1.What did the boy want to do in the play?

A. To get a small acting part.      B. To organize the play.

C. To get a large acting part.      D. To work the lights.

2.How did the boy feel when the teacher told the class they would put on a play?

A. Bored       B. Sad         C. Excited       D. Unhappy

3.Why didn’t the teacher give him the part of the king ?

A. He did not act correctly.

B. He did not know the lines.

C. He was not handsome.

D. He was too short.

4.What does the underlined word "expression " in the passage mean?

A. 表情       B. 建议         C. 模仿      D. 服饰


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者所在的班级内准备表演一场戏,作者选择了一个大的角色,却没有被老师选中,原因是作者在表演中加入了过多的表情,最后老师让他饰演一名士兵。 1.C细节理解题。依据短文中的句子“I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play”可知,这个小男孩想演一个主角。故答案为C。 2.C细节理解题。由短文三,四段的短文大意可知,作者想演一个大的角色,进行了认真准备,表演很投入。因此只有C符合题意。 3.A推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知,作者没被选中扮演国王的原因是他表演的不恰当。故答案为A。 4.A词意猜测题。由上文可知,作者在表演中加入了过多的表情。故答案为A。 考点:日常生活类阅读。

The crowd stopped their talks as the runners came to the starting line. At this moment, all eyes were on two people, Mark, the favorite for the gold medal, and Jim, a new face to all.

Mark had won a lot of competitions in 3000 meters and was thought to be the finest runner in the country. Until a few months before, Jim was almost unknown outside his hometown. But he had won one competition after another, which was a big surprise. Many people thought Jim would also do very well this time. It was going to be an exciting race.

Bang! The race started. For the first half, Jim ran with Mark in the leading group. At 1700 meters, Jim was about one meter behind Mark. Suddenly, the crowd stopped cheering. Mark fell and lay on the grass. He tried to get up, but he had been injured and was out of the race.

The crowd believed that Jim had tripped( 绊倒) Mark and they began to shout at him. Jim looked back and slowed down. Then ______. But the race was over for Jim, too. He was far behind others now. Jim was very unhappy because of what had happened.

Later, after the judges (裁判) had studied the video of the race, they decided that Jim had done nothing wrong . Jim went to see Mark and said, "I'm sorry for ..." "It's not your fault. I got injured myself in the leg. Such a thing never happens to me. I've got to see the doctor,"

The two went on to become good friends and were often seen training together.

1.Why was the race going to be exciting?

A. Because it was a 3000 meters race.

B. Because there were only two runners in the competition .

C. Because both Mark and Jim were very good runners.

D. Because a large crowd of people came to watch the competition.

2.The crowd stopped cheering suddenly because ______.

A. it began to rain heavily

B. Mark fell and lay in the grass

C. Jim was about one meter behind Mark

D. Jim ran with Mark in the leading group.

3.Which of the following can be put in the blank(空白处) in Paragraph 4?

A. he went on with the race

B. the doctors came to help

C. the judges told him to stop

D. he didn't know what had happened



It's 10:00pm. A man leaves a restaurant, gets into his car and drives away. 200 meters further he's stopped by a police officer.

Officer: Good evening, sir. We are testing drivers for drunk driving. Would you please blow (吹) into this machine?

Man: I'm sorry, I can't do that. If I blow into that machine, I will get out of air.

Officer: Please come along to the office and we can give you a blood test.

Man: I can't do that. If you give me a blood test, I will bleed(流血) to death.

Officer: Then you'll have to get out and walk five meters along this white line.

Man: I can't do that, either.

Officer: Why not?

Man: Because I'm dead drunk! I can't open the door.

1.The man is stopped ____ meters away from the restaurant.

A. 5      B. 10      C. 200      D. 205

2.The conversation probably happens in a (an) ______.

A. office      B. street      C. hospital      D. restaurant

3.The man wouldn't have the test for drunk driving because _____.

A. he is badly ill          B. he will get out of air

C. he is dead drunk          D. he will bleed to death





It's very common to meet different people in public places.

When I was 12 years old, I got a small job in a __________ . On my first day at work , I didn't come home for lunch. When I came home at night, Mum asked," How did you ___________ your lunch, dear?" I answered, "I made some new friends in the supermarket, twin brothers, their mom and dad. They were my customers. They invited me ___________ lunch.

Mum was happy that I had made new friends but she wanted to know what kinds of ____________ they might be.

Several days later, I asked my friends to come to the supermarket where I worked ____________ let Mum meet them. Mum was very ___________ to find out that the twin brothers were joined at the chest(胸部). She felt very strange because I didn't tell her about that before.

When Mum asked me about this , I said," I know that too. But do you know that their mom has to make all clothes because it's ___________ difficult to find anything to fit them? They are also good __________. That day, Joe, the one on the right , made me noodles for lunch."

When Mom saw the twins, she must have thought how strange they __________. But to me, what I cared about was that they had difficulty__________ clothes and they were good cooks,

1.A. supermarket   B. post office    C. factory       D. bank

2.A. find         B. make          C. manage       D. eat

3.A. at           B. for         C. after       D. before

4.A. men           B. women          C. boys         D. people

5.A. and           B. but          C. or           D. so

6.A. surprised     B. excited      C. interested   D. disappointed

7.A. so             B. very         C. too         D. really

8.A. friends       B. singers       C. workers     D. cooks

9.A. smelled      B. looked        C. felt         D. sounded

10.A. sell        B. making        C. wear        D. buying



--I have failed the math test again.

--    .You should work harder to pass it next time.

A. Have a good time            B. Enjoy yourself

C. I’m sorry to hear that      D. I’m glad to hear that



–Listen! Helen is singing in the next room.

-- It     be Helen. She has gone to Guangzhou.

A. would                  B. can’t

C. could                  D. might



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