满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Simon _______ Chinese tea with nothing i...

Simon _______ Chinese tea with nothing in itHe says he enjoys the taste very much.
A prefers            B prefers to

C would rather       D would like to


A 【解析】本题考查主谓一致。句意:Simon更喜欢中国的清茶,他说他非常喜欢这个味道。prefer更喜欢,prefer A to B 在A和B中更喜欢A。would rather 宁愿……,根据句意,选A  

When he was        university student, he wanted to be        NBA player.
A a;a       B a;an       C an;an       D an;a





2文中不得出现真实的姓名。满分5 manfen5.com


I am glad that Li Wei has made great progress_______________________________









1.Finally, I made a_________ to forgive Kitty for her mistake(decide)

2.Listening to music sometimes can make it easier for you to forget ________(sad)

3.I know from ___________ experience how difficult this kind of work is(person)

4.He was punished by his father because of his ___________(care)

5.Good news! A high-speed railway____________ Dongtai to Taizhou will be built in a few years(connect)




1.—Ning Zetao won the gold medal in FINA World Championships(世界游泳锦标赛)He is really a_____________ athlete(天生的)

— In fact, he is hard-working

2.China is an______________ country with a long history(古老的)

3.It’s important for us to understand the________________(语法) rules.

4.People around the world love __________ and hate war(和平)

5.Mo Yan is one of the __________ of modern Chinese culture(先锋)



TFboys, a boy band that has three middle school students, became the talk all over China.

Some say that TFboys has become popular only because they have pretty facesBut take a serious look at the three boys, and you may know what has helped them win over so many people.

Wang Junkai, 14, from ChongqingWang became a trainee(练习生) at TF- Entertainment at the age of eightHe still goes to school like other kids during weekdaysBut his weekends were filled with training classesHe learned how to sing and danceHe had to do the splits(劈叉) again and againMany boys couldn’t stand it and quit, but Wang didn’t give up.

Wang Yuan, 13, from ChongqingFans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny guy who’s always telling dry jokesBut when he starts to sing, you’d be thrilled(使…..激动) by his clear voice and high pitch(高音)The cheerful boy’s life is simpleHis mobile phone is only 300 yuan.

Yiyang Qianxi, 13, from HunanYiyang is the shortest of the three boysHe is a top studentHe is an excellent dancerHe takes part in TV showsHe has played different roles in many moviesHe is even good at calligraphy(书法)When other teenagers show off their new clothes on weibo, Yiyang displays his calligraphy workHow can he be good at so many things? “I am practicing dancing while others are chatting,” he says.

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1.Wang Junkai goes to school from Monday to Friday, doesn’t he?


2.Does Wang Yuan do well in singing or dancing?


3.What is Yiyang Qianxi doing while other teenagers are chatting?


4.How long has Wang Junkai been at TF- Entertainment?


5.What do you think of TFboys after reading the passage?




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