满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Everybody has heard of fast food,but hav...

Everybody has heard of fast food,but have you ever eaten slow food?Well,you might just want to try it.Here are some Americans talking about slow fooD. 满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com
1.Who runs a slow food snack bar called Good Food?
A. Karen.
B. Mark.
C. JoshuA.
D. Susi.
2.What does Mark teach children about?
A. Farms.
B. FooD.
C. Business.
D. Restaurants.
3.Joshua wants to find out more about slow food
A. at the school
B. in the bar
C. on the Internet
D. in the library


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 1.1】细节理解题。根据Karen这一段第一句可知是Karen开了Good Food。故选A。 2.2】细节理解题。根据Mark这一段最后一句可知他教给孩子们有关食物的东西。故选B。 3.3】细节理解题。根据Joshua这一段倒数第三句可知他希望可以在网上找到更好的这种店。故选C。

A Fun Way to Start the Day
Mrs.Bames turned off the bright camera light on the news desk.Charlie,a fifth-grade news announeer(播音员),sat at the desk.“Our show seems to be missing something,”he saiD. “It seems like we should end our________on a cheerful note.We should give the students________to enjoy.Since the show is school wide,we could help everyone begin the day in a positive way.”
“What do you mean,Charlie?Don't you think the students like watching our news show and ________about the important events of the day?”Mrs.Barnes said jokingly.“Sure,”Charlie answereD. “I'm just looking for a little something more to add to our program,”he said.
Charlie was what his mother called an“experimenter”.He was,________trying to find a new way of doing something,and today Charlie wanted to think of how to really________up the school with the morning news.
As Charlie walked, he hummed(哼唱)the school song.His friend Jenny met him in the hallway and,without a word,she too began humming.By the time they reached the classroom door,another girl,Lily,had________them and started singing their happy song.
At first,Mrs.Barnes watched the class with a confused expression,and then with a shine in her eyes,she smileD. Her class loved to sing,and she liked sharing this________with them.
Just at that moment,Charlie realized that music was the________ he had been looking for.
That's it!Charlie thought.We can end the morning news by singing our school song.
“So what do you think?”Charlie asked heartedly.Mrs.Barnes was happy to see Charlie _______about his volunteer work as the school news announcer.“Let's give it a try!”Mrs.Barnes replieD. “I have a feeling that it will be a________way to end our morning news show and a fun way to start the day!”
1.A. class        B. show         C. day        D. week
2.A. something     B. anything     C. nothing    D. everything
3.A. reading       B. warning      C. talking    D. asking
4.A. almost       B. already      C. ever      D. always
5.A. call          B. wake         C. look       D. give
6.A. told          B. helped       C. found      D. joined
7.A. moment        B. memory      C. plan       D. information
8.A. reason        B. request      C. answer     D. ability
9.A. disappointed  B. worried      C. excited   D. surprised
10.A. pleasant     B. polite       C. normal     D. traditional



Tom's birthday is coming.Do you know            tomorrow?
A. where he had a party

B. where he will have a party

C. where did he have a party

D. where will he have a party



The International Kite Festival          in Weifang every year.
A. holds             B. held

C. is held           D. was held



I             my cousins yesterday and we had fun together.
A. visit               B. visited

C. will visit           D. was visiting



Bob         a lot since we met last year.
A. changes               B. changed

C. has changed           D. will change



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