满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The film brings the good cadre (干部) Jiao...

The film brings the good cadre (干部) Jiao Yulu ______ on screen.

A. live    B. alive   C. lively  D. lovely


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这部电影把好干部焦裕禄活生生的带到了银屏上。A. Live活着的;B. Alive活着的;C. Lively活跃的;D. Lovely可爱的。根据题意故选B。 考点:考查形容词的辨析。  

---- How do you like the talk show ?

-----I think it’s _________,but some people think it’s so __________.

A. wonderful enough; bored

B. enough wonderful; boring .

C. wonderful enough; boring

D. wonderfully enough; boring



--I called you several times this morning, but you didn't answer.

--Sorry. I ______ tennis the whole morning.

A. play              B. is playing

C. played             D. was playing



My sister has a gift ____ music.

A. on        B. for       C. with       D. in




假设你是Amy Chen , 初到Churchill Language School学习, 现在请给你的朋友洋洋发一封80字左右的email, 告诉他:外教, 同学及你的英语学习情况。 其中包括以下内容: (开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

1 你的同学乐于助人, 老师很友好,但非常严格 (be strict with sb )

2 虽然你曾学过英语, 但听力和口语还是较弱。

3.为了提高你的英语水平,你采取了一些方法 (请写出至少3种).

4. 现在你的英语水平有很大提高.

Dear Yangyang,

I have studied English in Churshill Language School for a week. _______________________




I hope I will talk with you in English when I come back home.

Best wishes.                                                    Yours

Amy Chen





Tony, Daming, Lingling and Betty are classmates and they go to the same _1.__ every day. Tony lives the __2.__from the school, so he has the longest journey. He goes _3.__ bus. Daming goes on the bicycle so he has __4.__ fastest journey. However, it is the __5.__ dangerous way. Lingling __6._ to school because she lives the closest to the school. _7._ about Betty? She often goes by subway but sometimes she takes the _8._. She doesn’t like the train because it’s the most uncomfortable _9.__. Sometimes she goes _10._ her dad.. Her dad always goes to work by taxi. It’s the most comfortable way!



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