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Every place offers the possible dangers ...

Every place offers the possible dangers for getting hurt, even staying at work. We may face dangers like walking into desks or chairs, receiving unexpected cuts from a paper knife and so on. Industrial jobs have similar and more dangers like getting body parts hurt by machines or falling from a height.
No one wants to get hurt. Some accidents are avoidable(可避免的). Most accidents happen because of common things seen every day—an open desk drawer, a chair pul满分5 manfen5.comled out too far, water on the fl满分5 manfen5.comoor and so on. We slowly get used to these things we see every day and never think about what they could possibly become in the future.
Think about the following to prevent dangers to yourself and others:
1.If there is something you see and know may become a danger for yourself or others, do something about it. Close a desk drawer, clean up or put a sign over the water, turn off the power before leaving, and so on.
2.Get extra persons’ help and support on a task that is满分5 manfen5.com too hard for a single person.
3.Study the situation and think what could possibly happen and change if necessary. Do it before something happens and you won’t have to say some day, “ I should have… How sorry I feel…”
To use an old phrase “ Saf满分5 manfen5.comety is everyone’s duty.” Looking down on it could lead to being hurt. Keep the rule in mind every day “ Everyone wants to go home in the same condition they came to work in –or better.”满分5 manfen5.com


1.Safety 2.Possible 3.cuts 4.Reasons / Causes 5.caused 6.what 7.leave 8.own 9.changes 10.everyone’s 【解析】 1.1】本文主要讲了工作中应该做到安全第一。故填Safety. 2.2】根据文章第一句话Every place offers the possible dangers for getting hurt, even staying at work.可知表格第一行第二列是有关可能的危险。故填possible. 3.3】根据文章第一段…receiving unexpected cuts from a paper knife and so on.可知该空填cuts. 4.4】根据表格第二行第二列可知是有关危险发生的原因。故填Reasons / Causes . 5.5】be caused by…由……造成;大多数事故都是由每天可见的普通的事造成的。故填caused. 6.6】根据文章第二段We slowly get used to these things we see every day and never think about what they could possibly become in the future.可知该空指的是these things,此处用what代替。故填what. 7.7】根据文章第四段…turn off the power before leaving可知该空填leave. 8.8】根据文章第五段Get extra persons’ help and support on a task that is too hard for a single person.如果工作一个人完成太难的话,就去找别人帮忙或支持;也就是如果对自己完成太难的话。故填own. 9.9】根据文章第六段Study the situation and think what could possibly happen and change if necessary.可知该空填changes. 10.10】根据文章最后一段Saf ety is everyone’s duty.可知该空填everyone’s.


1.I can’t understand his __________(silent) on such a matter.
2.They are looking forward to their grandpa’s ___________(nine) birthday party.
3.The noise upstairs kept me ___________(wake)all the night.
4.There will be a bridge _____________(connect)the school to the village in the near future.
5.Please pay attention to your _______________(pronounce) when you read English.
6.Mil满分5 manfen5.comlie is still not used to the _______(热量) in summer here.
7.Our teacher often reminds us to  pronounce words______________(正确地).
8.Tom ____________(更喜欢)swimming to skating when he was young.
9.The _____________(决定) you have made don’t seem so good. You need to be thoughtful.
10.________________(粗心)will be a disaster not only to doctors but also to patients.



The city of Yangzhou came into being at the Spring and Autumn Period ( about 500 AC ).As the key transportation link at joint (连接处) place of the Great Canal(运河)( Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River), Yangzhou has been from the Sui Dynasty (600 AD.) an economically rich city, and then reached its top in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in East Asia.
     With the improvement of the local economy and easy transportation way, there happened in the history a special local culture, which has an important place in Chinese culture. Many famous men of letters, poets, artists, sc满分5 manfen5.comholars (学者), statesmen, scientists and national heroes in the history were born in, lived in or had connection with Yangzhou. Li Bai, one of the greatest Chinese poets visited and stayed in Yangzhou several times in his life and one of his famous poems about Yangzhou has been so popular that Chinese of all ages can sing it and has become a symbol of Yangzhou . Zheng Banqi满分5 manfen5.comao, a famous Chinese painting painter in the Qing Dynasty heading a group called “Eight Eccentrics”, had st满分5 manfen5.comrongly influenced Chinese paintings. Wang Zhong and Yuan Yuan and some other scholars formed school of Yangzhou Scholars and achieved great success in the study of classic Chinese and writing. Zhu Ziqing, one of most famous modern Chinese writers and scholars, had always been proud of himself as a native of Yangzhou and thanked the city for being nourished (养育) by its rich culture. Quite a few other names you may come across frequently (频繁地) in the study of Chinese culture and history have connection with Yangzhou. Yangzhou was so attractive and important that many Chinese emperors in history had come specially to visit or check the city. Emperor Suiyang, who ordered to cut the Great Canal so that he could come more easily and quickly, died on his last trip to the city and buried (埋葬) here. Emperor Qianlong had come all the way from the north and visited the city nine times.
1.Which of following sentences is NOT right according to this passage?
A. Yangzhou joined the Great Canal (Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River).
B满分5 manfen5.com. In the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in Asia.
C. Emperor Suiyang was buried in Yangzhou.
D. Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou nine times.
2.We can infer(推断)the poem mentioned in this passage by Li Bai is _______.
3.Who influenced Chinese paintings a lot according to this passage?
A. Zheng Banqiao 
B. Zhu Ziqing
C. Wang Zhong
D. Li Bai
4.What’s the best title of the passage?
A. YangzhouAn Economically Rich City
B. YangzhouAn Easy Transportation City
C. YangzhouA Historical Culture City
D. YangzhouA Famous Tour City



