满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

短文填空 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个...



Tony, Daming, Lingling and Betty are classmates and they go to the same _1.__ every day. Tony lives the __2.__from the school, so he has the longest journey. He goes _3.__ bus. Daming goes on the bicycle so he has __4.__ fastest journey. However, it is the __5.__ dangerous way. Lingling __6._ to school because she lives the closest to the school. _7._ about Betty? She often goes by subway but sometimes she takes the _8._. She doesn’t like the train because it’s the most uncomfortable _9.__. Sometimes she goes _10._ her dad.. Her dad always goes to work by taxi. It’s the most comfortable way!


1.school 2.farthest 3.by 4.the 5.most 6.walks 7.How/What 8.train 9.way 10.with 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中主要介绍几个同学在同一个学校但是他们上学的方式是不同的。 1.句意:他们每天都去相同的学校,根据他们几个是同学,所以去同一个学校。故填school 2.句意:托尼住得离学校最远,所以他有最长的旅行。根据语境可知用最高级。故填farthest。 3.句意:他乘公共汽车去上学。根据短语by bus表示成公共汽车。根据by+交通工具,表示乘坐……交通工具。故填by 。 4.句意:大明骑自行车,因此他有最快的旅程。根据题意可知最高级的前面要加the.。故填the。 5.句意:然而,它是最危险的方式。根据 dangerous是多音节的形容词,其最高级要借助助动词most来构成。故填most。 6.句意:玲玲走着去上学,因为她住的离学校最近。根据短语walk to sw.表示走着去某地。;故填walks。 7.句意:Betty怎么样呢?How/What+名词,表示……怎么样?。故填How/What。 8.句意:她经常乘地铁,但是有时她乘火车。故填train 。 9.句意:他不喜欢火车,因为它是最不舒适的方式。故填way 。 10.。表示和……一起,用介词with.根据题意故填with。 考点:短文填空


1.LiLei likes doing sports . He likes playing almost all the ball games.


2.David likes collecting stamps, and he likes Chinese stamps best.

3.Liu Mei is good at swimming . She thinks that swimming helps people keep fit.


4.Tina is a kind girl . She loves little animals very much.


5.Fiona is very shy . She wants to make more friends but doesn’t know how.

A.Are you too shy to talk to others? Come here. We’ll offer you a good stage to show yourself and make more friends.

B.Are you kind and careful? Do you love little animals? Come and share with us how you take care of your pets.

C. Do you like writing? Or do you have problems in writing? Come to our club and enjoy writing.

D. Are you a stamp collector? We have many stamps, and recently we get a set of Chinese stamps. We like to share them with you.

E.Are you a poem lover? Come to join us . Let’s enjoy the wonderful poems together.

F.Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to keep fit? Come to swim with us.

G.You can play any ball games you like in our club. We are all ball-game fans. Come to play ball games with us.



The aim (目的) of students who come to school is to study. But studying requires (需要) a right way, or you waste either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.

The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear. For that reason, we can get good results (结果).

In studying we must have patience (耐心). If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We shouldn’t read the next one till we have understood the first one.

When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.

We must always ask “whys”. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers, parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we’ve leaned can be used well and made better.

Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned (提到的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.

1.The passage tells us ______.

A. the importance of reading

B. to read in the morning

C. to pay attention to the ways of studying

D. to have patience in studying

2.The passage has taught us ______ ways of studying.

A. three    B. four    C. five    D. many

3.We’d better read in the morning because ______.

A. it’s easy to remember what we have learned

B. the air is fresh and the mind is clear

C. it’s difficult to get good results

D. both A and C

4.If we can’t put our hearts into the book when we read, it is ______.

A. easy to understand it well

B. better to get something from it

C. impossible (不可能)for us to get something from it

D. possible (可能) to learn something from it

5.In studying we must always ask “whys” in order to ______.

A. understand the book well

B. write down the questions

C. do with the new words

D. get some questions to ask our teachers



Millie is a little girl who is at the age of nine. She is a pupil in a primary school. She works hard at her subjects. In class, she takes an active part in all kinds of activities. She looks smarter than her classmates.

One day, she was doing her homework after supper as usual. Her father was not in. Her mother was taking a shower in the bathroom. After she finished her homework, Millie asked her mother to check it for her, but her mother didn’t answer her. A few minutes later, her mother was still in the bathroom. Millie felt strange. She knocked at the door. But her mother had no answer. She pushed the door open and found her mother lying on the floor. At the same time, she smelled something terrible. It was the gas. She quickly opened the window, turned off the gas and called 120 and 110 for help. Soon some doctors and policemen came and sent her mother to the nearest hospital. Her mother was saved at last.

Why did the little girl know how to do that? That was because she had learned how to save herself and others in danger in school.

1.Although Millie is ______, we should learn from her.

A. a primary school pupil

B. a college student

C. a nineteen-year-old girl

D. a middle school student

2.What was her mother doing while Millie was doing her homework?

A. She was shopping.

B. She was working.

C. She was taking a shower.

D. She was watching TV.

3.Why didn’t her mother answer her?

A. Because she was angry.

B. Because there’s something wrong with her mother.

C. Because she wasn’t at home.

D. Because she is busy doing the housework.

4.The accident happened ______.

A. in Millie’s home                 B. in the cinema

C. in a hospital                      D. in a school

5.We should be ______ like Millie when we are in danger.

A. brave and calm                    B. shy and afraid

C. worried and frightened           D. kind and strange




阅读下面文,掌其大意然后从题所给的 A, B, C 项中出最佳项,并将答案填涂在对应的答题卡上

Australia is the greatest (最大的) island in the world . It is much ____than China. It is in the ____ of the Earth. So when it is ____ summer in China, it is cold winter in Australia.

Australia is big , but the population there is ____. The population of Australia ____ the same as that of Shanghai, a city in China.

Australia is famous ____ its ____ and kangaroos. After a short drive from any town, you will find ____ in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, ____ are sheep. Have you ever seen (你曾经见过) a kangaroo ? It has a “bag” in its body. The ____ kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the “bag”. It is very interesting, isn’t it?

1.A. smaller   B. the smaller    C. small         D. a smaller

2.A. north     B. west           C. south         D. east

3.A. warm    B. hot          C. cold          D. cool

4.A. small     B. more           C. much         D. big

5.A. am      B. is            C. are           D. be

6.A. for       B. as            C. about         D. from

7.A. horses    B. cats           C. bears         D. sheep

8.A. you      B. yourself      C. your        D. yours

9.A. there     B. where         C. somewhere   D. everywhere

10.A. girl     B. son            C. father        D. mother



—Our family are travelling to Hong Kong for holidays.

-- ____________!

A. OK                 B. See you later.

C. Have a good time   D. Take care.



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