满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Excuse me, sir.But your bike gets the ...

— Excuse me, sir.But your bike gets     the way of my car.
— Sorry.I didn’t see your car.
A. in      B. at      C. on      D. inside


A 【解析】考查介词辨析。句意:-对不起,先生,你的自行车挡了我的小车的道了。-对不起,我没有看到你的车。Get in the way of挡……的道。故选A。  

Bing Xin is famous ________children’s works.
A. in      B. about      C. for      D. as



— The 20th World Cup     in Brazil, right?
— Yes.It     this summer.
A. held; took place

B. was held; was taken place

C. held; was taken place

D. was held; took place



— If the Japanese football team had a match with the German football team, which do you think would win?
— The German team would win without any     .It’s a much better team.
A. hope          B. secret

C. interest      D. doubt



To plan your time better, you can make a     of the things you need to do first.
A. list       B. project

C. number      D. lot



—Can you tell me _______ to London?
— Sure.Next month.
A. when you will travel

B. when will you travel

C. when you traveled

D. when did you travel:



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