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完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Are yo...

完形填空  阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Are you interested in birds? Do you want to learn about     ? Go birdwatching. Birdwatching is a great     . How to start it? Buy a bird book at first. It can     much useful information about birds for you.     you can buy a pair of binoculars and a notebook. You can watch birds in       or some nature reserves. Many reserves are     and have many facilities (设施) for children and the family. Children will feel     and can spend fun days there.   is usually the best time to go birdwatching. Most birds sing songs and fly       before 10:30 am,        a few birds like to fly and hunt at night, such as the owl (猫头鹰). Whenever you watch them, don’t make loud noise to        them. Remember to take notes      the sizes of the birds and colours of their feathers when you find them. Write down the        time of the day and the year. Also write down    you saw the birds. In a park or in a nature reserve? And you can         the birds in your bird book to learn more about them.

1.A. its         B. them          C. us        D. her

2.A. group       B. competition   C. club      D. hobby

3.A. sell        B. show         C. provide    D. write

4.A. So          B. Or         C. Then       D. But

5.A. theatres     B. homes        C. parks     D. cinemas

6.A. safe        B. dangerous   C. easy     D. lucky

7.A. noisy       B. welcome       C. quiet    D. bad

8.A. Morning      B. Noon          C. Afternoon  D. Evening

9.A. slowly      B. actively     C. quietly    D. carefully

10.A. if         B. when          C. though   D. while

11.A. protect    B. prevent      C. kill       D. frighten

12.A. on         B. of            C. in         D. before

13.A. possible   B. quiet        C. short    D. correct

14.A. what       B. how          C. where      D. when

15.A. look down   B. look up      C. look after D. look out


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是如果对鸟感兴趣并想了解关于鸟的知识,你可以去观鸟。文中讲了有关观鸟要做的事情及注意事项。 1.B考查代词与语境理解。A. Its它的;B. Them它们;C. Us我们;D. Her她,句意:你想了解它们吗?此空指代的是上文的birds,所以用them,故选B。 2.D考查名词与语境理解。A. Group小组;B. Competition竞赛;C. Club俱乐部;D. Hobby爱好,句意:观鸟是一项很好的爱好。根据语境这是一种爱好,故选D。 3.C考查动词与语境理解。A. Sell卖;B. Show展示;C. Provide提供;D. Write写,句意:它能为你提供很多关于鸟的信息。根据语境是这种书能给你提供信息,故选C。 4.C考查连词与语境理解。A. So 因此;B. Or否则;C. Then然后;D. But但是,句意: 然后你在买一个双筒望远镜和一个笔记本。根据语境此空是然后的意思,所以选C。 5.C考查名词与语境理解。A. Theatres剧院;B. Homes家;C. Parks公园;D. Cinemas电影院,句意:你可以在公园里或自然保护区观察鸟。根据语境观察鸟要在公园或自然保护区,故选C。 6.A考查形容词与语境理解。A. Safe安全的;B. Dangerous危险的;C. Easy容易的;D. Lucky幸运的,句意:许多保护区是安全的并有很多为孩子们或家人用的设施。根据语境是说保护区是安全的,故选A。 7.B 考查形容词与语境理解。A. Noisy吵闹的;B. Welcome受欢迎的;C. Quiet安静的;D. bad 坏的,句意:孩子们会感觉到很受欢迎并在那儿度过快乐的日子。根据语境是孩子们很受欢迎。故选B。 8.A考查名词与语境理解。A. Morning 上午;B. Noon正午;C. Afternoon下午;D. Evening晚上,句意:上午是去观察鸟的最佳时间。根据下文大部分鸟儿在上午10:30之前唱歌或活跃的飞行可知是上午是观察鸟的最佳时间,故选A。 9.B考查副词与语境理解。A. Slowly慢慢地; B. Actively活跃地;C. Quietly安静地;D. Carefully仔细地,句意:大部分鸟儿在上午10:30之前唱歌或活跃的飞行。根据语境是活跃地飞行,故选B。 10.D考查连词与语境理解。A. If如果;B. When当……时候;C. Though虽然; D. While然而,句意:然而一些鸟儿喜欢在晚上飞行或猎物,就像猫头鹰。根据语境此空表示转折,所以选D。 11.D考查动词与语境理解。A. protect 保护;B. Prevent阻止;C. Kill杀死;D. Frighten惊吓,句意:无论你什么时候观察鸟不要制造大的噪音惊吓它们。根据语境是惊吓它们,故选D。 12.B考查介词与语境理解。A. On在……上面;B. Of. ……的;C. in 在里面;D.before 在……之前,句意:当你发现它们时记住记下它们的大小和羽毛的颜色。根据语境“做……的笔记”应用介词of,故选B。 13.D考查形容词与语境理解。A. Possible可能;B. Quiet安静的; C. Short短的;D. Correct正确的,句意:写下那一天和那一年的正确时间。根据语境是指正确的日子。故选B。 14.C考查疑问词与语境理解。A. what 什么;B. How怎样;C. where 哪里;D. When何时,句意:同时记下你在哪儿看到的这些鸟。根据下文是在公园里还是在自然保护区可知此空是指在哪里,故选C。 15. 考点:科普类短文阅读

—________    —It’s sunny today.

A. How was the weather yesterday?

B. How are you doing?

C. What fine weather!

D. What’s the weather like today?



—Hey, guys. Do you often have a good time ________ after-school activities?

—Of course, we do. And we always have a lot of time ________ soccer.

A. to do; to practice          B. doing; practicing

C. to do; practicing           D. doing; to practice



It’s ________ today. You’d better ________ to the museum.

A. raining; go         B. rainy; not go

C. raining; not to go  D. rainy; not to go



Simon always shares his things with others.   —Oh, how ________ he is!

A. polite    B. friendly   C. generous   D. handsome



I am afraid I can’t go to your party. You know, the exam is coming.  Really? ________.

A. What a shame!    B. What a pity!

C. You’re welcome.  D. That’s nothing.



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