满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____,...

Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely

C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:凯特的祖母单独住在房子里,但是她没有感到孤独。alone只是陈述一个客观事实,意思是“独自一人”、“没有同伴或助手”,只用作表语。有时放在名词或代词后,表示“仅仅”、“只有”,可作形容词。 另外,alone 可用作副词,表示“独自地”、“单独地”; lonely 则有浓厚的感情色调,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时所发生的一种悲伤的和忧郁的感情,意思是“孤独”、“寂寞”,作形容词。结合句意,故选C。 考点:考查副词辨析的用法。  

—Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.

—I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you.

A. call on her B. call her on

C. ring up her D. ring her up



My ____ brother is three years ____ than I.

A. elder; elder B. older; older

C. elder; older D. older; elder



—Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.

A. cheer him on B. cheer on him

C. cheer him up D. cheer up him



Jane has to go to see her grandma with her parents, so the can’t go to see Avatar with us.


A. That’s terrible. B. What a pity!

C. She must be sad.  D. You are welcome.



I am not used to the food here. He isn’t, ____.

A. too B. also C. either D. still



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