满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

All the children expected their parents_...

All the children expected their parents_______them to the cinema on Green Park.

A. take   B. to take     C. takes        D. took


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:所有的孩子期待他们的父母带他们去格林公园的电影院。根据短语expect sb. To do sth.表示期待某人做某事。根据题意故选B。 考点:考查动词短语的辨析。  

They arrived ________Beijing _________the morning of May 10.

A. at, in    B. at, on    C. in, in    D. in, on



She learns a lot ________the educational movie.

A. in     B. at         C. to     D. from



Our teacher was angry with us,and kept us _________.

A.reading     B.to read     C.read  D.to reading



Don’t worry. I’ll try my best ________you.

A. help      B. helping     C. helps     D. to help




1.Bill had many new friends in his new school.

A. a lot      B. enough       C. some      D. Any

2.Thanks for asking me to your party.

A. talking      B. inviting     C. telling      D. Calling

3.Don’t worry, your daughter will be all right soon.

A. sick       B. well    C. happy      D. Good

4.e should say “please” when we want something.

A. get       B. look at        C. look for       D. need

5.It rained cats and dogs yesterday, I got all wet.

A. 下小雨  B. 下倾盆大雨 C. 下雪 D. 下雾



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