满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When Brody Roybal was a baby, he didn’t ...

When Brody Roybal was a baby, he didn’t have legs. But that didn’t make him feel sad or stop him from trying sports.

He tried different kinds of sports. When he tried sled hockey(雪橇曲棍球) at the age of 7, he loved it.

That was it,” says Roybal. He is now 15 and a student in a high school in Chicago. It’s all I wanted to do.”

Roybal joined a sled hockey team. At the age of 12, he started playing in an adult(成人) team. It was much harder for him, but he still worked hard.

Now Roybal is a player of the sled hockey team in his country.

O’ Connor, manager of the team, says Roybal is very good. Everybody dreams of going to the Olympic Games and winning the game,” O’ Connor says. That’s something that I couldn’t do, but Roybal can. He is lucky and he can go to the next Olympics.”

It’s true that when God closes a door, he opens a window for you.

1.What’s the problem of Roybal?

A.He has no legs.

B.He has no arms.

C. He can’t see.

D. He hurt his left leg.

2.Roybal began playing in the adult team when he was ____________.

A. 7            B. 8           C. 12           D. 15

3.From the passage we know Roybal is a ___________ boy.

A. lively       B.kind        C.hard-working     D.sad

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. The Olympic Games

B.Different kinds of sports

C. A Best Sled Hockey Team

D. A Special Sled Hockey Player


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文介绍了一个特殊的雪橇曲棍球队员罗伊鲍尔。他在婴儿时就没有了腿。但这并没有使他感到悲伤或阻止他尝试运动。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文开头When Brody Roybal was a baby, he didn’t have legs.可知布洛迪罗伊鲍尔是一个婴儿时就没有腿。所以该选A。 2.C细节理解题。根据第四段中Roybal joined a sled hockey team. At the age of 12, he started playing in an adult(成人) team.可知罗伊鲍尔在12岁时,他就参加了成人雪橇冰球队。所以该选C。 3.C细节理解题。细读短文可知罗伊鲍尔是一个非常勤奋的人,所以该选C。 4. 考点:故事类短文阅读。


Getting to places can sometimes be difficult, especially (特别)when you are going to a place for the _________time .

In big cities , many people take buses , trains or subways to get from________to another .Taking buses is a popular ________  to go somewhere .But you need to know________bus to take and where you can get on .You _________need to be able to read the timetable right ,so you can take the right bus and ________ your place on time .At last, you need to know _________to get off and_________the driver the name of the station.

In the countryside, transportation can be much simpler.In some places, people get to school or work__________boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school .In ________places, students walk to school.

1.A. first       B. second   C.third        D. fourth

2.A.one place B.the place   C. places      D. the places

3.A. ways       B.way        C. answer    D. answers

4.A. what        B. where    C. which     D.why

5.A.too          B. as well    C.also       D.either

6.A. get to      B. arrive     C. reach in    D. arrive to

7.A. why        B. where    C. when       D. how

8.A. say       B. talk       C.speak       D. tell

9.A. on         B. in        C. by         D. at

10.A. other    B. others    C. another   D.else




2014年10月28日上午,滨海港10万吨级码头开港试航,滨海人民从此进入了大港时代。小明上星期日去参观了滨海港。请帮助小明根据下表中的记录的要点,以“A trip to Binhai Port (港口) ”为题, 写一篇80词左右的英语短文, 介绍他的滨海港之旅。必须包括全部要点,并作适当发挥。


28 October, 2014


Binhai Port


my English teacher and some of my classmates

What to do

meet at the school gate at eight o’clock, take a bus there

watch the ships sailing

take photos, take a boat trip

have some sea food for lunch

come back home later in the afternoon


满分5 manfen5.com


A trip to Binhai Port

Binhai Port was open to shipping for the first time on October 28, 2014.

I had an unforgettable trip to Binhai Port last Sunday.




I hope you can have a trip there soon, too. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.





My Cousin would like                                  when he grows up.


British students                                     for summer holiday than Chinese students.


Kate always                                                         .

4.Suzy 和我都着迷于DIY。

Not only Suzy                                                        .


I’ll keep on trying                                                   !




Suzy’s cousin Andrew loves DIY. He loves to r  1.   things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looks t  2.   .

He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a m 3.  . Then his whole house had a power c  4.  . Another time, he hit a pipe when he put up a picture and the house is filled w  5.  water.

Last month, he p  6. his living house blue. His mum told him to stop, but he kept on painting. Now e 7.  is blue, even his cat is blue too.

When Suzy wanted a shelf above her bed, Andrew o 8. some help to put up the shelf. But the books couldn’t stay there because one end of the shelf was much h  9.  than the other. Yet, Andrew says he already knows everything a  10. DIY.




1.How long did you spend            (cut) out these pieces of cards?

2.Zhou Libo often shares his joy with us and makes us            (laugh).

3.We couldn’t wait            (get) off the bus when we arrived at the park.

4.You’d better            (finish) your homework by yourself.

5.My teachers advise me            (not play) too many computer games.



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