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Do you often use a cell phone? Do you ta...

Do you often use a cell phone? Do you take the subway(地铁)to school every day? These items(项目) make our modern life easier. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions might be helpful.

For cell phone users

Keep your voice down when you make a phone call in public. Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And you’d better not use it during an appointment(约会).

Stop sending messages or playing games with your cellphone at a dinner or a party. It’s a good time to communicate with your family and friends.

Don’t make or answer a call while driving. It is very dangerous for both you and your passengers.

For subway passengers

满分5 manfen5.comYou are supposed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway.

You’re not allowed to eat, drink or smoke on the subway train. The smell and noise may trouble others. It’s our duty to keep the train clean and tidy. Besides, smoking is bad for health.

You can’t take pets on the train. As we all know, animals may spread diseases (疾病), get the train dirty and make much noise.

You’d better not lie across the subway seats even if the train isn’t crowded. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is regarded as good manners.

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1.When you join in a party or eat at a dinner, you can               .

A. talk about the weather with friends

B. play games with cell phones

C. send messages with cell phones

D. make a telephone with cell phones

2.How many suggestions are offered to subway passengers in the passage?

A. 3     B. 4     C. 5     D. 7

3.Which of the following actions is improper?

A. No smoking on the subway.

B. Making a phone in a low voice in public.

C. Answering a telephone while driving

D. Offering your seat to someone who needs.

4.The passage above may be chosen from       .

A. A Guidebook on Proper Behaviors

B. A Handbook on Chinese History

C. A Handbook on Using Cell Phone

D. A Guidebook on Taking Subways


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了现代生活的礼仪问题。告诉我们:使用手机应该注意什么,地铁乘客应该注意什么。 1.A细节理解题。A.和朋友们谈论天气;B. 用手机做游戏;C.用手机发送信息;D. make a telephone with cell phones用手机打电话。根据文中For cell phone users◆Stop sending messages or playing games with your cellphone at a dinner or a party. It’s a good time to communicate with your family and friends.描述可知手机用户不能吃饭的时候,聚会的时候不能发信息,做游戏。手机是和家人、朋友交流的好的时间。故答案选A。 2.B细节理解题。根据文中For subway passengers以下描述共有四条建议。故答案选B。 3.C细节理解题。A. 不准在地铁里吸烟;B. 在公共场所小声打电话;C. 开车的时候接电话;D. 把你的座位主动提供给需要的人。根据文中根据对文章的理解可知答案选C。 4.A细节理解题。A. 适当行为指南;B. 一本关于中国历史的手册;C. 一本关于使用手机的手册;D. 乘坐地铁指南。 根据全文描述可知答案选A。 考点:考查日常生活类短文阅读。

It is fun being a vet (兽医). I like it because although it is hard work, every day is different! It all depends on what is wrong with the animals that come in.

At my clinic(诊所), I work long days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and short days on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sunday is my day off so I can spend some time with my family.

My day at my clinic begins at 7 am. My clerk opens the door, turns on some music, and makes everyone a cup of tea or coffee. My assistant (助手) cleans and feeds the animals. The phones start to ring and people make appointments. This is a very busy time of day!

At 9 am, pet owners start to arrive with their sick pets. Appointments take up the whole morning. At midday, I stop for two hours. I don’t examine(检查)any new sick animals. I use these two hours to have lunch and do all my paperwork.

At 2 pm. I start to see sick animals again. At 5 pm, three students from a local school who love animals arrive to help out. They are very kind and warm-hearted. I am always happy to see their smiling faces!

From 5 pm to 7pm, I continue to see sick animals. Then, at 7 pm, we close our doors and the clean-up begins! We tidy the clinic, and feed and clean the animals. Of course, we also stroke (轻抚) them and give them hugs! Then, we turn off the lights and go home. This is the type of day I want to have.

I’m very happy being a vet, though unexpected things sometimes happen!

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1.When did the writer as a vet begin to examine the sick pets?

A. At 7 am.   B. At 8 am.   C. At 9 am.   D. At 2 pm.

2.Who feed the animals in the writer’s clinic?

A. The writer.         B. the pet owners.

C. The writer’s clerk. D. The writer’s assistant.

3.What does the underlined word in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. 意见    B. 预约    C. 参观     D. 治疗

4.What can we know from the last two paragraphs?

