满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

William Shakespeare was a writer of play...

William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth. He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. They are still popular today.

He was born in England. At school he liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582,he married a farmer’s daughter. She was eight years older than he was. Their first child was a daughter. Later they had twins. In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592.

At twenty-eight, he moved to London and joined a theatre company which opened the Globe Theatre in 1599.He became an actor, and he also wrote plays. He usually acted in his own plays. He made almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. With the money he bought a large house in his hometown.

At the age of forty-nine, Shakespeare retired(退休)and went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died at the age of fifty-two in 1616. He left his money to his family. He left the genius(天才)to the world. You still see his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one of the most famous writers in the world.

1.Shakespeare wrote many famous plays except       .

A. Hamlet

B. Macbeth

C. Romeo and Juliet

D. Man and Superman

2.Shakespeare decided to be an actor in        .

A.1578 B.1582 C.1599 D.1616

3.In 1585,Shakespeare left his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon        .

A. with his wife

B. with his daughter

C. with his wife and children

D. Alone


1.D 2.A 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要讲述了莎士比亚的简短、辉煌的一生。主要介绍了他的人生经历,家庭情况以及留给后人的伟大作品。 1.D细节理解题。根据短文第一段Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth. 可知莎士比亚的作品不包含Man and Superman,故选D。 2.A数字计算题。根据短文第二段He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.和He died at the age of fifty-two in 1616. 可知他应该是在1564年出生的,当他14岁时应该是1578年,故选A。 3.D推理判断题。根据短文第二段In 1585,Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. 可知,他抛妻弃子单独离开了,故选D。 考点:人物传记类短文阅读。


满分5 manfen5.comThere are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book in hand. Of course, with our guide-books we may      the history and special developments of a town and get to know them. But then, if we take our time and stay in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some________which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just        this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets run in this particular (特别的)way, and not in any other way?

满分5 manfen5.comHere even the best guide-book   ________ to tell us. One can’t find in it the information about how a town has developed to the ________ appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的)design of a town. However, one may get some idea of what it ________  to look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine ________ the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town   ________ to develop.

满分5 manfen5.comWhat’s the point of studying towns in the way? For me, I’m sure one can get greater ________ by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes. A personal visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive ________just reading about it in a guide-book.

1.A. write    B. study       C. tell       D. remember

2.A. ideas    B. opinions   C. feelings   D. questions

3.A. of     B. for         C. like       D. as

4.A. fails    B. helps       C. wants     D. prefers

满分5 manfen5.com5.A. old     B. normal      C. first      D. present

满分5 manfen5.com6.A. used    B. seemed      C. had        D. happened

满分5 manfen5.com7.A. what     B. how        C. when       D. where

满分5 manfen5.com8.A. stops    B. appears    C. starts    D. continues

9.A. success  B. pleasure    C. hope     D. suffering

满分5 manfen5.com10.A. from    B. through     C. than       D. with



—You don’t like watching drama series, do you?

      . And I have little time to watch them.

A. Of course, I do     B. No, I don’t

C. Yes, of course not  D. No, I do indeed



  —Could you please tell me       ?

—Yes, she came to teach here just last week.

A. that she is a new teacher

B. when did she come here

C. what is wrong with her

D. whether she is a new teacher



—This history book is of great value.

—Exactly. However,      can be enjoyed from it      you have a deep understanding of it.

A. Something; until    B. Few; till

C. Nothing; unless   D. Little; since



The young man came driving full speed down the road in his car.       it was!

A. How dangerous the scene  B. What dangerous a scene

C. How a dangerous scene    D. What a dangerous scene



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