Once there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the forest, and the son left his socks there. After the family left, a bear came by, found the socks, and decided to try them on. They fit so well, and he liked them so much that he wouldn’t take them off.
All the animals talked about the bear’s new look. Soon, in that forest, there began appearing squirrels in shirts, rabbits in shoes, and even rats wearing hats! The forest doctor shook his head, telling animals, “This can’t be good. Animals don’t need clothes!” But no one listened to him. They said he was just out of fashion.
However, it wasn’t long before the first results of fashion-fever came. Several times the squirrel caught his shirt on trees, stopping him in mid-jump and sending him falling to the ground from a tree. The rat couldn’t go into his hole without taking off his hat first. Even the bear, because of his socks, slipped from the river rock and almost killed himself.
When the animals came to see the doctor, he gave them all the same advice, “Take off those clothes before one day they’re going to kill you.” Those who listened to the doctor’s advice stopped having accidents. And the animals realized that they didn’t need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very dangerous, and they had only done it to make others admire them, and to get attention.
1. ______ found the socks and tried them on.
A. The son          
B. The bear            
C. The rabbit                  
D. The rat
2.From the story we can know that______.
A. the family had a good time with the bear
B. the animals didn’t like the bear’s new look
C. the squirrel couldn’t go into his hole with his hat on
D. the forest doctor told the animals not to wear clothes
3.Which of the following can explain the underlined sentence “it wasn’t long before the first results of fashion-fever came”?
A. Soon the animals had accidents because of the clothes
B. Soon the animals had a fever because of the clothes
C. Soon the animals became healthier in the warm clothes
D. Soon the animals enjoyed wearing clothes very much
4.The story is written to tell us______.
A. helping others is helping yourself       
B. we should be careful in the forest
C. things that fit yourself are the best    
D. animals must be looked after well



.An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a day's hard work. When he was not far from his house, the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not mend it.

He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a po满分5 manfen5.comliceman saw this, he stopped the old carter.

"Where's your light?" asked the policeman. "No one may take a cart along a road at night without a light. You know that. You've broken the law.”

"I had a light," said the old man, "but it has just gone out."

"I don't believe that story," said the policeman. He took out a book and got ready to write. "What's your name and where do you live?" he asked.

"Please don't take my name," said the old man. "My house is just there. You can see it from here. I had a light nearly the whole way. I haven't come far without a light."

"You came all the way without a light. What's your name?"

The carter quickly took the policeman's hand and put it down on the top of the light. The light was still hot, and burnt the policeman's hand. He jumped and he was very angry.

"Now, what do you think?" said the carter. "Did I come all the way without a light?"

1.In the passage "Cart" is ___________.

A. something like a car

B. something like a light

C. something pulled by a horse

D. something with a light

2.The old man drove home ___________.

A. on the back of his horse

B. late one night

C. very late every night

D. with a policeman

3.Where did the policeman stop the old man?

A. Near his home.

B. At the traffic lights.

C. Under a road light.

D. Far from his house.

4.How did the old man make the policeman believe his words?

A. He made the policeman touch the light.

B. He jumped and shouted angrily.

C. He made the policeman angry.

D. He burnt the policeman's hands.



Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following chart is a day’s life of a pop star.
Feb. 10, 2014满分5 manfen5.com
1.According to the chart, the pop star was a ________________.
A. singer
B. dancer
C. player
D. pianist.
2.According to his plan, his plane should have taken off at ________________.
A. 6:30
B. 7:00
C. 7:30
3.From this passage ,we get to know that ________.
A. not all people like pop stars
B. pop stars have their own bands
C. fans are troublesome for pop stars
D. to be a pop star is not all fun



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