A. The writer cares about our environment.

B. The writer loves his job and his animals

C. The animals in the clinic are very dirty.

D. The writer likes unexpected things really.

5.Which of the following could be the best TITLE for the passage?

A. A small Animal Clinic     B. The Writer and his Assistant

C. A Vet’s Type of Day      D. A Busy and Happy Life





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A Morning! What can I do for you?

B We’d like to make a trip for Mid-autumn Days, please.

A There are many travel paths.  1.

B We’d like to choose Mount Wuyi.

A It’s one of the most famous mountains in China.

It’s really a nice place to visit. 2.

B We have no idea. Which hotel do you think is comfortable and has a good view?

A The Peace Hotel is very nice and peaceful. 3.I think it’s the most important of all.

B We don’t want to live in a dear hotel.

A 4.

B All right. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, is it OK if we pay by credit card(信用卡)?

A 5.  Enjoy your Mid-autumn Days!

B Thank you.



We spent this summer with our uncle. He was a geologist(地质学家) and loved to go on walks to collect ________ . One day, he bought us backpacks and asked us to go to the mountain with him and carry the stones.

The whole day we walked around. Every now and then he put stones in our bags. To our   ________ , he also took some stones out from our bags. But we thought he had just found   ________  stones.

Still, when we   ________ to the house, we were very tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we felt ________ when we took them off. Yet uncle’s backpack was half empty.

“Why did you give us so many stones?” we asked.

“I didn’t. You did.” He said. “You didn’t know it, but I gave you a little attitude (态度) test. Today I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining (抱怨), I   ________  a stone to your bags. ________ you talked about something with positive (积极的) thinking, I ________  a stone. And now look at your backpacks.”

These stones made the backpacks nearly full.

“Your negative(消极的) thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your ________ just like those stones in a backpack. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be.”

With great love, our uncle ________ us one of the most important lessons in life—the power of attitude.

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1.A. sands      B. stones       C. flowers      D. sticks

2.A. joy        B. enjoyment   C. surprise    D. excitement

3.A. bigger    B. smaller     C. greener      D. better

4.A. returned   B. reached      C. came         D. got

5.A. excited  B. interested   C. satisfied   D. relaxed

6.A. added      B. threw       C. dropped      D. filled

7.A. However   B. Wherever    C. Whichever  D. Whenever

8.A. put out   B. took out     C. worked out   D. pointed out

9.A. body       B. mind         C. back         D. shoulder

10.A. let      B. had          C. helped      D. Taught



Help Bennington Museum take care of the exhibits(展览品) on our collection by following these rules

Walk in the museum, and move your body ________ .

Don’t ________  in the museum. Use a quiet voice when talking.

Only touch things that you have been ________  to touch.

If you have candy in your mouth, put   ________ in the waste before you enter the museum or its galleries(画廊).

Be good ________  . Raise your hand to ask or answer a question.

Food and drinks are only allowed in the exhibition hall and lunch room (Education Center).

Photograph is allowed,   ________ not in the Grandma Moses Gallery or in the Flag Gallery.

Students must be followed by chaperons (监护人) at all times. If no chaperons goes into a restroom   ________ students (for example, there are no adults with the group), students are allowed into the restroom no more than 3 at a time.

Chaperons should make sure the students ________  the rules by staying with them and stop them from talking loudly during the visit.

School groups are welcome in the Museum Gift Shop. Chaperons are asked to care for the   ________  in the shop.

If you follow these rules, you will surely have a ________  and safe museum visit.

1.A. quickly      B. regularly   C. usually     D. carefully

2.A. travel        B. shout       C. sleep      D. drink

3.A. allowed       B. refused      C. warned      D. passed

4.A. them           B. us          C. it          D. him

5.A. speakers      B. reporters   C. creators  D. listeners

6.A. but            B. and          C. so          D. or

7.A. for           B. with        C. against    D. by

8.A. break          B. make         C. follow     D. change

9.A. writers       B. soldiers     C. sportsmen   D. students

10.A. clear         B. fun         C. hard        D. Wise



—I’m very sorry I am late. It’s too crowded in Changjiang Road.

—_______. Better late than never.

A. It’s too bad   B. Better not

C. Take it easy   D. It doesn’t matter



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