满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Thanks _______ the photo_____ your famil...

Thanks  _______   the photo_____  your family.

A. of; about        B. for; about

C.  for; of         D. of; of


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:谢谢你的家庭照。短语thanks for sth因为某物而感谢某人; the photo of your family你的家庭照。故选C。 考点:考查介词的用法。  

This is ___ orange.____ orange is orange.

A. a, The        B. an, The         C. the, An        D. the, /



Who is she?   She’s my mother’s ________, my aunt.

A. daughter      B. aunt          C. mother   D. sister



There is ___ “n” in the word pencil.

A. a            B. an           C. the           D. /





Dear Bob

How is it going these days?

I make some new plans for myself.







Do you have any new plans?


Da Ming



补全对话 (有一项是多余的)

A. Take this medicine three times a day.

B. Must I stay in bed?

C. You only got a cold.

D. Please say "Ahh".

E. I have a lot of headaches, and I feel tired.

F. You should see the doctor.

A What's the matter with you, young man?

B Oh, doctor. I'm not feeling well. 1. I think I will die.

A Die? I don't think so. Take it easy. 2.

B Ahh... I must have a terrible illness.

A Em...3._ I am sure you will be all right soon.

B But I really feel very terrible. What should I do now?

A4. B Is that all?

A You should drink more water and you shouldn't eat spicy food.

B 5.    A No, you needn't



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