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按规范抄写下列英语句子。 1.Where are they from? They...


1.Where are they from? They are from Cuba.

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2.How do you do?

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3.Here you are.

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4.My name is Sally.

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5.Excuse me, are you Jane?

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1.Where are they from? They are from Cuba. 2.How do you do? 3.Here you are. 4.My name is Sally. 5.Excuse me, are you Jane? 【解析】 试题分析:在四线三格中书写句子时,一定要注意句子的开头要大写,占上两格;单词与单词之间要留有一个字母的距离;句子末尾要有标点符号。 1.句意:他们来自哪?他们来自Cuba. 2.句意:你好吗? 3.句意:给你。 4.句意:我的名字叫萨利。 5.句意:打扰了,你是简吗? 考点:考查句子的规范书写。



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Writing (作文)

Write at least 60 words about the topic “Less Pressure makes Life Better”(以“少点压力使生活更美好”为题, 写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)






Phrases for reference (以下短语仅供参考)

get on well with….          under pressure

worry about                feel less stressed




Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Every Saturday morning, Helen Myers opens the door of the little library in Ellisville, Illinois. She raises the flag outside, sits down with a book and waits for people to come. “If I have two people come in, it’s a big crowd,” says Myers, 77.

The old lady has kept the library for more than 40 years in an old small building. It all began in June 1966, when Myers opened her library with 400 books from her home shelves. At that time, she took care of a boys’ community service group. “One of the boys noticed that I had a lot of books, and he said, ‘I sure wish we could have a library here in town.’” Myers remembers. That’s all she needed.

Today, people don’t read much. They watch TV and play video games. But that doesn’t stop Myers from opening her library every Saturday to share her love of books. The library has always been Myers’ favorite project. In the 1970s, when the old building was too dangerous to stay in, she began saving money for a new building.

She sells homemade cookies, and the money pays the bills for the library. As the news about the country’s smallest library spreads, donations began coming in. With the donations and her own savings, Myers built Ellisville Library II, which opened in October 2003. The new library has 3500 donated books, new and used.

Many times, Myers opens and closes the library and sees no one. “My daughter said, ‘Mom, why don’t you give up?’” Myers says, “I said, ‘No. Somebody, some day, may read. Who knows? A future president of the United States may come in and get a book.’”

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1.The library doesn’t have a lot of readers, does it?

2.How many books did the library have when it opened in 1966?

3.What does Myers do to pay the bill for the library?

4.Why did she need a new building for the library?

5.Where did the money for the new building come from?

6.If you are Myers, what will you do? Why?



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Some people have the feeling that nothing can be done about their poor reading ability. They feel hopeless about it. Can you learn to read better, or must you agree that nothing can be done about it?

To be sure, people are d   1.    . You cannot do everything as well as certain other people do. If all the students in a class tried out for basketball, some would be very good players, others would be very poor, and the r   2.    would be in between. But even the very poor players can become much better players if they are guided in the right way, and with plenty of p   3.   . It is the same with reading. Some seem to enjoy reading and to read happily without any s   4.help. Others find reading a slow and tiring job. In between, there are all degrees of reading ability.

Many experiments have shown that just about every poor reader can i  5.   his reading ability. In these experiments, the poor readers were given tests of reading ability. After some of the causes of their poor reading were discovered, they were given some instructions (说明) and t___6.___ in reading. After a few months, another test of the same kind was given. In nearly all cases, these people had r   7.   their reading scores. So don’t worry about your reading ability. Everyone can be a better reader.

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