满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Swimming is very popular in the world. M...

Swimming is very popular in the world. Many people like swimming in summer,even in the other three seasons. Water makes people feel cool and swimming makes people keep healthy.

If you swim in the wrong place,it may not be safe. A lot of people died when they were enjoying themselves in water , and most of them were students,. Now some people are not careful enough in swimming.They often think they can swim so well that nothing will happen to them in water. If you go swimming in summer, don’t forget that a lot of good swimmers have died in water. They died not because they couldn’t swim, but because of their carelessness. Don’t get into water when you are alone. If there is a “No Swimming”sign, don’t swim there. If you remember these , swimming will be safe and enjoyable(舒服的).

1.______ like swimming in summer.

A. Few people         B. Lots of people

C. Only students      D. Only swimmers

2.Swimming can help people ______.

A.keep clean       B. get fat

C. keep healthy     D.feel tired

3.It’s  ______ to  swim in a wrong place.

A.wonderful   B.interesting

C. not safe     D.not careful

4.People died not because they couldn’t swim , but because of their _______.

A. careful       B. carefully

C. carelessness  D.  careless

5.If you go swimming , you shouldn’t ______when you are alone.

A. get into water   B. die in water

C. swim too long  D. swim too badly


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了游泳的好处以及应注意事项。水使人凉爽,游泳使人们保持健康。但是在错误的地方游泳是不安全的。很多人在水中游泳时死去,不是因为他们不会游泳,而是因为他们的粗心。当你一个人时,不要去水里游泳。 1.B细节理解题。根据Many people like swimming in summer,可知在夏天许多人喜欢游泳,故选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据swimming makes people keep fit.可知游泳使人们保持健康。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据If you swim in the wrong place,it may not be safe.可知在错误的地方游泳是不安全的,故选C。 4.C细节理解题。根据They died not because they couldn’t swim, but because of their carelessness.可知他们会死不是因为他们不会游泳,而是因为他们的粗心,故选C。 5.细节理解题。根据Don’t get into water when you are alone.可知当你一个人时,不要去水里游泳,故选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


One of David’s friends loved money very much and       gave anything to anybody. Soon he became        . One day , he had fun       near the river with his friends. Unluckily, he slipped (滑倒) and fell into the river.His friends ran to help him. And one of them held out his hand and said,      me your hand, and I will pull you out.”  The rich man’s head went under the water and then came up again,       he didn’t give his hand. Again another of his friends tried but again the        thing happened. Then David said,         my hand and I will pull you out!” The rich man took his hand and David pulled him        of the water.

“You don’t know our friend very well.” He said to the        . “ When you say ‘give’ to him , he does      , but when you say ‘take’ , he takes at once.”

1.A. always         B. never           C. sometimes   D. not

2.A. good          B. poor         C. rich         D. bad

3.A. walking        B. walks          C. walk          D. walked

4.A. Take           B. Get           C. Hold          D. Give

5.A. but            B. or             C. then          D. and

6.A. different      B. same         C. other       D. worst

7.A. Get           B. Bring           C. Give         D.Take

8.A. from           B. up            C. out           D. down

9.A. other         B. another         C. others        D. ones

10.A. something     B. nothing         C. everything    D. anything



---Thank you for helping me.


A. That’s right        B. You’re welcome

C. It doesn’t matter   D. I agree with you



Peter is my best friend.He often helps me _____ maths.

A.on           B.to           C.for          D.with



I __________ news. They are boring.

A. can’t stand     B. like         C. love         D. don’t mind



Nobody taught _______singing.She just learned it by__________.

A. her;her     B. her;sheself

C.him;himself  D. her;herself



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