满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空 I’m old, but I can still win (赢) ma...


I’m old, but I can still win (赢) many table tennis games. And you will be surprised (惊讶的) when you know my     . I am 105 years old! People say not     people can live so long. They often ask me     I can keep healthy at 105. I think it’s natural (自然的). Everyone can live to 105 if they eat healthily and     .

First of all, I think     is very important. I often have milk and bread for breakfast at about 7:00 a.m. Milk and bread give me energy. So I don’t often feel     in the morning. I     eating snacks. I don’t think they are healthy. I have some rice and vegetables for lunch and supper. I don’t eat meat. And     meals, I usually have an apple or a banana. People say an apple a day     the doctor away.

I do some exercise, too. I don’t think I am so old. I play table tennis or badminton with my grandson (孙子) every day. I feel I am young. Do you want     young forever (永远)? I am sure you can if you have a good lifestyle. Just look at me.

1.A. age           B. name          C. address          D. health

2.A. some          B. any            C. many            D. few

3.A. what          B. when           C. where            D. how

4.A. play games    B. get up late    C. eat some meat    D. do some exercise

5.A. lunch         B. breakfast     C. supper           D. dinner

6.A. happy       B. sad            C. hungry          D. old

7.A. enjoy         B. love           C. like             D. hate

8.A. at            B. between        C. for              D. in

9.A. takes        B. keeps        C. invites          D. leaves

10.A. are          B. be            C. being           D. to be


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中一个105岁的老人告诉了我们他是如何保持健康的,虽然他很老了,但是他仍然打乒乓球,他觉得如果我们吃得健康,并且多做运动,我们都可以长寿。 1.A考查名词辨析及语境的理解。句意:当你知道我的年龄的时候,你一定会很惊讶。age 年龄;name名字;address 地址;health健康。根据下句话I am 105 years old!可知,这里是说当我们知道作者的年龄的时候会感到惊讶,故选A。 2.C考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:人们都说并不是太多的人们能活这么长。some 一些,用于肯定句中;any 一些,用于否定句或疑问句中;many 很多;few少,几乎没有。根据文意可知,105岁是一个很长寿的年龄,很少人能活这么长,故应选C。 3.D考查疑问词及语境的理解。句意:他们经常问我我是如何在105岁的年龄上还能保持健康的。what 什么;when 什么时候;where 在哪里;how如何,怎样。根据句意可知,人们想知道作者怎样保持健康的,故应选D。 4.D考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:如果人们能吃得健康,并且做一些运动,每个人都能活到105岁。play games 玩游戏;get up late 起床晚;eat some meat 吃一些肉;do some exercises做一些运动。根据文意可知,要保持健康,能长寿,应该要做运动,故选D。 5.B考查名词及语境的理解。句意:首先,我认为早饭是很重要的。lunch 午饭;breakfast 早饭;supper 晚饭;dinner晚饭,正餐。根据下句话I often have milk and bread for breakfast...可知,这里作者说的是早饭,故应选B。 6.C考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:牛奶和面包给我能量,因此在上午我不会感觉饿。happy 开心的,快乐的;sad 伤心的;hungry饿的;old老的。根据句意可知,因为早餐提供了能量,所以不会感觉饿,故应选C。 7.D考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:我讨厌吃零食。enjoy 喜欢;love 爱,喜欢;like 喜欢;hate讨厌。根据下句话I don’t think they are healthy可知,作者觉得零食不健康,可见他不喜欢吃零食,故应选D。 8.B考查介词及语境的理解。句意:在两餐饭之间,我通常会吃一个香蕉或苹果。at 在具体时刻或地点;between 在……和……之间;for 为了,因为;in在……里面。根据文意可知,这里作者说的是在两顿饭之间的时候,吃水果,故应选B。 9.B考查动词及语境的理解。句意:人们都说:一天一苹果,医生远离我。keep 使,保持,动词原形;keeps 第三人称单数形式;to keep 动词不定式;keeping现在分词。根据句意可知,这里填的是该句的谓语动词,并且主语an apple是单数,故选B。 10. 考点:保健类短文。

---Today I’ll go to the zoo with my parents. ---_____________

A. Yes, pleasure.    B. Have a nice day.

C. What a good day.  D. Good idea.



Look! The young girl is dressing up __________ an old man _______ a black coat.

A. as; of      B. in; as      C. as; in      D. in; of



I’ll try to _________ who broke the window.

A. find   B. find out C. look for  D. look at



If you want to enjoy your life better, you should eat _____ meat and exercise_____

A little, more        B. more, less

C. less, more          D. less, much



There is _____________ sheep at the foot of the hill.

A.  few          B.  a few         C. a little             D.  Little



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