满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some teenagers think that newspapers are...

Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But that’s not true. There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to make clear what you are looking at. “I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day,” said 15-year-old Gao Ming from Beijing.“I’m interested in things happening at school.” School news is just one kind of news story in newspapers. There’s also world news from international (国际的)problems to pop stars.

Read the newspaper carefully, and we’ll find different kinds of article on the pages

News stories---these stories are about events(事件). Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They also use pictures and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper Teenagers has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read them, we learn more about the facts, not the writers’ ideas.

Opinion writing---opinion writing is usually about something happening right now. But it isn’t just facts. Here writers add their own opinions to the news. Writers pick only the facts that help back their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth(真相). This is usually the kind of story that gets people thinking. Go to“Speak Out”on Page Two for an example of opinion writing in Teenagers.

Advertisement---Don’t get happy too early when you read them. Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get us interested in their products(产品)! People have to pay to put advertisements in newspapers!

1.The underlined sentence “You just need to make clear what you are looking at.” means that the readers“____”.

A. should understand interesting news stories

B. should know which kind of things to read

C. need to read the school news first

D. must know the contents(内容)of all the news

2.Writers use some facts in opinion writings because they want us ____ them.

A. to understand           B. to remember

C. to agree with          D. to speak out

3.We can not find the facts of an event____.

A. in advertisements        B. in the school news

C. in opinion writing      D. on the front page

4.In the writer’s opinion, we’d better be ____advertisements in newspapers.

A. interested in           B. against

C. worried about           D. careful of

5.This passage mainly discusses how____.

A. reporters write different kinds of news

B. teenagers get interested in newspapers

C. readers can read newspapers in better ways

D. readers can deal with(应付)different kinds of news in newspapers


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了作者是如何讲述报纸上不同的新闻内容的. 1.B句意猜测题。联系下文描述,可知这句话的意思是你应该知到你读的是那种东西,故选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据文中信息Writers pick only the facts that help back their ideas. They make readers believe that they are telling the truth(真相). 可知作者这样做是为了让读者同意他们的观点,故选C。 3.A推理判断题。根据短文最后一段描述,可知作者认为在广告找中不到一个事件的事实,故选A。 4.D推理判断题。根据短文最后一段描述,可知作者认为在读广告时,一定要加小心,不要高兴地太早, 故选D。 5.C主旨大意题。这篇短文主要介绍了报纸上的不同种类的新闻。 以及作者讲述如何才能更好的阅读这些新闻,故选C. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读


Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet(西藏). Our legs were so heavy and cold that       felt like big pieces of ice (冰). Have you seen snowmen ride bicycles? That’s what we looked like! Although the way children who were dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late      we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze (结冰). However, the lakes       like glass in the setting sun (夕阳) and looked wonderful.

Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She was in high spirit (兴致高) so I knew I didn’t need to      her. To climb the mountains (高山) was hard work but when we    us, we were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles, and we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. After a while, we began going       the mountains. It was great fun as it slowly became much      . At the foot of the mountains, colorful butterflies flew around us and we saw many sheep eating green grass. Then we had to        our caps, gloves, and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.

In the early evening, we stopped to make camp and then we ate. After supper, Wang Wei went to sleep but I stayed awake. At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so       . There was almost no wind or sound, only the flames(火焰) of our fire. When I       below the stars, I thought about how far we had already travelled.

We will reach Dali in Yunnan soon, and our cousins will join us there. We can hardly wait to see them!

1.A.we             B. you            C. they           D. it

2.A. morning      B. afternoon      C. Evening        D. night

3.A.shine          B. shining        C. Shines        D. shone

4.A.follow        B. encourage     C. help           D. leave

5.A.looked at     B. looked after  C. looked for     D. looked around

6.A. up           B. down          C. around        D. into

7.A.colder         B. drier          C. warmer        D. wetter

8.A.give           B. find          C.chase          D. change

9.A.cloudy        B.foggy           C. noisy          D. quiet

10.A. lie          B. lied          C. lay             D. Lying



--We tried our best, but at last we lost the table tennis match.


A. I’m afraid not.    B. That’s OK.

C. What a pity!        D. Nothing serious.



--- ____is the weather like today?

--- It’s _____.

A. How; cloudy     B. What; cloudy

C. How; cloud     D. What; cloud



--_______David be the new chairperson of the Birdwatching Society ?

--He ________be, but I’m not certain about it.

A. Can; can’t     B. Can; may

C. May; must       D. May; mustn’t



Very few students spent as much time ______ Amy did ______English.

A. like; to learn    B. as; to learn

C. as; learning     D. like; learning



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