满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

单词拼写 根据句意及首字母补全单词 1.There is a “s” in th...

单词拼写 根据句意及首字母补全单词

1.There is a         “s” in the word “desk”.

2.Joe eats lots of hamburgers. I don’t think they are h       food.

3.My father only w       table tennis matches on TV.

4.Liu Xiang is a s           star.

5. B           is the first meal of a day.


1.an 2.healthy 3.watches 4.sports 5.Breakfast 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:在desk这个单词里有一个s.因为字母s是以元音音素开头的单词,故用an。 2.句意:Joe吃许多汉堡包,我认为它们是不健康的食物。因为空格后有名词,所以这里应该用形容词,故用healthy。 3.句意:我的父亲仅仅在电视上看乒乓球比赛。因为句子的主语father是第三人称单数,所以动词用单数形式,故用watches。 4.句意:刘翔是一个体育明星。sports体育,这里作定语来修饰后面的名词,故用sports 5.句意:早饭是一天中的第一顿饭。根据常识可知早饭是第一顿饭,故用Breakfast 考点:单词拼写。


My name 1.    Jim Moore. I live   2.   England. There are  3.   people in my family---my father, my mother, my sister    4.  I. We get up very early every morning. We have breakfast at home. We have milk, eggs and some bread    5.   breakfast. My sister and I are   6.   . We are in the same school. My sister and I have lunch at school. My sister    7.  noodles and vegetables for lunch. I have hamburgers, rice and French fries for lunch. My father and mother   8.   workers.   9.   have lunch in the factory. They have rice, meat and    10. drinks for lunch. We have fish, rice and salad for supper.



Tom, Bill and Dave lost their backpacks. They are at the lost and found case. The backpacks are the same (一样的), but the things in them are different. Can you help them find the right(正确的) backpack?

Tom: I have a math book and a pencil case in my backpack. There are three pencils, a pen and an eraser in the pencil case.

Bill: I have a Chinese dictionary, a math book and two notebooks in my backpack.

Dave: There are two CDs, three picture books in my backpack. My English book is also in it.

1.The three boys lost their         .

A. pens       B. backpacks

C. keys       D. dictionaries

2.There is a(n)          in Tom’s backpack.

A. pencil case   B. dictionary

C. notebook      D. English book

3.Bill doesn’t have         in his backpack.

A. a math book        B. a pencil case

C. two notebooks       D. a Chinese dictionary

4.       is/are not in Dave’s backpack.

A. Two CDs                   B. Three pencils

C. Three picture books       D. An English book

5.         has/have an eraser.

A. Tom          B. Bill

C. Dave          D. Tom and Dave



Sonia has a sports collection. She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. She plays tennis every day she is in the school tennis club.

Susan also has a sports collection. She has five baseballs, six volleyballs, three ping-pong bats and many ping-pong balls. Oh, she also has two soccer balls. But she doesn’t play sports. She only watches them.

Sandy doesn’t play sports, and she doesn’t have balls.

1.Sonia and Susan have           volleyballs.

A. 4             B. 6           C. 10           D. 12

2.Sonia plays           every day.

A. ping-pong        B. tennis

C. baseball         D. soccer

3. Susan doesn’t have a         .

A. volleyball     B. basketball

C. baseball      D. ping-pong ball

4.       has/have two soccer balls.

A. Susan    B. Sonia

C. Sandy      D. Susan and Sonia

5.—Does Suan play sports?


A.Yes ,she does.      B.No,she doesn’t.

C.Yes,she doesn’t    D.No,she does.




My name is Wu Ping. I usually have(吃) two meals(餐)   ________  day—lunch and dinner. I don’t have ________ . I    ________ lunch at a restaurant(餐馆). I ________ hamburgers, pears   ________   a banana for   ________  . After lunch, I   ________   with my friends. And we have ________  together(一起). For dinner I like an    ________ ,chicken and salad. After ________I always have a walk .

1.A. a            B. an       C. /            D. the

2.A. lunch       B. dinner     C. breakfast   D. meals

3.A. do           B. have      C. make        D. am

4.A. has          B. eats       C. see          D. like

5.A. and        B. or         C. with        D. have

6.A. breakfast  B. dinner    C. them         D. it

7.A. have        B. play       C. eat         D. drinks

8.A. breakfast    B. lunch     C. dinner      D. them

9.A. egg       B. pear      C. banana      D. apples

10.A. lunch       B.breakfast   C.dinner       D.  \



My coat is white, but this _____ is blue.

A. it                B. one                   C.coats



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