满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成句子 1.我认为看电视广告就是浪费时间。 I think watching ...



I think watching TV ads ___________________________________.


I saw them __________________________________________.


I wonder _____________________________________________or not.


_________________________, the better they will behave.


It is special because it’s ___________________________________________.


The advice he gave was of ____________________________that it was worth taking.


1.is just a waste of time 2.waving with flags in their hands 3.whether he has a real gift for acting 4.The more the children are encouraged 5.made up in a modern way 6.such great value to me 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据所给汉语提示此题应填 is just a waste of time。 2.根据所给汉语提示此题应填waving with flags in their hands。 3.根据所给汉语提示此题应填whether he has a real gift for acting。 4.根据所给汉语提示此题应填The more the children are encouraged。 5.根据所给汉语提示此题应填 made up in a modern way。 6. 考点:完成句子


If you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the following things.

Be open to others. Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more comfortable in talks.

Try to smile more. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings, too; and most people don’t like the one with an angry-looking face.

Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games. Don’t waste time worrying about your look or whether people like you or not. You will become relaxed and find it’s not so hard to talk with others.

Take one small step at a time. Each time when you say “Hi!” or smile at someone, say to yourself I can make it.”  Keep trying and one day you’ll be braver when you talk to others.

Title: Advice on 1.__________ to be a little braver



Don’t 2.____the fact.

If you tell people you are shy, they will understand you better.

Smile more.

People will stay 3.____ from an angry-looking face.

Start a conversation with nice 4.____.

People will feel great and want to talk to you.

Pay more attention to ways to enjoy parties or games.

You will become relaxed.

Encourage yourself to say “Hi!” or smile at someone.

Keep doing this and you’ll never talk 5._______ in the future.




1.A big parade was held in China __________(celebrate) the 70th anniversary of the anti-fascist war.

2.What’s the noise? Oh, there are some children ____________ (plan) their coming holiday.

3.I’m sorry that I ____________ (not understand) you, but I do now.

4.As soon as John finishes the job, he _______________ (allow) to have two weeks off.

5.No one in the small town __________ (deal) with such a problem before. They don’t know what to do.

6.---How did the accident happen?

---Oh, I could hardly see anything clearly because it ________________ (rain) hard.

7.Trust me. I __________(keep) it between you and me, I promise. Talk now.

8.-- What is that on the shelf over there?

--It’s a medal. Can you guess when the medal ___________ (present)?




1.We got the chance to meet with local ___________ (music) and listen to them play.

2.That man is far _______________ (wealth) than you think.

3.The firemen _________________ (control) the fire, so all of them were out of danger.

4.With the help of his friends, he has _____________ (success) reached his goal.




1.Can you tell me what the __________(物品) far away look like?

2.Oil pollution is the most ____________(常见的) cause of death for seabirds.

3.I think you should study up  _________(今晚) instead of playing .

4.Don’t make any noise. The machine is __________(录制) now.



In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible(负责任) for social progress. Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it leads to unfriendly relationship between people.

I have taught many children who held the belief that their self-worth depended on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death affairs(事件). The development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.

However, while some seem to be lost in the desire(渴望)to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the common players, they are strongly against competition. Most of them are young people who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society. Teaching these youngsters, I often observe(观察) in them a desire to fail. They seem to find failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: " I may have lost, but it doesn't matter because I really didn't try." What is not usually accepted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure(估量) of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one's self-worth depends on how well one performs in the competition. Both are afraid of not being valued. We can discover a new meaning in competition only as this kind of fear begins to disappear.

1.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. Competition helps to set up self-respect.

B. Opinions about competition are different among people.

C. Competition is harmful to personal quality development.

D. Failures are necessary experience in competition.

2.Why do some people favor(赞同) competition according to the passage?

A. It pushes society forward.

B. It builds up a sense of duty.

C. It improves personal abilities.

D. It encourages efforts.

3.What is the similar belief of the true competitors and those with a desire to fail?

A. One's worth lies in his performance in the competition.

B. One's success in competition needs great efforts.

C. One's achievement is decided by his special skills.

D. One's success is based on how hard he has tried.

4.Which point of view may the author agree to?

A. Every effort should be paid back.

B. Competition should be encouraged.

C. Winning should be a life-and-death matter.

D. Fear of failure should be removed in competition.



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