满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Complete the following passage with the ...

Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次):

A. slowly  B. fact      C. because  D. happened      E. several

F. one          G. though

I’ve never thought about talking with a stranger online before. I thought it was dangerous, but last month I tried it. Let me tell you what _____1.___. I set up my speaker and my microphone (话筒) and then began walking into different kinds of rooms____2.____ I didn’t know which room was right for me. I just wanted to find a native English speaker to talk to, but I failed. Several days later, I went online again and found an English speaking room. I hoped this room would become a good place for English learners. The third time, I stayed in my room, and ___3.____ people entered it. There were two native English speakers, ___4._____was from the UK, and the other was from Australia. It was too bad because neither of them had a microphone. They couldn’t speak to us but just typed words so our conversation went on ____5.____. However, I learned a lot from that conversation. I thought I have known a lot about English, but the ___6._____ is that I still have a long way to go. I will work



1.D 2.C 3.E 4.F 5.A 6.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是:作者认为在网上和陌生人交谈是危险的,于是就在网上试了一下。想找一个英语为母语的人交谈, 结果发现了一个讲英语的房间。于是作者和两个讲英语的人打字交流,谈话进行得很慢。但是作者已经了解了很多关于英语的知识。 1.D句意:让我来告诉你发生了什么。此处缺少谓语,应填一个动词。依据句意,故答案为D。 2.C句意:我设置好扬声器和麦克风,然后开始走进不同类别的房间,因为我不知道哪个房间适合我。依据句意及语境,故答案为C。 3.E句意:又有几个人进来了。下文中提到了两位以英语为母语的人。故答案为E。 4.F句意:一位来自英国,另一位来自澳大利亚。one…the other一个……另一个。故答案为F。 5.A句意:他们不能和我们讲话,所以我们的谈话进行得很慢。副词修饰动词,依据语境,故答案为A。 6.但事实是我还有很长的路要走。依据上一句意:我原以为我已经知道了很多关于英语的东西。下一句提到还有很长的路要走。结合语境,故答案为B。 考点:选词填空(教育学习类短文阅读)。

Please return the book as soon as possible.


A. That’s OK.     B. All right

C. My pleasure.     D. Thanks a lot.



Could you tell me __________________________________?

A. when will Shanghai Disneyland Park open

B. when Shanghai Disneyland Park will open

C. when would Shanghai Disneyland Park open

D. when Shanghai Disneyland Park would open



According to the broadcast, the plane __________ in two hours.

A. take off    B. will take off

C. took off      D. have taken off



________ the weather is very changeable these days, many people have caught a cold.

A. Though      B. As              C. When    D. So that



Water is offered at the tourist attraction , so you _________ carry any.

A. needn’t        B. don’t need

C. needn’t to     D. need not to



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