满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据汉语完成句子。 1. (大家) has two hands. 2.Betty...


1.           (大家) has two hands.

2.Betty’s mother is a             (经理)of a hotel..

3.Li Lei's              (最喜爱的) sport is table tennis.

4.There are fifty             (课桌)in our classroom.

5.His ____________(父母) are teachers.


1.Everyone 2.manager 3.favorite 4.desks 5.parents 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据谓语是has可知此处的主语是第三人称单数形式,表示“大家”,故此处为Everyone。句意:大家都有两只手。 2.有不定冠词a来修饰,故此处用单数名词manager。句意:Betty的母亲是一个宾馆的经理。 3.修饰名词sport,故此处用形容词favorite。句意:李磊最喜爱的运动是乒乓球。 4.有数词fifty修饰,故此处用名词复数形式,故此处为desks。句意:在我们教室有50张桌子。 5.谓语是are,故主语是复数名词,故此处为parents。句意:他的父母是老师。 考点:单词拼写。


1.where /   /

2.brother /    /

3.daughter  /    /

4.police  /    /





2./'nʌmbə/ ________

3./'θə:zdei /_________


5./' ʌŋkǀ/

6./' fǀaʊə/



Look at this photo of my family. There are six people in my family. This woman is my mother. She is nice and looks so young.She is a policewoman(女警察). She works in a police station(警察局). She is a hero (英雄)in my heart(心). That man in the black coat is my father. He is a scientist(科学家). He works in an institute(研究院). He is very busy. Look at this lovely(可爱的) boy. It is my little brother. My grandma looks after him. She is a nurse. My grandpa is that man in the brown coat. My father looks like him. He is a teacher. Can you see me? I'm behind my brother. I have a happy family.

1.There are ________people in my family.

A.four           B.five

C.six           D.seven

2.________is a hero in my heart.

A.My father       B.My mother

C.My grandpa       D.My grandma

3.My father is a ________.

A.policeman         B.teacher

C.nurse             D.scientist

4.My grandma works ________.

A.in a hospital         B.in an institute

C.in a police station  D.in a school

5.My grandpa wears(穿着) a ________coat.

A.brown              B.black

C.red               D.green



Mr and Mrs Brown come from Sydney(悉尼). They have two children, Jim and Kate. They are all in Sanya now.

Mr Brown likes swimming and reading, too. They often go swimming in the afternoon. Jim and Kate like playing games. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.

Jim’s uncle works in a restaurant near Sydney. He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Sanya and to be a swimmer. But he can’t speak Chinese. So he is still(仍然)there and goes to Chinese classes every week.

1.Jim and Kate are from _________.

A. America                 B. Canada

C. England                 D. Australia

2.Mr Brown likes _________.

A. reading and swimming      B. skating

C. playing games             D. A and B

3.Kate’s uncle is a ________.

A. teacher                   B. waiter

C. reporter                 D. policeman

4.Jim’s uncle likes _________.

A. reading                  B. playing games

C. his work                 D. swimming

5._______ work in different countries now.

A. Mr and Mrs Brown         B. Mr Brown and his uncle

C. Mrs Brown and her uncle D. Mr Brown and his brother



My name is John Smith. I come from America. I am 12  years old. I live in Shanghai with my parents. I am a student. I am in Class Three Grade Seven. My English teacher is Linda. Mr Zhang is my Chinese  teacher. He is from Wuhan. Wuhan is a beautiful city. Li Hua is my best friend. He likes playing basketball. My favourite colour is blue, but Li Hua likes red best. Do you want to make friends with me ? My QQ  number is 609183317.

1.Where is John from?

A. England             B. America

C. American            D. English

2.How old is John Smith?

A. Eleven             B. Fourteen

C. Thirteen           D. Twelve

3.What class is John Smith in?

A. Class Three        B. Class Twelve

C. Class Ten         D. Class Seven

4.Where is Mr Zhang from?

A. America              B. Japan

C. China                D. England

5.Li Hua’s favourite colour is       .

A. blue                 B. red

C. black               D. yellow



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