满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

翻译句子 根据所给提示完成下列句子。 1. 作为一个医生,你再怎么细心也不为过。...



1. 作为一个医生,你再怎么细心也不为过。

As a doctor, you                        .

2. 黄色是太阳的颜色,因此它能使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的一天。

Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it                   a warm sunny day.


At that moment, the little girl                  ask for her mother’s help.


Through hard work, he                 a scholarship last year.

5. 她问我能不能帮助她。

She asks                             .


1.can’t be too careful 2.can remind you of 3.had no choice but to 4.succeeded in getting 5.if / whether I can help her 【解析】 试题分析: 1.本题考查固定短语can’t be too careful(再怎么细心也不为过)。 2.本题考查固定短语remind sb of(使某人想起)。 3.本题考查固定短语had no choice but to(除……外没有办法)。 4.本题考查固定短语succeeded in getting(成功地获得)。 5.宾语从句if / whether I can help her (我能不能帮助她)。 考点:汉译英。


Li Na is a Chinese professional (职业的) tennis player. She was b  1.   on February 26, 1982 in Wuhan, Hubei. At the a  2.    of six, Li Na started playing tennis, following her father’s footsteps. She j  3.    China’s national tennis team in 1997 and from then on she became a professional tennis player.

A 4.  the end of 2002, she left the national tennis team to study at a u 5.   . In 2004, Li Na returned to the national t 6.   . And in 2006, Jiang Shan became her personal coach.

Her p  7.   moment came in 2011. In the 2011 French Open, Li Na won Women’s Singles, becoming the f  8.   player from an Asian country to win a Grand Slam in singles. In 2014 she w  9.   the Grand Slam singles final again in the Australian Open. She is the top tennis p  10.   in the world.




1.Can I find a place to have my new phone              (repair)? It doesn’t work.

2.Zhou Enlai devoted all of his time to             (work) for our country and people.

3.The boy decided to get his football coach         (change) his mind by working hard.

4.Are you crazy about           (play) football?

5.Green can make you              (feel) energetic.




1.Blue can also represent          (sad).

2.Her             (decide) to give up learning English made us very surprised.

3.Tom’s father was very angry about his             (care).

4.You will find this book quite              (value) after reading it.

5.If you answer the question              (correct), you will get a gift.




1.I think         (语法) is the most difficult part in English study.

2.Columbus(哥伦布)        (发现) America Continent in 1492.

3.We never         (怀疑) that they can learn English well through their hard work .

4.Lily got full         (分数) in English test because of her hard work.

5.It’s time for the player to drink to his          (胜利).



任务型阅读 阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。

Some people believe that your nationality(国籍) can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “She is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.

French  French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.

Chinese  Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.

Australians  Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.

Germans  Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans are not humorous.

All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German who is a confident singer with a great sense of humor, or an Australian who is shy and quiet!

1.   and Nationalities


People from a certain country   2.     certain similar characteristics.



Romantic and    3.   ;

Love life, food and wine;

Good singers and   4.   ;


Friendly, hard-working and polite;

Afraid of     6.    face” before others;


Like to stay outdoors, enjoy a   7.   life;

Merry people, 8.  a lot, sometimes loud and rude;


Pay attention to    9.  ;

Serious and careful, not   10.   ;


Nationalities may influence personalities, but not for all!



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